2021-05-01 College Signing Day 【Aiden in English】 〖At Penn, learning and growth happen outside of the classrooms, too. How will you explore the community at Penn? Consider how this community will help shape your perspective and identity, and how your identity and perspective will help shape this community. (150-200 words)〗
In high school, I enjoyed spearheading an Investment Conference to provide more financial literacy to other students. At Wharton, I would continue to explore this interest with Penn International Impact Consulting (PIIC). Like the Investment Conference, this organization dedicates itself to helping others, though on a global level. As a student-created club that travels the world to aid social businesses in developing regions, PIIC is the perfect next step for me. In addition to teaching me about other cultures worldwide and broadening my perspective, it would allow me to create social impact and change with my work. As Investment Club President, I’ve frequently brought up unique ideas among my peers and friends and listened to their own, attributes that I believe will transfer well into my role at PIIC. PIIC will not only further my abilities but also serve as a method by which I can make positive changes in the world. 【红霞译】 〖即使在宾大课外,学生依旧不断学习和成长,那么你将如何探索宾大社区?试想该社区将如何帮助塑造你的未来和个性,而你的个性和未来又如何帮助塑造该社区。(150-200字)〗 在高中,我热衷主办投资会议,藉之为同学们提供更多的金融知识;在沃顿商学院,我将与宾大国际影响力咨询公司一起继续拓展这种爱好。如同投资会议目的所在,该组织致力于在全球范围内为他人提供帮助。一个由学生创建的社团面向世界,帮助发展中地区社会性企业,宾大国际影响力咨询公司将带我进入未来世界,除了教我了解世界各地文化之外,定将拓宽我的视野,让我在发展自身的基础上造福社会。在担任投资俱乐部主席期间,我经常在同行和朋友中发表独特见解的同时悉心听取他们的意见,相信今后能在宾大国际影响力咨询公司发挥自己的特长。宾大国际影响力咨询公司不仅有助于提高我个人能力,而且将是我为世界做贡献的推动力量。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015 Seasonal Allergies(季节性过敏) 2014: Fifth Grade Stage Performance(五年级舞台表演) 2010: 春的承诺,情的守候(Promise in Spring) 2009: 听妈妈讲过去的事情(Mom's Past Stories) College Signing Day (大学签约日 05/01/2021)
Crosslink(相关博文): 12th Grade(高中四年级) |