【Aiden in English】
I have always loved snorkeling. You'll know that by now if you've read about my adventures in the Galapagos Islands. Yet today, in Cozumel Mexico, the snorkeling experience wasn't as fascinating as I hoped. We were unprepared. Mom bought me a snorkeling set back in the US. However, it was far too large. Water leaked through the plastic and into my eyes. My mouth had many cuts because my orthodontic braces and saltwater with cuts didn't taste good either. It's not something you want to have together with salt and eyes. So, instead of caring about what fish was swimming underneath me, I rubbed my eyes while they got stung like a crazy boulder. Then, I decided to enjoy the other options. Speaking of different options, I meant the Sea Lion Show. A group of four sea lions (Luna, Rocky, Elena, Eugene) and a trainer put on an exotic show by doing tricks to singing (cracking) to us (in our faces). It became my favorite part of the wonderfully assembled performance when Elena leaped out of the water and clapped her flippers. In addition, Elena has rewarded a handful of fish. You can't come to Mexico and not learn about the Maya, particularly the Aztecs. They were the conquerors who crushed and enslaved neighboring tribes in Mesoamerica until the Spanish arrived. Hernán Cortés led the Spanish against the Aztecs. A huge reason why the Aztecs didn't destroy Hernán was that he looked like a god with a large beard. What a "handsome" god! Therefore, they provided the best food and kept him comfortable. On the other hand, Hernán exploited this advantage and took the Aztecs by surprise. And so was the end of the mighty Aztecs. The Aztecs weren't the only famous tribe in Mexico. At Chankanaab NP, Mom and I toured a miniature archeological site of Mayan Ruins and had a history lesson. The Maya calendar brought my attention to a year of 19 months. Each month had 20 days. The 19th month had only five days, which became the holy week. How did they accomplish that? I don't know. No trip is ever perfect like today, for example. But all you should do is wait and don't be in a depressed mood. Good things will happen at last. As much as I had fun, Cozumel is indeed a melting pot for virtually anyone who would like to discover its natural beauty and enjoy a variety of cultural history in addition to authentic tequila-distilled beverages. 【红霞译】 我一直爱好潜水,如果你读过我写的厄瓜多尔巨龟群岛游记,你就会明白我所说的意思。然而,今天在墨西哥科苏梅尔(意指“燕岛”)潜水却不尽人意。
怪我们事先准备不足,临行前妈妈虽给我买了一套潜水装置,但到用的时候才发觉太大,好看不好使,海水沿着塑料边缘渗进眼睛,我的嘴巴本来就因为矫形牙箍而被戳得千疮百孔,海水冲刷伤口的滋味并不好受,海水浸渍眼球的滋味同样也相当遭罪。如此一来,我哪里顾得上环视身下川流不息的鱼群,不停地揉搓眼睛,感觉眼睛好像被疯狂的巨石打磨过一样刺痛。 没辙儿,我只好选择其它活动,这里所说的选择,无非就是海狮表演,名叫月亮、岩石、阳光、高贵等四只海狮在一名训练员的带领下为我们(贴在我们脸上)引吭高歌(呲呲牙咧咧嘴),将整个演出推向高潮,这场表演组合绝妙,尤其当阳光从水中跳出拍打自己的蹼掌,令我难以忘怀,阳光海狮为此还被犒劳了一把小鱼。 你来墨西哥不可能不去了解玛雅文化,特别是白地人部落,他们英勇好战,一度主宰中美洲地区,直到西班牙人出现,由西班牙殖民大军终于推翻了土著统治,白地人起初为何没干掉征服者,其主要原因在于他长有全腮胡酷似上帝,多么”英俊“的上帝啊﹗白地人供奉美酒佳肴,对他毕恭毕敬,而征服者却利用当地人对他的崇拜,出其不意地消灭了白地人,并从此扭转他们一统天下的局面。
当然除了白地人之外,墨西哥还有其他不少著名部落,到访泻湖国家公园时,我和妈妈参观了微型玛雅遗址考古景地,现场接受历史教育。玛雅历法令我耳目一新,它将一年设为十九个月,每一个月分为廿天,第十九月仅有五天,而这五天全都是宗教节日,至于他们凭什么这样设计,我无从得知。 世上没有任何旅游完美无缺,就拿今天而言同样如此,但只要你稍安毋躁,没有采取消极态度,最终一切都会朝好的方面转化,况且燕岛是一个名副其实的大熔炉,在品尝正宗道地的龙舌兰酒蒸馏饮料之余,你不仅能够发掘出自然之美,而且还可享受到丰富多采的历史文化。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: 特拉华州开阔湾(Rehoboth Bay, Delaware) 2012: Tennis Camp(网球夏令营)
San Miguel (斗士长城)
San Miguel Port (斗士长港)
Carnival Cruiselines Dock & Pier (嘉年华游轮停泊码头 08-04-2014)
Chankanaab NP (泻湖国家公园)
Chankanaab NP (泻湖国家公园 08-04-2014)
Cozumel Cruise Terminal (燕岛邮轮码头)
Cozumel Cruise Terminal (燕岛邮轮码头 08-04-2014)
Cabana Beach (木屋海滩 08-04-2014)
Snorkeling (潜水 08-04-2014)
Mayan Calendar (玛雅日历 08-04-2014)
Mayan Temple (玛雅寺庙)
Aztecs (白地人 08-04-2014)
Mayan (玛雅人)
Tequila Village (龙舌兰酒村 08-04-2014)
Courtyard of Tequila Village (龙舌兰酒村·庭院 08-04-2014)
Barrels @ Tequila Village (龙舌兰酒村·酒桶 08-04-2014)
Souvenir Shop @ Tequila Village (龙舌兰酒村·礼品店 08-04-2014)
Home-Made Tortilla Chips (手工玉米片 08-04-2014)
Deck @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—甲板 08-04-2014) Deck @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—甲板 08-04-2014)
Sea Lion Show (海狮秀)
Sea Lion (海狮)
Crab (螃蟹)
Lizard (蜥蜴)
Ginger Tree (姜树) Ginger Flower (姜花) Crosslinks(相关博文): Mexico(出游墨西哥)
Ecuador(出游厄瓜多尔) 航游加勒比海(Caribbean)