【Aiden in English】
Turkey's mosques are huge and spectacular. There is a great variety of them in Istanbul, where Muslims worship and pray. The Blue Mosque, or Sultanahmet Camii in Turkish, has become one of the most exquisite paradigms ever since it was built in the early 17th century and looks absolutely unique in the world. Well, if you haven't noticed, the Blue Mosque is blue, hence the name. The shade of color comes from blue and green Iznik tiles throughout the mosque. The fact that the Blue Mosque neighbors the Hagia Sophia makes it hard to mask, too. The history behind this Muslim house seemed as full and long as the line into it. The mosque was built by the Islamic people, while some mosques used to be Christian or Orthodox churches like the Hagia Sophia. When the religion shifted to Islam in this area, the Muslims tweaked a few things in the churches, and bam! They became mosques afterward. However, the Blue Mosque was original to Islam and featured six minarets, small towers that sprang out of the structure at the corners or empty areas. Yet, what made a fantastic sight was an accident. The Sultan told the architect to build an altar or gold minaret, but gold in Turkish sounded highly close to No. 6 or alti. Therefore, we today have an extraordinary mosque instead of a gold tower that probably would be melted down and sold. A large dome covered with six minarets stands on top of 12 arches, supported by four broad and strong main pillars of marble. Unlike the Hagia Sophia, the floor of the Blue Mosque is laid over with a red carpet. The shoes have to be taken off. The shoulders, knees, and women’s heads must be covered. As its name suggests, the blue color seemed more drastic and spread over the walls and ceilings. The contrast made other colors brighter and more distinct than the dull gold in the Hagia Sophia. The Blue Mosque is still active in service. On Fridays, tourists cannot enter it until after 2 p.m. The Islamic followers prayed five times: early morning, noon, afternoon, early, and late evening. They faced the holiest city of Mecca, the center of the Muslims. The Islamic religion is one of a kind; sometimes, that’s what life needs: a little “one of a kind.” 【红霞译】
土耳其的清真寺巍伟壮观,伊斯坦布尔有着许许多多这样为穆斯林人提供念经祷告的地方,十七世纪初期修造的蓝色清真寺就是其中最为精美的建筑典范,堪称天下无双。 的确,蓝色清真寺带有蓝色,不妨提醒一句,它的名字由此而来。蓝色源于土耳其伊兹尼克蓝绿色瓷砖贴面,加上又与圣索菲亚大教堂为邻,一眼就能认出它来。
不像圣索菲亚大教堂,蓝色清真寺的地面全部铺上红地毯,所有人一律要脱掉鞋子,肩膀不能外露,裙子裤子非得长过膝盖,女人头盖必须包得严严实实。与其名称遥相呼应的是,蓝色主导一切,墙面屋顶无处不在,反倒将其它色彩衬托得比圣索菲亚大教堂死气沉沉的金黄色更加鲜艳明快。 蓝色清真寺至今仍用于宗教活动,每个星期五在下午两点之前游客不得入内。穆斯林教徒每天祈祷五次:早晨、中午、下午、傍晚和入睡前,他们面朝圣城麦加,即穆斯林信仰的核心。由此说来,伊斯兰教确实与众不同,不过有时生活本应多元化。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2015: Istanbul, Topkapi Palace of Turkey(土耳其伊斯坦布尔·炮门皇宫) 2015: Istanbul, the Basilica Cistern TUR(土耳其伊斯坦布尔·地下水宮)
2014: YMCA Camp—Video Games(基督教青年会营视频游戏) 2013: 雅虎箱被盗(YHOO Email Hacked)
Overlook of Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul (伊斯坦布尔“繁荣之门”城·鸟瞰蓝色清真寺)
Cupola Dome, Semi-Dome & Apse @ Blue Mosque (蓝色清真寺·冲天炉圆顶半圆顶与后殿)
Sultan Ahmed Mosque (蓝色清真寺 06-26-2015) No Shoes w/ Shoulders, Knees, Women’s Heads Covered (脱鞋光脚、肩膀不能外露、裙裤过膝、女人包头)
> 200 Stained Glass Windows w/ Intricate Designs Admitting Natural Light Assisted by Chandeliers (复杂设计的200多个彩色玻璃窗自然采光及枝形吊灯照明)
5 Main Domes, 6 Minarets, & 8 Secondary Domes (五个主要圆顶,六个宣礼塔和八个次要圆顶)
Main Dome & Blue Tiles (主要圆顶和蓝色瓷砖)
Mihrab (朝拜墙)
Prayer Area (祷告区) The Upper Area w/ about 20,000 Hand-Painted Glazed Ceramics in 60 Different Tulip Patterns (上部区域装饰大约有20,000种手绘釉瓷和60种郁金香图案)
Decorations w/ Verses from the Qur'an (《古兰经》经文装饰)
Handmade İznik Style Ceramic Tiles (伊兹尼克式手工瓷砖)
4 Marble Columns w/ 5 m in Diameter (四根直径五米的大理石柱) Gateway to the Courtyard (通往庭院的大门) Crosslinks(相关博文): Turkey(出游土耳其)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 6th Grade(初中一年级)