2014-06-27 【Aiden in English】
The new generation of kids is born with something horrible: video games. So bad that kids at camp even carry phones and game consoles around. What happens if I see them play games? I follow and watch them as they have fun. That becomes a massive problem in the 21st century. Young people care more about video games than friends and life. Whenever someone turns on their phone, kids are immediately absorbed into gaming. It looks as if they come out of all relations with others. The worst part is that it's so addicting. No one can resist the temptation to play, and I lose myself in video games all the time. It's so fun, and watching others play is enjoyable yet time-consuming. The power of video games is so incredible that all people enjoy them. They might be fun, but they also like something that is addictive. And not all fun things are good in this world. 【红霞译】
自打出世以来,新一代少年儿童早与万恶的视频游戏结下不解之缘,试想一下,小朋友们怀揣手机和游戏机来到夏令营影响多不好,而如果我看到同伴玩游戏结果会怎样呢﹖我肯定紧随其后,目不转睛地注视游戏动向,这已成为廿一世纪极其严重的普遍问题。年轻人在视频游戏上投注过多精力,而鲜少去结交朋友关心生活。每当身边有人打开手机,大家便一窝蜂地围观起来,共同沉浸在游戏世界之中,虽然人与人贴得很紧,但比邻若天涯,彼此互不相知。 更为糟糕的是,不仅游戏上瘾,而且诱惑难抵,没人能够拒这种玩耍于千里之外,我常常难以自拔,无论亲自上阵,还是场外观战,都倍感乐趣无穷时光飞逝。 视频游戏魔力十足,人见人爱,正因为好玩才叫人上瘾。但要切记,世上好玩的东西并不一定都是有益的。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: 雅虎箱被盗(YHOO Email Hacked)
Game Stop (游戏驿站店 07-01-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |