2024-03-24 World Tuberculosis Day 【Secret Man (1934)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The sounds of rain on the roof Are like the sound of doves. It is long since there have been doves On any house of mine.
It is better for me In the rushes of autumn wind To embrace autumn, without turning To remember summer.
Besides, the world is a tower. Its winds are blue. The rain falls at its base, Summers sink from it.
The doves will fly round. When morning comes The high clouds will move, Nobly as autumn moves.
The man of autumn, Behind its melancholy mask, Will laugh in the brown grass, Will shout from the tower's rim. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《秘密男子》(1934)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 雨打在屋顶上的响声 如同鸽子的声响。 好久没有鸽子 来过我家。
我最好 在秋风吹拂中 去拥抱秋天,不再 怀念夏天。
况且,世界就像高塔。 风是蓝色的。 雨落在塔底, 由此淹没夏天。
鸽子会飞来飞去。 当早晨来临之际 高云消散, 秋意渐浓。
秋天的男子, 在忧郁的面具背后, 会在棕草丛里开怀大笑, 会从高塔边放声狂叫。 【注】读大三的纽约仔回到宾州老家过春假,正赶上春季拾掇后院残枝落叶的大扫除,绿坪公司(Green Lawn Fertilizing)也在这周重启本年度草地服务(从三月到九月总共6次施肥与杂草管控),于是大家一起巧借初春的东风摧古拉朽冬天的印迹。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2019: March Madness @ Tenth Grade(高二的疯狂三月) 2016: Trip to NYC for Danish/Russian Visas(丹麦/俄罗斯签证纽约行) 2014: March Madness @ Fifth Grade(小学五年级的疯狂三月)
Tree Pruner @ Hands w/ Green Lawn Fertilizing behind
(树枝修剪刀在握与前来施肥的绿坪公司 03-20-2024) Clean-up @ Spring Break (春假大扫除 03-20-2024)
Back to School: Life doesn't frighten me at all.
(返校:生活完全吓唬不了我😄 03-24-2024) Crosslink(相关博文): Junior(大学三年级'2023-24) |