"Night Revels of Han Xizai" by the Southern Tang Painter Hongzhong Gu (南唐画家顾闳中·《韩熙载夜宴图》) 【Aiden in English】
There are two types of people. Every day, people and people who take dumps on a plane. Like, who takes dumps on a plane? A firetruck on fire is just a firetruck. I'm a terrible comforter. You know those people who somehow find a way to drag you out of dark places and into the light? Yeah, well, I'm not one of them. Example. I saw a crying kid in the park. There was ice cream on the floor, so I thought he had dropped it. I walked up to the kid and asked him why he was crying. He said his mother had left him. I went, "Oh shit," and hugged him. He seemed like he needed it. I called the cops and told him it would be ok. And for some reason, I wanted to point at his ice cream. One of these days, I want to put up a big brick wall at the bottom of one of those mall escalators and see how people would react. 【红霞译】 世上有两种人。 常人与带着没用的玩意上飞机的人。 谁吃饱了撑的带没用的玩意上飞机呢? 着火的消防车本身就是救火车。
“天哪,太不像话”,我一边同情一边拥抱小家伙,他好像找到慰藉似的。我连忙打电话告诉警察他没事,不知什么原因,心里总觉得这事跟冰激凌有关。 没准哪一天我想在商场自动扶梯下面堆起大砖墙,看一看大家会有什么反应。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: YMCA Camp—Outdoor Pool-3(基督教青年会营户外戏水池之三) Small Flying Rainbow Bridge & Fragrant Isle (苏州·拙政园小飞虹桥与香洲 07/23/2019) Brother-Sister Reunion (兄妹相逢 07/23/2019)
Nanjing (南京 07/23/2019) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2018: Nanjing—Brotherly Affection, China(南京—手足情深) 2012: 兄弟姐妹(Siblings) China(出游中国) 10th Grade(高中二年级) |