【Aiden in English】
Bartolome Island was an extinct volcano that mixed its colors with red, orange, green, and black volcanic rock formations like Mars. It was considered the most spectacular setting in the Galapagos. As one of the relatively younger islands, its volcanic origins were quickly seen as an excellent example of volcanism. This afternoon, we took a short but steep hike on the slopes of this spatter cone, which took around 380 steps. The Tequila grey mat plant is thrown in sand, ash, and volcanic tufa, accompanied by Opuntias and Lava Cacti. I decided to count along the way up. At about 100, we inspected how different forms of lava weighted differently in the basics of physics. At about 200, we stopped to see the view of the volcanic formations of Bartolome and the lava flows on nearby Santiago Island, where we came across the ocean in the morning. But what blew my mind was the scene at the top. After 380 steps of a wooden staircase, a narrow isthmus emerged between two golden sand beaches, back to back with tropical bushes separating from the meeting. The best-known Pinnacle Rock jutted south at 374 feet/114 meters above sea level. The landmark symbolized the remains of an eroded tuff cone of an extinct volcano. It was the place that attracted Hollywood to make the 2003 movie Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, starring Russell Crow. I took advantage of Bartolome's pristine beach to snorkel among exotic Bumphead Parrotfish, Eagle Rays, Green Sea Turtles, and Galapagos Sharks. Mom waded with California Sea Lion along rocky shores, Brown Pelicans on cliffs, Galapagos Dove above lava stones, and Ghost Crabs in sandy holes. On the horizon lay the natural beauties in the middle of the world. 【红霞译】 农夫之子岛实际上是一座死火山,红橙绿黑绚烂多彩,好像火星再现,被视作科隆群岛最为壮观的岛屿,从地质上来说,因为该岛形成较晚,人们容易了解火山起因及火山活动。 “赤日炎炎似火烧,野田禾稻半枯焦”。今天下午,我们从陡峭的寄生熔岩锥坡出发,徒步攀援380级台阶,除了灰毡草扎根艰苦环境之外,火山沙、火山灰和火山岩上没有其它生命迹象,我决定清点台阶,从头数到尾。走过100级左右,大家你一言我一语,试图搞清楚熔岩重量与熔岩结构之间的物理关系;当登至大约200级时,我们又停下来着重观看眼前农夫之子岛层出不穷的火山景色,同时还远眺对面替代者岛黑如乌鸦的熔岩荒野──我们上午刚刚涉足的地方,由衷感叹大自然鬼斧神工,此时此刻,我巴不得赶快登上农夫之子岛屋脊饱览无限风光。爬完380级木梯,农夫之子岛终于尽收眼底,地狭两侧的金色沙滩在碧水蓝天下紧紧地环绕热带丛林。 举世注目的“尖礁”从地狭南侧海平面突起,直上云霄374英尺/114米。这个奇观异景原为死火山凝灰岩锥,后来风吹雨打日熏月陶,既历尽了大自然的磨砺,又承载了恒古岁月,才使其变成当今具有纪念意义的地标。2003年,由“红发•乌鸦”主演的好莱坞大片《怒海争锋:极地远征》曾以尖礁为中心,将农夫之子岛的美貌秀容融合到电影情节里去,并展示给全球观众。 参观之余,我抓紧时机跑到农夫之子岛尚未开发的原始海滩,忙着跟隆头鹦哥鱼、鹰魟、绿海龟以及巨龟岛鲨一块潜水,妈妈则情愿去前海沿慰问岩滩边加利福尼亚海狮、悬崖上褐鹈鹕、熔岩角巨龟岛哀鸽以及细沙魔洞里鬼蟹。
在世界中央的地平线上,农夫之子岛显得自然清雅。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2013: Sullivan Bay of Santiago Is, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔替代者岛黑眼睛湾) 2013: Isabella Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔上帝宣言岛) 2011: 埃及教长湾—和平之城(Sharm El-Sheikh the City of Peace, Egypt)
Bartolome Island & Santiago Island (农夫之子岛与圣地亚哥岛)
Enchanted Islands (魔法岛)
Spatter Cone (飞溅熔岩锥)
Tuff Formations (凝灰岩层)
Welded Lava Fragments of Spatter Cone (熔岩碎片·飞溅熔岩锥)
Rock Formation (岩石层)
Reddish Tuff Cone (红色凝灰岩锥)
Boardwalk (浮桥)
380-Step Wooden Staircase (380蹬木扶梯 04-03-2013)
Bartolomé Lighthouse (农夫之子岛灯塔)
Movie Backdrop of Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (《怒海争锋:极地远征》拍摄地)
Bartolome Island (农夫之子岛 04-03-2013)
A Celebrated Volcanic Plug (网红火山栓 04-03-2013)
Pinnacle Rock @ 374-ft/114-m (374英尺/114米尖礁)
Pinnacle Rock, the Site of Ramalina Lichens (尖礁·带状地衣所在地 04-03-2013)
Pinnacle Rock, A Diamond under the Gems (尖礁·宝石下的钻石)
The shoreline reef around Pinnacle Rock Teeming w/ Shy Reef Sharks, Giant Parrotfish, Schools of Sardines, and Many Other Fish Species (尖礁附近海岸线聚集着鲎鲛、隆头鹦哥鱼、沙丁鱼群和许多其它鱼类)
Bartolomé Silky Beach (农夫之子岛丝质沙滩 04-03-2013)
Bartolomé Bay (农夫之子岛湾 04-03-2013)
BartoloméIsthmus Separated Twin Beaches (农夫之子岛地峡将沙滩隔成两半)
Snorkeling w/ the Penguins, Marine Turtles, White-tipped Reef Sharks, & Other Tropical Fish (与企鹅海龟白礁鲨和其它热带鱼一起浮潜 04-03-2013)
California Sea Lion (加州海狮)
Brown Pelican (棕鹈鹕)
Galapagos Dove (巨龟岛哀鸽)
Ghost Crab (鬼蟹)
Tiquila Grey Matplant (龙舌兰灰色草甸)
Lava Cacti (熔岩仙人掌)
Colonizing Bare Lava (簇生在贫瘠熔岩上)
Remains of Flowers w/ Spines on the Lower Part (花底部留有件针刺) Lava Cactus, One of the 1st Species to Grow on New Lava Flows (最早生长在新熔岩流上的物种之一) A Leafless Clump-Forming Species (无叶簇状物种) Opuntia (神仙掌)
Lupines (羽扇豆)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2013: Santa Cruz Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔十字架岛)
2013: Kicker Rock/Witch Hill, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔睡狮岩女巫岭) 2013: Frigatebird Hill, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔军舰鸟山) 2013: N.Seymour, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔北黑暗岛) 2013: Bachas Beach, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔驳船海滩) 2013: Sullivan Bay of Santiago Is, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔替代者岛黑眼睛湾)
2013: Isabella Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔献身上帝岛) 2013: Rabida Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔野蛮岛) 2013: James Bay of Santiago Is, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔替代者岛追随者湾) Ecuador(出游厄瓜多尔)
South America(漂流南美洲) 小学四年级(4th Grade) |