
"Spring Poetic Painting by Teachers and Students in Beijing" by Qing Dynasty Xu Yang (清代画家徐扬·《京师生春诗意图》) 【Aiden in English】
The food is good. That's a simple fact anyone can draw up regarding China. There isn't an alarming meal insight. But everyone already knows that. One would say eight days in a country across the globe is too short. I say it's perfect since I don't have enough time to adjust to jet lag. When I return to the US, it'll feel like the days and nights suddenly align. China isn't just about food. There's the abundant culture behind the bite. Due to the short time spent in the country, I feel as though much of the Chinese lifestyle eluded my stay. Not only did my mother and I book exquisite hotels, but the cuisine reflected only the highest, most luxurious dishes; thus, I missed a sizeable essential chunk of culture. Street food, nightlife, and people are all items that I would like to experience more of (I'm good with nature. It's way too hot in China). Therefore, I'll be back. Even though the flights are long, the days are hot, the bugs are mean, and the smog is thick, I'll return. 【红霞译】 食物好吃,这是行之万世而不悖的事实;饭菜可口,这也是放之四海而皆准的真理。
中国并非仅有餐饮可谈,美食背后更有丰富的文化内涵。由于时间紧,我犹如置身世外,再加上住的是精品酒店,吃的是高档餐厅,全然不食人间烟火。其实,街头小吃、夜生活、老百性衣食住行等才是我想体验的风土人情(我喜欢户外,倒是中国忒热了点)。 正因如此,我会回来的。即使飞行长、天气热、蚊子凶、烟雾浓,我将重返故地。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: 76ers Overnight Camp─Don't Give Up(七六人队篮球寄宿营─永不放弃) Setoff from Nanjing to Beijing (送行 07-26-2019)

Façade of Beijing Hotel (北京饭店正门 07-26-2019) The Lobby of Beijing Hotel (北京饭店门厅 07-26-2019)

Gateway of Wangfujing Flavor Street (王府井食品街门坊 07-26-2019) Gateway of Wangfujing Snack Street (王府井小吃街门坊)
Boutique Store (礼品店 07-26-2019)
Shabu (火锅 07-26-2019)

Wangfujing (王府井大街 07-26-2019) Wangfujing (王府井大街 07-26-2019)
Courtyard House (四合院)
Bintanghulu or Haws Dipped w/ Sugar Coating(冰糖葫芦)

Kite (风筝) PEK (首都国际机场 07-26-2019)

Beijing Hotel (北京饭店 07-26-2019) Gate of Heavenly Peace (天安门)
Tiananmen Square (天安门广场)
Crosslinks(相关博文): China(出游中国) 10th Grade(高中二年级) |