2021-06-09 Donation to NPSD Educational Foundation 【Aiden in English】 Dear Mrs. Kratz,
You've been a teacher every student wishes they had in high school. Whether critiquing my writing or sharing your stories, there isn't a dull moment with your enthusiasm. You always know the perfect thing to say, when to push students for improvement, and when to sympathize with our struggles. As I move from North Penn, I will never forget the hours spent picking apart my writing, your love of Chinese culture, and your brilliant smile during 1st period. Thank you, and it was a pleasure being your student. Aiden
【红霞译】 亲爱的语文老师: 您是每位高中生翘首企足的老师,无论评判我的习作或者分享您的故事,总会妙趣横生,从不令人乏味。您与同学聊天聊到适可而止,向学生施压施到恰如其分,就连顾惜大家辛劳也拿捏得有尺有度。离别北宾州高中在即,我将永远铭记您拨冗修改拙文、热爱中国文化以及绽放在第一节课堂上灿烂的笑容。 感谢您,很荣幸做您的学生。 儿歌 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2018: Charity Recital @ Brittany Pointe Estate(养老院义演) 
Mrs. Janet Kratz Class of 2021 Retiree @ NPHS (2021届北宾州退休教职员工·语文老师)

Mrs. Kratz (语文老师 06/12/2021) Crosslink(相关博文): 12th Grade(高中四年级) |