2012-12-20 【Aiden in English】
I awoke @ 9:00 am this morning by the sharp sound of a phone ringing! I started to get dressed while my mom answered the call. When she hung up, she looked alarmed. The tour guide was already here! I ran to get my shoes on and took a quick, sloppy wash. Then, we dashed to the hotel restaurant and gulped down some croissants with a cup of fruit juice before running to our tour pickup bus. We had to switch buses for our city tour, which took longer than expected. Finally, we were able to move in the right direction and arrived at the first sightseeing spot of the day. Santa Lucia Hill was an enormous, green, and impressive park where the capital, Santiago, began to build up 471 years ago. I stood on a cannon inside Fort Hidalgo atop and overlooked Natl: library, Chilean National Museum of Fine Arts, La Moneda Palace at a distance. While the guide talked, my mom beckoned me to do some odd poses, which was weird. But the most bizarre thing was that all the poses she had instructed me to perform flew into her camera! As Tian-An-Men Square to Beijing and Red Square to Moscow, Plaza de Armas or Armory Square was the symbolic heart of Santiago. Colonial architecture, such as the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago, City Hall, Central Post Office, and Chilean National History Museum, stood side by side like a showcase. A golden and gleaming map lay on the ground. I tried to pick it up but didn't get it budged. The map was engraved as the tour guide told us. I suddenly felt embarrassed. It's well known that Santiago became the 4th biggest city in South America and the capital of the Republic of Chile. Interestingly, its Congress was not here but resided in a port town of Valparaiso, 3 hours away by car to its northwest instead. We took long strolls, passing shops and restaurants downtown along a walking path designed for tourism. The upcoming one seemed better than the last in the old town. Like New York City and Philadelphia in the USA, I felt disgusted by the trash pell-mell in some commercial alleys. Brown foamy water penetrated the land and floated down to its landmark Mapocho River. We asked to drop it off at Central Market, made of metalwork pilasters, and looked fabulous. It had everything from Hallulla Chilean bread to mostly fish and seafood germs. We stopped @ Restaurant Donde Augusto to eat lunch. Baked meat empanadas were a traditional Chilean bakery and always good appetizers to start within Chile. I enjoyed a well-done, delicious smoked beef, while mom preferred Porotos Granados (a thick stew of whole beans and squash) to oily buttered swordfish. Meanwhile, Mom had been addicted to the Chilean national cocktail Pisco Sour since we stayed in Explora on Easter Island and couldn't help but drink whenever it was available. I liked fresh strawberry juice a lot. They all tasted excellent. After an enormously large lunch, we paraded across the streets to see if there were any shoe stores because my shoes were worn so severely from hiking and trekking that they almost became a mouse's dinner! We located one shortly, but it took forever for me to find a pair! After debating one another, I chose one suitable for hiking called NORTHSIDE at ease. I liked the color and texture, which matched my shirt. Santiago was a better place than I expected. 【红霞译】 早上九点钟我被电话铃尖叫声吵醒!妈妈去接电话,我动手穿上衣服;待她放下电话,屋内气氛立刻紧张起来。导游正在酒店大厅等候我们!我二话不说,赶紧蹬上鞋子,胡乱洗漱了片刻,跟妈妈一起冲进餐厅,新月形面包就着果汁囫囵下肚,哪里顾得上青红皂白?!接着我们随导游顺路去别处旅馆接其他游人,兜了好大一个圈子并重新更换座驾之后,方才正式开始游览活动。 明山公园占地面积很大,绿树成荫景致诱人,据说471年前,智利首都圣地亚哥“后继圣徒”成立于此并逐渐发展成为今天稳定繁荣的城市。我站在山顶绅士城堡当年印第安民族抗击外来殖民统治战争时用过的大炮上,放眼了望国家图书馆、国家美术馆、造币厂总统府、智利最高法院等具有历史意义的建筑地标,此时导游一边讲解,妈妈一边摄影,最不可思议的是她不管三七二十一,在旁边暗示我摆出稀奇古怪的姿势,毫不含糊抢下各种镜头。
正如北京的天安门广场和莫斯科的红场一样,军事广场堪称圣地亚哥的象征,殖民式建筑林立栉比,都市大教堂、市政厅、中央邮政大楼、国家历史博物馆等醒目地点缀着广场,金光闪闪的地图镶嵌在广场鹅卵石路上,我曾试图把它揭开,可它纹丝不动,导游说明缘由之后,我羞愧不已,怎么事先没看出来呢? 众所周知圣地亚哥既是智利共和国首都,也是南美洲第四大名都,有趣的是它的国民议会并没有设在首都,相反却位于西北部需要开车3个小时的港口城市天堂谷。 我们沿老城区步行街边看边逛,街道两旁商店琳琅满目,餐馆层出不穷,一个比一个热闹。如同美国纽约和费城,这里有的地方同样垃圾成灾臭气熏天,脏兮兮甚至飘着泡沫的浊水烂泥污染环境,日益侵害横贯全城的土地河。 我们特意约定中央市场门前下车,这个由半露方柱金属框架建设而成的大楼外表漂亮,内部商家货摊出售各种物品,从智利面饼到病原菌应有尽有,主要的多为鱼虾贝蟹海鲜产品。神赐餐厅不仅吸引我们的眼球,而且还大吊我们的胃口,“酒肉穿肠肚佛祖心中留”,头台烘烤的智利馅饼打完先锋,我开始饱食熏透的牛肉套餐;妈妈起先对亮晶晶油乎乎的奶油箭鱼寄予厚望,但很快便喜欢上用各种豆类瓜果煲出的浓汤杂烩,同时还念念不忘智利国饮──麝香葡萄酿制的白兰地酸酒,自打复活节岛“探索酒店”品尝过这种鸡尾酒之后,她一直百喝不厌;而我则认为,最来劲的要算色香味鲜的草莓汁,但无论风味小吃还是传统大餐味道都不错,毕竟萝卜白菜自有人爱。 开过戒后,我们溜溜哒哒四处寻找鞋店。原来我脚上装备的这双太不争气,刚扫荡完复活节岛,鞋底穿帮鞋面开花鞋带死结,几乎成为老鼠梦寐以求的盘中餐!其实身在圣地亚哥闹市区,我们找鞋店不难,但索定合适的鞋型并非易事,我选过来挑过去看得两眼昏花,最后终于相中一双经得起长途跋涉的“北漂”运动鞋,鞋的颜色和质地恰好般配我身上穿的体恤衫,感觉很爽。 圣地亚哥比我想象得好。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2010: 节日期待(Holiday Anxiety)
2009: 新西兰陶波湖区(Lake Taupo, NZ) 
Santiago in the Ctr of Santiago Basin against the Andes Mountains (首都位于安第斯山脉下圣地亚哥盆地中心)

Santa Lucía Hill (明山) 
Cannons @ Santa Lucía Hill (明山·大炮 12-20-2012) 
Fort Hidalgo @ Santa Lucía Hill (明山·绅士堡 12-20-2012) 
Tower of Fort Hidalgo @ Santa Lucía Hill (明山·绅士堡塔 12-20-2012)  The Lintel of Fort Hidalgo @ Santa Lucía Hill
Mapuche Warrior Sculpture @ Santa Lucía Hill (明山·大地子民勇士雕像)

Natl Library (国家图书馆 12-20-2012) 
Moneda Palace (造币厂总统府) 
Former Congress Building 老国会大楼 
New Natl. Congress of Chile in Valparaiso (位于天堂谷的新智利国会) 
Chile's Supreme Court (智利最高法院)

Justice Courts Palace (最高法院) 
Museo Nacional de Bellas (国家美术博物馆) 
Statue of Icarus & Daedalus @ Museo Nacional de Bellas (国家美术馆·雕塑《迷宫设计者与工匠》) 
Central Post Office & National History Museum (中央邮局与国家历史博物馆 12-20-2012) 
National History Museum (国家历史博物馆) 
Parque Forestal (森林公园)

Monument to the American Liberty @ Plaza de Armas (军事广场·美洲自由纪念碑 12-20-2012) 
Statue of Pedro de Valdivia, A Spanish Conquistador & the 1st Royal Governor of Chile (塑像《西班牙征服者与第一任智利皇家总督》12-20-2012) 
Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral @ Plaza de Armas (军事广场·圣地亚哥都市大教堂 12-20-2012)

Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral (圣地亚哥都市大教堂 12-20-2012)

The Nave of Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral (圣地亚哥都市大教堂·中殿) 
The Altar of Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral (圣地亚哥都市大教堂·祭坛) 
The Holy Sanctuary of Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral (圣地亚哥都市大教堂·圣所) 
Façade of San Francisco Church (方济各教堂·正面观) 
The Nave of San Francisco Church (方济各教堂·中殿)

Bell Towers of Santo Domingo Church (方济各教堂·双钟塔) 
City Map @ Plaza Armas (军事广场·市区图 12-20-2012) 
Homeless @ Plaza Armas (军事广场·流浪) 
Police Patrols (巡警 12-20-2012) 
A Police Officer on Duty (片警)

Hites Department Store (山巅百货商店) 
Constructora Santa Beatriz (快乐女神建筑公司)

Embajada de Brasil (巴西大使馆) 
VidaIntegra Alameda (白杨树大街医疗中心)

River Mapocho (土地河) 
Univ of Chile (智利大学 12-20-2012) 
Central Market (中央市场) 
Restaurant Donde Augusto @ Central Market (中央市场·神赐餐厅 12-20-2012) 
Menu of Restaurant Donde Augusto @ Central Market (中央市场·神赐餐厅食谱 12-20-2012) 
Fish Market @ Central Market (中央市场·鱼市 12-20-2012) 
Grocery Shop (便利店) 
Hallullas, Chilean Biscuits (智利松饼)

Residential Area (居民区) Crosslinks(相关博文): Chile(出游智利)
South America(漂流南美洲) 小学四年级(4th Grade) |