【Aiden in English】
I always loved animals. At the zoo, I would spend hours looking at the large animals. But when I meant love, I didn't mean waking up at the crack of dawn love. Even so, that's exactly what we did. It started with a short ride on the highway to Chobe National Park, the first park established in Botswana. It was covered with dry savannah, floodplains, and teak woodlands that became ideal animal habitats. I embarked on another morning game drive to the park at 5 am. It seemed an ideal and crucial time to view wildlife, as it was cooler, and the animals were more active. While there was no telling what we would observe, the reserve was home to countless animals, including the largest concentration of elephants on the African continent. Chobe was also home to two antelopes not encountered anywhere else in Botswana, the puku and the Chobe bushbuck. The first animal, a giraffe, came into sight. It had black spots and was pale. That meant it was a young offspring. Next, our safari vehicle stopped to see a parade of elephants with calves. Everyone was so excited because yesterday, only the elephant’s tracks and dung could be seen when we came to search for them during the morning game drive in the same place. The people were so hyper that one gentleman dropped his battery off his camera. That's when the vast beast noticed us. He began walking towards us and came so close that we could smell his breath. If someone needed a mint, it was him. We continued, and something strange hit us. There was little impala today. Yesterday, you couldn't turn the corner without stopping for the impalas. However, today was highly silent from then on. The question was solved when we drove by the Chobe River. The lush green bank was covered with a herd of impalas. Hundreds, even thousands, were gathered along with a grazing congress of baboons. The baboons advanced in their sensitive hearing and incredible agility, which helped the impalas avoid vicious predators. I am pondering how Chobe National Park has such lavish vegetation to nurture abundant animals surviving in brutally hot Africa. Is Nature a mystery for life? The world may never know. 【红霞译】
告别大象老少之後,我们驱车继续前行,一路开一路看,奇怪的是原本随处可见的黑斑羚不见了,它们到底跑到哪里去了呢﹖等我们来到乔贝河岸放眼望去,发现成百上千苹黑斑羚正集结在草甸平原上,身边大群狒狒义务替它们站岗放哨,起到暗中保护作用。狒狒听觉敏锐动作灵活,容易发现天敌伺机来犯,无形之中成为黑斑羚最好的帮手。因此,有黑斑羚出没的地方,一般少不了狒狒相伴左右。 我百思不得其解,非洲到处焦阳似火,为何仍有像乔贝国家公园这样的绿洲可以滋养生命,并使动物群体繁衍壮大经久不息,难道不正说明大自然奇异神秘吗﹖世人也许永远找不出答案。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: Chobe NP, Botswana(博茨瓦纳乔贝国家公园) 2013: Capital Brasilia, Brazil(巴西首都巴西利亚) 2011: 情感投资(Emotional Investment) 2010: 澳洲艾尔斯巨石(Ayers Rock, Australia) 
Aerial View on Conjunction of Zimbabwe, Botswana, & Zambia (鸟瞰津巴布韦、博茨瓦纳和赞比亚交界处)

Zimbabwean Tour Guide (津巴布韦导游 01-09-2014) 
Savannah (稀树草原) 
Baboon w/ Babies in Front & Back (背着并抱着崽儿的狒妈) 
Baboon w/ Babies in Front & Back (背着并抱着崽儿的狒妈) 
Baby Baboon (小狒狒) 
Yawning Mother Baboon (打哈欠的狒妈)

Sharp Canine Teeth (尖犬齿) 
Yellow Baboons Grooming (正在梳理的黄狒狒) 
Fish Eagle (非洲海雕) 
Helmeted Guineafowl (珠鸡) 
Kori Bustard (灰颈鹭鸨) 
White-backed Vulture (非洲兀鹫) 
Buffalo Carcass (水牛尸体) 
Cape Buffalo (非洲水牛) 
Cape Buffaloes (非洲水牛) 
Cape Buffaloes (非洲水牛) 
Elephant Poops (大象粪便) 
Elephant Skin Print on Sand (大象沙印) 
African Bush Elephants (非洲草原象) 
Short Tactile Hair Growing on the Trunk (象鼻上长有触觉短毛) 
African Bush Elephant w/ Calf (非洲草原象全家老少)

Chobe River (乔贝河) 
Impala (高角羚) 
Impala (高角羚) 
Horn Impalas (雄高角羚) 
Horn Waterbuck (雄大羚羊) 
Impala & Baboon (高角羚与狒狒) 
Black-backed Jackal, A Monogamous Animal (黑背胡狼·一夫一妻制动物) 
Black-backed Jackal, Not A Fussy Eater (黑背胡狼·从不挑食) 
Unstriped Ground Squirrel (无条纹地松鼠) 
Warthog (疣猪) 
Plains Zebras (平原斑马) 
Mother & Foal (斑马妈与马驹)

Mane Zebra (鬃毛斑马) 
Like Mother Like Daughter (像妈妈一样的女儿) Crosslinks(相关博文):: Botswana(出游博茨瓦纳)
Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) Africa (漫游非洲) 5th Grade(小学五年级)