2013-07-26 【Aiden in English/红霞译文】
Mon. July 22, 2013
Today was the first rehearsal with MICs, which made the voice much louder. So now, we sounded tiny, weak, and especially quiet. The people who wore MICs were Millie, Jimmy, Miss Dorothy, Trevor Graydon, Ching Ho, Bun Foo, Mrs. Meers, and Miss Flannery. They all looked very wacky to be wearing them. We were asked to be careful. If we touched the face, we might damage or break the MICs. I couldn't believe that they were wearing thousands of dollars around their heads! Everything seemed okay, which sounded very weird. In the last year, the MICs were ripped apart and choked people. Today, Jimmy's MIC came off and cut off half the sound. Then, in a panic, he missed three lines entirely and didn't notice until Erik, the dance teacher, pointed it out in his list of notes, which didn't seem too bad. In the costume room, the customer assigned me a pair of formal black shoes, like the ones you would wear to a rehearsal. The first two pairs were so small that I couldn't stick my feet in. The third pair was tight but could fit with much pushing and shoving. Overall, we made progress toward the show. Junior campers were also good. Let's keep it up. 星期一,二O一三年七月廿二日 今天我们彩排首次配备麦克风,声音一下子洪亮起来,音喉反倒显得单薄,小得微乎其微。带麦克风的仅有扮演蜜莉、吉米、多萝西小姐、特雷弗·格瑞顿、清河、彬富、梅尔斯太太和弗兰娜小姐等几位主角,酷得令人抓狂。我们得格外注意,如果稍不小心碰到表面,极有可能损坏这些价格不菲的玩艺。我简直不愿相信,他们脑袋上扛的宝贝竟值几千块美金﹗ 说来奇怪,一切平安无事。记得去年这个时候,麦克风要么烂得不能用,要么动不动缠在脖子上恨不能把人勒死。这回吉米的麦克风中途滑脱,音量减半,慌乱之余,他毫无察觉其中三句台词大家一点都没听见,直到舞蹈老师埃里克最后总结时指出这个问题,幸好无关紧要。 道具室里,服装师给我选定皮鞋,正宗黑颜色的,就像每次上台表演穿的那种。之前已试过两双,因为小得不成样子,根本穿不进去﹔第三双也不咋的,但至少连踢带踹,脚丫子勉勉强强有了着落。 万事俱备只欠东风,小班营员也做好演出前的准备,让我们一起加油。 Tues. July 23, 2013
Today was probably the best run ever. Some people did forget lines, but the teacher's notes at the end had a lot of compliments. Only one person had to complain, and that was the customer. She said not to put shirts, skirts, pants, whatever, on the floor. However, it looked like a battlefield after the Civil War. There was perfume everywhere and shirts lying on the ground unattended. It appeared to be quite a mess. When I saw it, I knew that she wasn't exaggerating. Then, she showed us multiple costume hangers. One was missing a pair of pants, and the rest were all tangled or bunched into a ball. One was even stuffed in a plastic bag. There were the shoes you found anywhere except for the shoe table. They were in closets, clothes, and the floor. She begged us not to do it again. When it was over, we all were silent. 星期二,二O一三年七月廿三日 今天大概是我们彩排中表现最好的一次,尽管仍然有人忘记台词,但末了还是收获了不少美言表扬。 仅有服装师一人牢骚满腹,她曾有言在先,衬衫、裙子、裤子不应随地乱仍。可事与愿违,这里好像刚刚发生过内战,化妆品铺天盖地,衬衫到处都是,横七竖八满目疮痍。目睹此景,我心中有数,她并非言过其实。接下来,服装师手指大堆衣架开始絮叨,一个本该挂裤子的衣架上面什么东西也没有,剩下的乱作一团,其中还有一个甚至被扔进塑料袋里﹔脱下的鞋子不是搁在鞋架上,而是东一只西一只,塞满衣柜、衣服、地面各个角落。她恳求我们下不为例。 对之,大家无话可说。 Wed. July 24, 2013
Today was our last Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. run without an accident, as the teachers expected it to be perfect. But several logistics went wrong. First, a counselor slipped when he was pulling a desk off. In turn, the typewriter on the desk fell off and snapped in half. Then, the lights wouldn't come on for about two minutes in the theater. A little after that, the lights kept flashing rapidly. What an embarrassment! At the moment, I was glad that K of the producer was not around! Did it have to be in front of her? Even so, we were complimented because we weren't bothered by the accidents during the rehearsal. They were right that the unexpected things were distracting. "If the music isn't coming on, just freeze and smile! Try to make it look natural," said Bill, the theater director. Finally, K made a big speech about how good a job we did in the past five weeks. Indeed, we weren't freaking out after everything that happened. She wished us good luck and had fun. I hoped we did. I did like my role. It didn't have many lines and made my acting relatively easy. If I played a different role, I would choose Trevor Graydon because he was the funniest character in the show. He even got to sing a solo in The Speed Test, which was extremely fast. I thought I was the perfect person for me. It looked as if it fit Majed better. That's not all, though. Trevor Graydon was Millie's boss. So he acted in a stern business manner, which I, on the other hand, was mild. I always wanted to act like a boss with a short temper. 星期三,二O一三年七月廿四日 今天,我们进行最后一次《仙乐美人》少儿音乐剧彩排,正如老师期待的那样,什么错儿也没出。 不过后勤部门稍微有些闪失。首先,一位辅导员在拖拉桌子时滑倒了,结果不慎将打字机打翻在地,摔成两半。接着,剧场灯光要么亮不起来,前后大约持续了两分钟﹔要么亮了又灭灭了又亮,光线闪来闪去,叫我们无所适从。幸亏凯总监未来现场,不然真让我们掉价。 尽管如此,赞扬声还是不断,我们并未因为意外而受什么干扰。没错,意外往往容易叫人分心。借此机会,剧场总管比尔提示大家﹕“如果遇到音乐不起的情况,要原地不动,笑容可掬﹗尽量保持自然。” 最终,凯总监滔滔不绝,高度赞扬我们过去五周来所取得的辉煌成绩。此话不假,历经挫折之后,我们仍然镇定自若,的确可喜可贺。她祝大家好运当头,万事如意。我也希望如此。说实话,我真喜欢自己的角色,没有太多台词,这样戏份简单,心情轻松。当然,如果有可能自选角色,我倒乐意出演特雷弗·格瑞顿,因为他是全剧中性格最幽默的,同时还有独唱《速度测试》的机会,这首歌曲节奏非常非常地快。我觉得自己适合这个角色,看来马吉德更有缘分。姑且不算,特雷弗·格瑞顿还是蜜莉的老板,一位刻薄的生意人,而我一向温和,因此总想扮演爱发脾气的人。 Thurs July 25, 2013 This morning, we had our first audience. They were the youngest group, which I meant to say about 100 babies and toddlers. The most distracting thing was crying. Other than that, things went smoothly. Typewriters didn't fall, and lights didn't blink either. Nothing happened like yesterday. But that was only part of it. We still had an evening show, and everyone, especially MIC people, was required to be here by 5:30 p.m. to get ready. I came right in time. Quickly, I changed and waited. The counselor said that the show would start at 7:00 pm. I couldn't relax as usual. But I wasn't nervous, just jumpy. A tiny thing could startle me. Finally, today's main course arrived in full costume. As we stepped on stage, the audience's faces lit up like candies, burning with amazement! The show went lightning fast. One moment, I was mugging Millie. Next, I was taking a bow. I wasn't so surprised to find myself calm. But what did surprise me was that the show was only 65 min. It was a fantastic night. 星期四,二O一三年七月廿五日 今天上午,我们终于迎来了第一批观众。他们可谓一帮年纪最小的萝卜头,准确地说差不多有100位婴幼儿,哭啼声搅得心神不定。 除此之外,一切进展得非常顺利。打字机没掉到地上,灯光也不忽亮忽暗,昨天发生的事情一去不再重来。 不过这仅仅是其中一个片段,我们晚上还有演出,而且要求在下午五点半之前赶到剧场,以求做好演出前准备工作,尤其对于佩戴麦克风的演员来说更是如此。 我按时到场,很快更衣完毕,等待上台。辅导员说晚上表演要到七点钟才开始。我怎么也松驰不起来,其实并不因为紧张,而因为有点神经质,稍微有点动静我就哆嗦得要命。 最后时刻终于来临。我们衣着盛装,流光溢彩出现在舞台之上,观众顿时群情激动,禁不住露出甜蜜的笑容﹗ 演出进行得飞快。前一刻,我出现在幕首正抢蜜莉的钱包﹔转眼之间,就轮到我登台谢幕。我沉着自如,发挥正常,这一点并未出乎预计,真正超出我意料之外的是全剧前后仅持续65分钟。多么美好的夜晚啊﹗ Fri. July 26, 2013
In the morning, we performed Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. for the Germantown Academy campers. They didn't clap, laugh, or whistle and seemed like the worst audience ever. I bet they didn't understand the whole concept, as everyone was saying that in the locker room. At least that was over. This was it. We had been practicing indefinitely for the final show. The crowd was more significant than ever, with adults and kids. Former students even watched our show. After the Bows, we named our staff and presented them with gifts specifically. We all went to Friendly's for a celebration at the end. I had an Oreo Sundae topped with whipped cream and a cherry. Mickey, the boy who played Harold in Music Man Jr. last year, sat with us. Unfortunately, Raymond (Bun Foo) didn't come. But even without him, we had a great time. It was an amazing summer theater camp, and I'm really looking forward to next year's one. Goodbye and HAGROOS (Have a great rest of our summer)! 星期五,二O一三年七月廿六日 上午,我们特意为捷门堂夏令营全体营员汇报表演《仙乐美人》少儿音乐剧。不知怎么搞的,他们对演出毫无反应,既不拍手给予鼓励,也不微笑表示友好,更不吹口哨抱以喝彩。回到更衣室,大家你一言我一语深表不满,好在一切都过去了。 事情就是这样。 其实,还要一件未知的事情在等待我们,我们一直不懈地努力就是为今晚最后一场演出。这是最隆重的,大人小孩甚至前任参加过钟楼剧院学习表演的学生都会出面捧场。 演出结束后,大家特别感谢所有职员,并向他们一一赠送了礼物。 随即我们蜂拥“友好餐厅”以示庆祝。我要来一杯奥利奥圣代冰激凌,上面点缀有奶油沫和一颗小樱桃。去年在《音乐人》少儿音乐剧扮演哈罗德的米奇跟我们坐在一起,可惜雷蒙德(彬富)缺席,不过没他我们照样玩得开心。 戏剧夏令营太有趣了,我期待明年再来。 祝夏季愉快,再见﹗

Life is a holiday (《生活是假日》07-25-2013) 
Life is a holiday (《生活是假日》07-25-2013) 
Forget about the Boy (《忘了那个男孩》07-25-2013) 
Speakeasy Club Scene (《地下酒吧俱乐部现场》07-25-2013) 
Finale (结束曲 07-25-2013) 
Everything today is thoroughly modern (《今天的一切都完全现代化了》07-26-2013) 
Everything today is thoroughly modern (《今天的一切都完全现代化了》07-26-2013) 
Life is a holiday (《生活是假日》07-26-2013)

Life is a holiday (《生活是假日》07-26-2013) 
Forget about the Boy (《忘了那个男孩》07-26-2013) 
Thoroughly Modern Millie (《仙乐美人》07-26-2013) 
Bow (向观众致谢 07-26-2013) 相关博文(Crosslink): 小学四年级(4th Grade) |