网络日志列表 【Europe(欧洲掠影'2015-24)】 |
2024-06-19 National Garfield the Cat Day
【To A Woman (A une femme)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) Child! if I were king, I would give the empire, And my chariot, and my scepter, and my people on their knees And my crown of gold, and my baths of porphyry, And my fleets, for which the sea cannot suffice, For a look of you!
If I were God, the earth and the air with the waves, Angels, demons bowed before my law, And the deep chao |
2024-06-18 International Picnic Day
【To the Imperious Beauty (A la belle impérieuse)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) Love, panic Of reason, Communicates   |
2024-06-18 Sustainable Gastronomy Day
【To My Daughter Adele (A ma fille Adèle)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) As a child, you slept near me, pink and fresh, Like a baby Jesus dozing in his manger; Your pure sleep was so calm and lovely That you didn't hear the bird sing in the shadows;   |
2024-06-18 National Go Fishing Day 【To Souls Flown Away (A des âmes envolées)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) These souls that you recall, My heart, don't come back. Why then do they persist, Alas! to stay there?
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2024-06-17 World Tessellation Day
【Written Beneath a Crucifix (Ecrit au bas d'un crucifix)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) You who weep, come to this God, for he weeps. You who suffer, come to him, for he cures. You who tremble, come to him, for he smiles. You who pass, come to him, for he remains. —— • |
2024-06-17 National Take Your Cat to Work Day
【More Strong Than Time (Plus fort que le temps)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) Since I have set my lips to your full cup, my sweet, Since I my pallid face between your hands have laid, Since I have known your soul, and all the bloom of it, And all the perfume rare, now buried in the shade; Since it was given to me |
2024-06-17 National Stewart's Root Beer Day 【June Nights (Nuits de juin)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) In summer, when the day has fled, the plain covered with flowers Pours out far away an intoxicating scent; Eyes shut, ears half open to noises, We only half sleep in a transparent slumber.
The stars are purer, the shade seems pleasanter;   |
2024-06-17 National Apple Strudel Day
【Sunset (Les Soleils Couchants)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) The sun set tonight in the clouds. Tomorrow will come the storm, and the evening, and the night; Then dawn, and its clarity of obstructed vapors; Then the nights, then the days, not of time that flees!
All these days will pass; they will pass in crowds On the face of the seas, on the face of the mountains, On the silver rivers, on the forests where rolls Like a confused hymn of the dead that we love.
And t |
2024-06-17 National Eat Your Vegetables Day
【Tomorrow at Dawn (Demain, dès l'aube)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) Tomorrow, at dawn, when the countryside brightens, I will depart. You see, I know that you wait for me. I will go through the woods, I will go past the mountains. I cannot remain far from you any longer.
I will walk, eyes set upon my thoughts, & |
2024-06-16 World Refill Day
【Variation (Variación)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) The remanso of air Under the branch of echo. The remanso of water Under a frond of stars.   |
2024-06-16 National Fudge Day
【Little Song of Seville (Cancioncilla sevillana)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) Dawn is awakening In the orange grove. The little golden bees Are looking for honey. |
2024-06-16 International Day of Family Remittances
【Landscape (Paisaje)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) To Rita, Concha, Pepe and Carmencica The mistaken afternoon Dressed in cold.
Behind the windows, & |
2024-06-16 National Turkey Lovers' Day
【Clock Clear (Claro de reloj)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) I sat In a clearing of time. It was a haven Of silence,   |
2024-06-15 World Martini Day 【Half Moon (Media luna)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) The moon goes across the water. How calm the sky is! It slowly mows down the old tremor of the river &nbs |
2024-06-15 International Surfing Day
【Suicide (Suicidio)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) (Maybe it was because you hadn't mastered Geometry) The lad was going blank. It was ten in the morning.
His heart |
2024-06-15 World Juggling Day
【Died at Dawn (Murió Al Amanecer)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) Four moon night And a single tree, With a single shadow And a single bird. & |
2024-06-15 Nature Photography Day
【Song (Canción)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) The girl with the lovely face, Goes, gathering olives. The wind, that towering lover, Takes her by the waist. &nbs |
2024-06-14 National Movie Night
【I'm beginning to know myself (Começo a conhecer-me)】 Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) I'm beginning to know myself. I don't exist. I'm the space between what I'd like to be and what others have made me, Or half of this space, since there's also life… That's me, after all… Turn off the light, shut the door, and get rid of the slipper noise in the hallway. Just let me be at ease and all by myself in my room.& |
2024-06-14 National Cucumber Day
【Odes, Book I - 02 (1924)】 Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) Of the gardens of Adonis, Lydia, I love Most of all those fugitive roses That on the day they are born, That very day, must also die. Eternal, for them, the light of day: &n |
2024-06-14 National Bourbon Day
【Odes】 Ricardo Reis, Heteronym of Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) Don't try to build in the space you suppose Is future, Lydia, and don't promise yourself Tomorrow. Quit hoping and be who you are Today. You alone are your life. &n |
2024-06-14 National Cucumber Day
【I Am A Shepherd (Sou um guardador de rebanhos)】 Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) I am a shepherd. The sheep are my thoughts And all my thoughts and sensations. I think with my eyes and ears, My feet and hands   |
2024-06-13 World Softball Day
【I Know, I Alone (Estar Sozinho)】 Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) I know, I alone How much it hurts, this heart |
2024-06-13 National Weed Your Garden Day
【Every Day Without Joy Was Not Yours (Cada dia sem gozo não foi teu)】 Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) Every day without joy was not yours (The day you didn't enjoy wasn't yours): You just had to stay with it. How much alive Without enjoying it, you don' |
2024-06-13 Saint Anthony Festival 【Like A Mist (Tenho em mim como uma bruma)】 Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) I have in me like a mist That nothing is or contains Longing for nothing, The desire for any good.
I'm |
2024-06-12 National Loving Day
【Portuguese Sea (Mar Português)】 Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) Oh salty sea, how much of your salt Are tears of Portugal! To get across you, how many mothers cried, How many sons prayed in vain! How many brides were never to |
2024-06-11 National Corn on the Cob Day
【Crown Me with Roses (Coróname de rosas)】 Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) Crown me with roses, Crown me really With roses - Roses that burn out &n |
2024-06-11 International Yarn Bombing Day
【Autopsychography (Autopsicographia)】 Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) — Edwin Honig (Translator) The poet is a faker. He Fakes it so completely, He even fakes he's suffering &n |
2024-06-11 National Making Life Beautiful Day
【When I did not have you (Quando eu não te tinha)】 Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) When I did not have you I loved Nature like a recluse as calm as Christ… Now I love nature Like a monk as calm as the Virgin Mary, Religiously, in my own way, as before, But in a different way by approaching life more. &nb |
2024-06-10 National Black Cow Day
【Silly Song (Canción tonta)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) Mama, I want to be made of silver. Son, & |
2024-06-10 National Herbs and Spices Day
【Guitar (La Guitarra)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) The weeping of the guitar begins. The goblets of dawn are smashed. &nbs |
2024-06-09 National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
【Desire (Deseo)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) Only your hot heart, and nothing more.
My Garden of Eden, a spot   |
2024-06-09 National Earl Day
【The Little Mute Boy (El niño mudo)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) The little boy looks for his voice. (The king of the crickets had it.) In a drop of water the little boy was looking for his voice.
&nbs |
2024-06-09 National Donald Duck Day
【Before The Dawn (Murió Al Amanecer)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) But like love the archers are blind.
2024-06-09 National Meal Prep Day
【Malagan (Malagueña)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) Death enters, and leaves, the tavern.
2024-06-09 National Children's Day
【Every Song (Cada canción)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) Every song is the remains of love. &n |
2024-06-08 Best Friends Day
【Conch (Concha)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) To Natalia Jiménez Somebody has given me a conch. Inside, a sea map is singing. My heart fills with water&nb |
2024-06-08 World Oceans Day
【The Interrupted Concert (El concierto interrumpido)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) The cold and somnolent pause-mark Of the crescent moon Has broken the harmony Of the deep night.
&nbs |
2024-06-05 Global Running Day
【Sleepwalking Romance (Romance Sonámbulo)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) Green, how I want you green. Green wind. Green branches. The ship out on the sea and the horse on the m |
2024-08-05 National Start Over Day 【The Crazy Boy (El niño loco)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) I said: "Late" But it wasn't like that. The afternoon was something else that had already gone away. (And the light shrugged &nbs |
2024-06-05 National Attitude Day 【Schematic Nocturne (Nocturno esquemático)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) The fennel, a serpent, and rushes. Aroma, a sign, and penumbra. Air, earth, and solitariness.
2024-06-05 World Environment Day
【Song of the Rider (Canción de jinete)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) Córdoba. Distant and isolated.
Black nag, large moon, & |
2024-06-05 Festival of Popular Delusions Day
【Absent Soul (Alma ausente)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) Neither the bull nor the fig tree knows you,
Neither the horses nor the ants in your house, Neither the baby knows you nor the afternoon, Because you have died forever.
Neither the back of the stone knows you Nor the black s |
2024-06-04 National Cognac Day 【Dawn (La aurora)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) Dawn in New York has Four columns of mire And a hurricane of black pigeons Splashing in the putrid waters.
Dawn in New York groans On enormous fire escapes &n |
2024-06-03 National Leave the Office Early Day 【Hunter (Cazador)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) A tall pine forest! Above it, four doves flying. Four doves &n |
2024-06-03 Love Conquers All Day 【Farewell (Despedida)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) If I die,
leave the balcony open.
The little boy is eating oranges. &nbs |
2024-06-03 National "Thank God It's Monday" Day 【Ditty of First Desire (Cancioncilla del primer deseo)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) In delicated green morning, I will be a heart. A heart.
& |
2024-06-02 National Bubba Day 【The Grave and The Rose (La tombe dit à la rose)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) The grave said to the rose: "With the tears that dawn sprinkles upon you What do you make, flower of love?" The rose said to the tomb: "What |
2024-06-02 National Rotisserie Chicken Day 【Tomorrow at Dawn (Demain dès l'aube)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) Tomorrow, at first dawn, when the country starts to whiten, I will set out. You see, I know you’re waiting for me. I will go by forest, I will go by mountain, Away from you I can no longer remain.
I will walk with eyes fixed onto my thoughts, &nbs |
2024-05-31 National Smile Day 【The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man (1923)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) One's grand flights, one's Sunday baths, One's tootings at the weddings of the soul Occur as they occur. So bluish clouds Occurred above the empty house and the leaves |
【I shall not return】 Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881—1958) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956〗 I shall not return. And night, mildly warm, serene, and silent, will lull the world, under beams of its solitary moon. My body will not be there, and through the wide-open window, a refreshing breeze will come inquiring for my soul. I don't know if a |
【Who Knows What Is Going On】 Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881—1958) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956〗 Who knows what is going on on the other side of each hour?
How many times the sunrise was there, behind a mountain!
How many times the brilliant cloud piling up far off was already a golden body full of thunder!
【From Dreaming】 Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881—1958) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956〗 ——No, no! and the dirty neck boy starts crying and running without getting away, in a moment, on the streets. His hands, he's got something in his hands! he doesn't know what it is, but he ru |
【The Poet To His Soul】 Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881—1958) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956〗 Day after day you keep the branch protected in case the rose may come; you go alert day after day, your ear warm at the gate of your body, for the arrow unexpected.
【On the City Ramparts of Cadiz】 Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881—1958) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956〗 The sea is enormous, just as everything is, yet it seems to me I am still with you... soon only water will separate us, water, restlessly shif |
【Aiden in English】 Well, I suppose all good things come to an end. While I do miss my cozy bed... delicious Chinese food... and favorite television, there are some experiences I don't want to ever end. But first, Barcelona awaits. Oddly enough, Barcelona, normally the highlight of most trips, is the shortest stop we're having, and not because of the time in port, but the time w |
【Bestiary: the Parade of Orpheus • Orpheus】 Guillaume Apollinaire (1880—1918) Look at this pestilential tribe Its thousand feet, its hundred eyes: Beetles, insects, lice And microbes more amazing Than th |
【Bestiary: the Parade of Orpheus • Orpheus】 Guillaume Apollinaire (1880—1918) His heart was the bait: the heavens were the pond! For, fisherman, what fresh or seawater catch equals him, either in form or savour, that lovely divine fish, Jesus, My Saviour? —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • |
【Bestiary: the Parade of Orpheus • Orpheus】 Guillaume Apollinaire (1880—1918) Admire the vital power And the nobility of line: It’s the voice that the light made us understand here That Hermes Trismegistus writes of in Pimander. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《动物寓言:诗神的游行&n |
【Bestiary: the Parade of Orpheus • The Horse】 Guillaume Apollinaire (1880—1918) My harsh dreams knew the riding of you My gold-charioted fate will be your lovely car That for reins will hold tight to frenzy, My verses, the patterns of all poetry. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • |
【Bestiary: the Parade of Orpheus • The Hare】 Guillaume Apollinaire (1880—1918) Don’t be fearful and lascivious Like the hare and the amorous. But always let your brain weave The full form that conceives. —— • —— • |
【Bestiary: the Parade of Orpheus • The Rabbit】 Guillaume Apollinaire (1880—1918) There’s another cony I remember That I’d so like to take alive. Its haunt is there among the thyme In the valleys of the Land of Tender. —— • |
【Aiden in English】 Wow, the Mediterranean Romance is actually almost over. I haven't really been counting the days, but sometimes time flies faster than even you can expect. There's something psychological about the perception of time after crossing over the halfway point, and now I'm racing toward the finish line. My flight home is in sixty-eight hours.
【Bestiary: the Parade of Orpheus • The Fly】 Guillaume Apollinaire (1880—1918) The songs that our flies know Were taught to them in Norway By flies who are they say Divinities of snow. —— • —— • —— • —— |
【Bestiary: the Parade of Orpheus • The Lion】 Guillaume Apollinaire (1880—1918) O lion, miserable image Of kings lamentably chosen, Now you’re only born in a cage In Hamburg, among the Germans. —— • —— • —— • |
【Farewell】 Guillaume Apollinaire (1880—1918) I’ve gathered this sprig of heather Autumn is dead you will remember On earth, we’ll see no more of each other The fragrance of time sprig of heather   |
【Aiden in English】 I've never been to Las Vegas. In total honesty, I don't feel like going with my family either. Sin City is better experienced with a bunch of dumb friends. While some of my friends have already touched the Las Vegas culture, I've yet to venture out into the gambling world. For starters, let's begin with the Principality of Monaco, a country made for gambling. &nb |
【Life of my life, you seem to me】 Torquato Tasso (1544—1595) Life of my life, you seem to me Like some pallid olive tree Or the faded rose I see: Nor do you lack beauty, But please in |
【Snowfall】 Giosuè Carducci (1835—1907) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1906〗 Light snowfalls through an ashy sky. From the city, no sounds rise up, no human cries,
not the grocer’s call or the ruckus of his cart, no light-hearted song of being young and in love.
From the tower in the piazza, the quinsied hours &nbs |
【Per una ghirlandetta】 Dante Alighieri (1265—1321) Per una ghirlandetta ch’io vidi, mi farà sospirare ogni fiore. & |
【Dante】 Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475—1564) WHAT should be said of him cannot be said; By too great splendor is his name attended; To blame is easier than those who him offended, Than reach the faintest glory round him shed. This man descended to the doomed and dead |
【Celestial Love】 Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475—1564) NO mortal thing enthralled these longing eyes When perfect peace in thy fair face I found; But far within, where all is holy ground, My soul felt Love, her comrade of the skies: For she was born with God in Paradise; Nor all the shows of |
【Poem】 Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475—1564) Ravished by all that to the eyes is fair, Yet hungry for the joys that truly bless, My soul can find no stair To mount to heaven, save earth's loveliness. For from the stars above Descends a glorious light &nb |
【The Doom of Beauty】 Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475—1564) Choice soul, in whom, as in a glass, we see, Mirrored in thy pure form and delicate, What beauties heaven and nature can create, The paragon of all their works to be! Fair soul, in whom love, pity, piety,   |
【Autumn Song】 Dante Alighieri (1265—1321) Know'st thou not at the fall of the leaf How the heart feels a languid grief Laid on it for a covering, And how sleep seems a goodly thing In Autumn |
【Aiden in English】 The highlight of the trip, the pinnacle of the summer, is the only reason I wanted to come on this surprising cruise...The leaning tower of Pizza. Or Pisa, whatever. I call it Pizza because it's in Italy and looks cool. Simple thinking for the simple-minded. What's not simple-minded is the geometry of the tower. It is now a whopping four degrees off its center. Tha |
【voi che per la via d’Amor passate】 Dante Alighieri (1265—1321)
O you who walk awhile along Love's way, wait here, and look, and say if any grief there be to equal mine; I beg that you will let my voice be heard, reflecting, at each word, |
【La Vita Nuova】 Dante Alighieri (1265—1321) In that book which is My memory . . . On the first page That is t |
【Love and the Gentle Heart】 Dante Alighieri (1265—1321) Love and the gentle heart are one thing, just as the poet says in his verse, each from the other one as well divorced as reason from the mind’s reasoning.
Nature crav |
【Of Beauty and Duty】 Dante Alighieri (1265—1321) TWO ladies to the summit of my mind Have clomb, to hold an argument of love. The one has wisdom with her from above, For every noblest virtue well designed: The other, beauty's tempting to power refined And the high charm of perfect grace |
【That nightingale who weeps so sweetly】 Francesco Petrarca (1304—1374) That nightingale who weeps so sweetly, perhaps for his brood, or his dear companion, fills the sky and country round with sweetness with so many piteous, bright notes, and it seems all night he stays beside me, and remin |
【Now that the sky and the earth and the wind are silent】 Francesco Petrarca (1304—1374) Now that the sky and the earth and the wind are silent and the wild creatures and the birds are reined in sleep, Night leads its starry chariot in its round, and the sea without a wave lies in its bed, I look, think, burn, weep: and she who destroys me |
【The Flower from the Edge fo the Creavasse】 Eugenio Montale (1896—1981) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1975〗 The flower which keeps repeating from the edge of the crevasse never forgets me has tints no lighter nor more clear than the space flung out between you and me. &nb |
【Aiden in English】 Day two of the repeated sites. This stop was mainly to send tourists to Rome, a highlight of the cruise. However, after spending three extra days in Rome three years ago, I think it would be better to move on. While it is possibly my favorite city to revisit, there is still much to explore in Italy, such as the Etruscan Necropolises in Tarquinia and the medieval treasures of Tuscania.   |
【Full of a wandering thought that separates me】 Francesco Petrarca (1304—1374) Full of a wandering thought that separates me from all other men, and makes me go lonely through the world, hour after hour I am tempted by myself searching for her, whom I should fly from: and I see her go by so sweet and deadly that my soul trembles to rise in flight, sh |
【The Broken Pane】 Umberto Saba (1883—1957) It all conspires against you. Nasty weather, lights that keep going out, and the old house jolted by every gust. It’s dear to you for what you suffered in it, for the hopes dashed there, and for a few good times as well.   |
【Winter】 Umberto Saba (1883—1957) It’s night, a bitter winter. You raise the drapes a little and peer out. Your hair blows wildly; joy suddenly opens wide your black eyes, &nbs |
【To the Reader】 Umberto Saba (1883—1957) This book, Good Reader, though a balm to you, shames its creator and should go unread. Although he spoke as a living man, he was (or should have been, for decency’ |
【Insomnia on a Summer Night】 Umberto Saba (1883—1957) I've positioned myself to relax under the stars, one of those nights sick with insomnia, a religious pleasure. &n |
【Epitaph】 Umberto Saba (1883—1957) When I am alive I speak to the dead majority. After death, I refused to be courteous and asked to forget. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《墓志铭》】 阳光斗士•萨巴(1883生—1957卒) 活着时我向死亡的多数说话。 &nbs |
【One Night】 Umberto Saba (1883—1957) If only sleep would come, as it has come on other nights: already slipping through my thoughts.