2024-06-08 Best Friends Day
【Conch (Concha)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) To Natalia Jiménez Somebody has given me a conch. Inside, a sea map is singing. My heart fills with water and little fishes of shadow and silver. Somebody has given me a conch. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《海螺》】 (西班牙)和平统帅·矛·洛尔迦“光明之神”(1898生—1936卒) 【红霞译】 ——给诞生·后继者 有人带给我一个海螺。 海图在里面歌唱。 我的心 水润丰盈 充满小鱼群 魅影银光。 有人带给我一个海螺。
【注】直到18世纪30年代火山爆发,火地岛才被造就成魔鬼模样,由此诞生了西班牙唯一一个地质国家公园,其诡异的月球内陆景观归功于长期处于休眠状态的火山,如今火山活动依旧持续进行,在13米/43英尺深处的核心表面温度可达100oC—600oC/212oF—1,112oF,公园导游巧将自来水倒入熔岩洞口,地热水立马从洞口喷涌而出形成蒸汽喷泉,大自然的超凡脱俗着实令人惊艳,荒凉与冷艳楞把梦幻浪漫渲染得奇光异彩。 今天的午餐锁定在远近闻名的农民博物馆之家,从火地岛首府暗礁城(Arrecife)开车只需十几分钟。农民博物馆位于火地岛地理中心的丘峦使徒镇(San Bartolomé),是本土艺术家“长发·强力”(César Manrique, 1919-1992)的灵感作品,旨在颂扬当地农民不惜代价,在极端不利的条件下努力提供生计,同时为游客开拓了穿越建筑、农业、手工艺和传统美食的旅程。 1993年,火山国家公园被联合国科教文组织列入《生物圈保护区》。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2024: Lanzarote, Moon on Earth in Spain(西班牙兰萨罗特“火地”岛·人间月球) 2017: The Eighth-Grade End(初三结业) 2015: Poem─Haiku Skit Script(诗歌─俳句剧本) 2014: Hickory Run SP, PA(宾州山核桃树州立公园) Hwy to Timanfaya "Fire Mtns" NP (通往火山国家公园的高速公路) Sculpture Postsign of the Blind Albino Cave Crab by César Manrique (“长发·强力”的路标雕塑《盲白化洞穴蟹》) Montanas del Fuego, the Fire Mountains (火地) Absence of Vegetation, Ruggedness of the Terrain, the Lava Fields, the Volcanoes & Its Colors Embracing a Vast Range of Ochre & Red (大面积赭色和红色的植被贫瘠、地形崎岖、熔岩场地、烈火山体及其对应色彩) Road to the Hell (通往地狱之路) A Shield Volcano of Volcán del Cuervo Comprising Prominent Fissure Vents about 15 Million Years Old (乌鸦盾形火山·由约1,500万年前突出的裂缝喷口组成 06-08-2024) Lava Flow & Volcanoes (熔岩流和火山群) Park Headquarters among 18th-Century Eruptions Sculpted a Landscape by Filling w/ Solidified Lava Flows, Volcanic Cones, & Ash Fields (18世纪的火山喷发·由固化熔岩流、火山锥和火山灰场塑造的景观环绕在公园总部周围) Geothermal Cooked Chicken & Sausages @ 250oC/482oF (借助摄氏250oC/华氏482oF天然地热烘烤的鸡肉和香肠) Steaming Bore Hole Like a Mini Geyser (小型喷泉钻孔冒着热气) Underground Volcanic Fire w/ Hay on Islote de Hilario, One of the Most Original Islets or Kipukas (最原始岛屿——快乐岛上地下岩浆点燃了干草) Lava Channel in A'ā"Devil" Lava Flows (魔鬼熔岩流中的熔岩通道)
Mountain Rajada, One of the Largest Isolated Volcanic Structures of the Historic Eruption (破裂山·史上喷发的最大孤立火山结构之一) Timanfaya NP across the Horizon Caldera Gaida, Montaña Guardilama, & Montaña Diama (横跨地平线的山羊火山口、液态祭献山和神圣山 06-08-2024) Panoramic Views from the Restaurante del Diablo Showcasing the Surreal Landscape (魔鬼餐厅全景展示了超现实的景观) Shades of Reds, Browns, & Oranges Dominating the Landscape (红、棕、橙主导着自然景观 06-08-2024) Manto de la Virgen or Virgin's Mantle (圣母斗篷) A Journey to Mars w/o Leaving Lanzarote (无需离开火地岛的火星之旅) Timanfaya NP Dominated by Silence & Emptiness (笼罩寂静和空虚的火山国家公园) High Temperatures of Its Surface below Lying a Magma Chamber, a Real Heart of Fire (表面温度低于真火之心的岩浆层) Landscape w/ a Disorientating Effect (找不着北的景观) Synonymous w/ Beauty, But Also w/ Bleakness (既是美丽的代名词,也是凄凉的同义词) Epicentre of Volcanic Beauty (火山美景的核心) Solidified Volcanic Lava Flow (凝固的熔岩流) Lava Dispersive Pyroclasts (熔岩碎屑) Unique Landscape to the Volcanic Activity Occurred between 1730 and 1736 & Subsequently in 1824 (1730年—1736年间及随后的1824年火山活动所创造的独特景观) Volcanic Montana Colorada (红火山) Volcano Crater (火山口) Las Montañas del Fuego (火地山) Original Caldera on the R & Mountain of Pyroclasts on the L (右边为原始火山口,左边为碎屑火山) Huge Volcanic Eruptions in the 18th Century Transformed Lanzarote into a Bizarre Lunar Landscape (18世纪大火山喷发将火地岛变成了奇异的月球景观 06-08-2024) Casa Museo del Campesino (农民博物馆之家) Entrance of Casa Museo del Campesino (农民博物馆之家·大门) Place des Artisans of Casa Museo del Campesino (农民博物馆之家·工匠广场) Peasant´s House Museum (农民博物馆) Farming Tools & Camel Saddles, a Haystack, Fig & Mulberry Trees @ Casa Museo del Campesino (农民博物馆之家·农具、骆驼鞍、干草堆、无花果树和桑树) Duplex of Casa Museo del Campesino (农民博物馆之家·复式结构) La Tahona w/ Blood or Animal-Powered Flour Mill (动物拉磨的面粉厂) Casa Museo del Campesino Set in Traditional Whitewashed Houses Surrounded by Tropical Gardens: Vegetation Emerged in the Form of Small Oases w/ Palm Trees, Cacti, Dragon Trees & Aromatic Plants Despite the Apparent Aridity (农民博物馆之家·传统白色房屋设置,周围环绕着热带花园:尽管表面看来干旱,但植被却以小绿洲的形式出现,其中包括棕榈树、仙人掌、龙血树和芳香植物) Lunch @ Restaurante Casa-Museo del Campesino (农民博物馆之家·午餐 06-08-2024) Crosslinks(相关博文):
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