【Aiden in English】
The 2016-2017 school year is over. Honestly, it probably was my least favorite so far, not because of the teachers but because of its craziness. From removing homeroom to joining NJHS, I can’t say I’ve ever had a year like this. Therefore, lots of things went wrong. Furthermore, there wasn’t much consistency in my grades either. The first marking period featured an Aiden who, for some reason, struggled in Physical Science. The second marking period was an Aiden who passed it with a ninety-nine percent. The third marking period was an Aiden who demonstrated as a struggling Algebra II student, regardless of the Asian stereotypes. However, another rebound occurred in the fourth marking period with an A+ grade. This back-and-forth, the action-reaction scenario of my grade, resulted in stressful and casual times. Adding to these shifting grades, I participated in many stressful events. For example, most NJHS volunteers pulled their hair out during the Basketball Classic, an enormous tradition of Pennbrook. The gifted seminar class sweated over multiple events, some turning out good and others not so good. However, in the end, I will say the eighth grade was also my favorite year simply because nothing was ordinary. The year was full of surprises and scary moments. From music to academic issues, I learned to adapt and accept anything thrown my way. And I must say, I did have a spectacular set of teachers, even if one did spoil the batch. Most of my classes were interesting, which meant the teacher or the curriculum was good. Next year, I’ll be at the high school in the morning, as North Penn is bright enough to cram three enormous middle schools into one building. Yet I am looking forward to that, where there would be much more freedom. For now, the high school remains a mystery—a mystery that needs solving, that is. But in a sense, the eighth grade was all in preparation for the ninth grade. In the eighth grade, nothing mattered. Grades were only to measure effort, not how bright a student was. The eighth grade didn’t care for a ranking system; it was unnecessary. Yet the better students felt robbed because those taking easier classes received higher grades without breaking a sweat. Therefore, the ninth grade sounds good. It’ll be a new start with new teachers, which rumors around my school say are good. There will be a new grade system, GPA, and class ranks. And I understand that it will probably be much more stressful, but I’m looking forward to it. 【红霞译】
此外,我的考试成绩也不稳定。第一学制的儿歌出于某种原因,对物理课一筹莫展;第二学制的儿歌重整旗鼓,一口气拿下九十九分;第三学制的儿歌横遭高级代数刁难, 甭管世俗偏见亚洲人擅长数学;第四学制的儿歌重新用A+杀个回马枪。
不过从某种意义上说,初三皆为高一做准备。初三没啥了不起的,成绩只表示用心程度,并不证明是否干练,况且初三并没有排名系统,现阶段尚无必要摆开阵势,因此好学生反倒有种吃亏的感觉,毕竟上简单课程容易拿高分。 这样高一听起来蛮不错的,全新的老师全新的开始,难怪同学之间疯传特别来劲,别样的评分系统、平均成绩点数计算、年级排名,这也许更加紧张,但令我向往。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Poem─Haiku Skit Script(诗歌─俳句剧本) 2014: Hickory Run SP, PA(宾州山核桃树州立公园)
Mom Duck and Ducklings @ Windlestrae Park (筐草公园·鸭妈与鸭仔) Crosslinks(相关博文):
2016: Overview of Seventh Grade(初二巡礼) 2014: Last Day of Fifth Grade(小学五年级最后一天) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |