【Aiden in English】
Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, commonly known as the "Venice of the North." Although it is not considered an ideal coastal city because its port is too shallow to accommodate a prominent cruise line like Regal Princess, the drive from the docks of Nynashamn is barely an hour away. Small ships can sail along the Göta Canal and the Baltic Sea to reach Lake Mälaren in the city, which is quite a good idea. The sights are stunning along its waterways derived from 14 islands, and so is the city in general. Europe has a monarch history of kings, queens, and armies conquering other nations. Sweden was a nation in the middle of the drama, with stories of conquering and being conquered. In the 16th-19th centuries, the Swedes fought many battles, including taking over Finland for 40 years and losing it to the former USSR. Stockholm, at the time, was only a town, and the town has survived to this date, being the modern city's old town of Gamla Stan. Most people can see the difference between the two parts of town, but it doesn't seem like the recent buildings are sky-touching skyscrapers. The new technology is outstanding, though. Many interesting structures are present in the city, like the famous Absolute Ice Bar in Nordic Sea Hotel, which has now melted, and the tallest and first skyscrapers in Europe in the past half-century. Yet the city accepts its past buildings quite well, involving them with the daily culture. I understand that Swedes can go through the Stortorget or the hub of Old Town daily without getting tired, but I hate how the floor is made up of cobblestone the Germans had helped to pave. One misstep may result in an injury to anyone. Instead of looking at the sights, I was watching my step. Luckily, stops were made for the significant scenes, and I was extremely grateful. The tour idea was to walk through most of the old town, which we did, and see the more important places, such as the Royal Palace and Vasa Museum, which is definitely worth the time. Of course, the Swedish Royal Palace decorations won't match the Peterhof or Catherine's Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia. Still, it did win in the category of artworks. It was built in the 17th century, and it is noticeably smaller and doesn't have a trillion-dollar value. However, it has many more portrait paintings and sculptures, most of which are of previous kings and queens of Sweden. Each image seemed to have a story, like when a queen plotted to overthrow the crown or even King Gustav III, who changed in public. Although it was interesting to hear the tales, I realized the paintings were oddly narcissistic. But usually, that's how wealthy countries are. The only moment I found a shard of respect in the rulers was the idea of using the other guest's porcelain. Paintings also held symbolic value, such as the phases of a grown man and certain even mentioned religions. Surprisingly, the one religious sculpture wasn't Lutheran but Greek. It explained how the Milky Way was formed, but don't ask me how. Stockholm, when you look at the city, is a great city that is good at heart. It does many positive deeds, such as providing many beneficial deals. There is free health care, free schools, and free colleges, even with high-income taxes, and it sounds much better than the USA. In addition, it handed out the Nobel Prizes at the Grand Hotel, and the banquet for the winners was held at Stockholm City Hall. Karma does its job and returns the deeds to the country of Sweden. 【红霞译】
毋庸置疑,瑞典皇宫远不及俄罗斯圣彼得堡磐石宫和圣洁宫奢华,但其艺术作品别有特点,该宫殿建于十七世纪占地面积较小,没有什么价值上兆的罕世极品,不过却展出不少肖像绘画和宫廷雕塑,其中前任天皇王后所占比例极高,每幅作品都隐含各种各样的趣事轶闻,打个比方来说,王后略施小计推翻天皇、国王神仆三世当众更衣。以本人所见,闲暇之余听些天方夜谭也蛮有意思,然而画中人物显得自负冷艳,衣食无忧的国家通常都会这样,我幡然醒悟统治者只有在一定的时候方才意识到他人存在。绘画本身极具象征意义,例如将时间凝固在一个人成长过程中某一阶段;还有些绘画带有宗教色彩,其中有一幅作品对本国所信奉的路德教避而不谈,相反竟出乎意料地渲染希腊天主教,并由此推论银河系的形成,拜托喽,千万别问我怎么来的。 当你身在其中肯定认为斯德哥尔摩是一个非同寻常童话般的人间仙境,市民们福利丰厚,享受公费医疗,从小学到大学学费全免……即使个人税收高昂,听起来仍然好过美国。此外,斯德哥尔摩先在自家开设的大酒店向世人颁发诺贝尔奖,然后再到市政厅为获奖者举行盛大的庆功晚宴,好人必得好报,爱心回报爱心,瑞典以此为荣。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2016: Nynashamn—1912 Olympic Sailing, Sweden(瑞典少女港) 2016: Stockholm—Beauty on the Water, SWE(瑞典斯德哥尔摩“筑城岛”—水上仙境) 2016: Stockholm—Venice of the North, SWE(瑞典斯德哥尔摩“筑城岛”—北方的威尼斯) 2016: Stockholm Palace, Sweden(瑞典斯德哥尔摩“筑城岛”王宫) 2015: St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican(梵蒂冈圣彼得大教堂) 2015: World's Smallest Country, Holy See(梵蒂冈─世界最小的国家) 2015: Roma―the Eternal City, Italy(意大利罗马―永恒之城) 2015: All Roads Lead to Rome, Italy(意大利―条条道路通罗马) 2015: Roman Colosseum, Italy(意大利罗马角斗场) 2014: July 4th Party(独立节聚会) 2013: 四年级独立节(4th Grade Patriots) 2012: 三年级独立节(3rd Grade Patriots) 2009: 天生的节拍(Natural Beats)
Stadshuset by Riddarfjärden (骑士峡湾畔市政厅 07-04-2016)
Gyllene Salen @ Stadshuset (市政厅·金色大厅) Golden Hall w/ Gustav Vasa,Stadshuset (市政厅金色大厅—神仆国王)
Gloden Hall w/ Mälardrottning, Stadshuset (市政厅金色大厅·沙砾湖女王 07-04-2016)
Balls after Nobel Banquet, Gloden Hall of Stadshuset (市政厅金色大厅·诺贝尔颁奖晚宴后舞会所在地 07-04-2016)
Windows of Gloden Hall, Stadshuset (市政厅金色大厅·窗户)
Blå Hallen @ Stadshuset (市政厅·蓝色大厅)
Nobel Banquet Room, Blue Hall of Stadshuset (市政厅蓝色大厅·诺贝尔颁奖晚宴所在地 07-04-2016)
Upper Level of Blå Hallen, Stadshuset (市政厅·蓝色大厅楼上)
Stockholm Palace (筑城岛王宫 06-12-1996)
Guard of the Royal Palace (王宫·门卫 07-04-2016)
Vaulted Ceiling in the South Stairwell of the Royal Palace (王宫·南楼梯拱顶 07-04-2016)
Living Rm of the Royal Palace (王宫·客厅 07-04-2016)
Princess’s Bedroom (公主卧室 07-04-2016)
Clocks Collection of the Royal Palace (王宫·钟表收藏 07-04-2016)
Stock Exchange Bldg @ Källargränd (地下室街·筑城岛证券交易所大楼 07-04-2016) House of Ribbing (肋排屋 07-04-2016)
Nobel Prize Museum @ Stortorget (大广场·诺贝尔博物馆 07-04-2016)
The Old Well @ Stortorget (大广场·旧水井 07-04-2016)
Storkyrkan w/ Memorial Obelisk to Gustav III (筑城岛大教堂与神仆三世国王纪念方尖碑 07-04-2016) Sun Rarely Reaches Solgränd (太阳胡同·难见天日的巷子 07-04-2016) Science Fiction Bokhandeln @ Västerlånggatan (西长街·SFB连锁科幻书店 07-04-2016)
House of Nobility—South End w/ Statue of Gustaf Eriksson Vasa & Inscription of CLARIS MAIORUM EXEMPLIS. (贵族之家——南端为神仆国王一世雕像并刻有“以先祖为榜样” 07-04-2016)
Kungsholmen Island (国王岛 07-04-2016)
Gamla Stan (老城 07-04-2016) Riddarholm Church (骑士岛教堂 07-04-2016)
Vasamuseet (海事博物馆 07-04-2016)
Vasa Model @ Vasamuseet (海事博物馆·沉船模型)
Bar of Bishop's Arms (主教双臂餐厅·吧台 07-04-2016)
Lunch @ Bishop's Arms (主教双臂餐厅·午餐)
Swedish Salad (瑞典沙拉)
Swedish Meatballs & Mashed Potato (瑞典肉丸和土豆泥)
Swedish Bread (瑞典面包)
Falungong Practioner outside City Hall (市政厅外练法轮功者)
Barnacle Geese (白颊黑雁) Crosslinks(相关博文):
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |