【The Goat】 Umberto Saba (1883—1957) I talked to a goat. She was alone on the lawn, she was tied up. Full of grass, wet from the rain, it blazed.
That same bleat was brotherly to my pain. And I replied, first for Celia, then because the pain is eternal, it has a voice and does not vary. This voice heard a moan in a lonely goat.
In a goat with a Semitic face felt every other evil being sued, every other life. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《山羊》】 陽光鬥士•薩巴(1883生—1957卒) 我跟一隻山羊談心。 她孤苦伶仃,拴在草原上。 牧草吃足了,雨水淋濕了, 咩咩地叫着。
那聲聲悽然的呼喚 仿佛訴說着我的痛苦。 我先是戲謔地回答, 但我終於明白 痛苦只有一個不變的、永恆的聲音。 孤獨的山羊的呻吟 是它的回音。
山羊有着閃族人的臉形 她喊出對一切邪惡的怨恨, 一切生命的悲憤。 Today in History(歷史上的今天): 2015: World's Smallest Country, Holy See(梵蒂岡─世界最小的國家) 2015: Roman Colosseum, Italy(意大利羅馬角斗場)
2014: July 4th Party(獨立節聚會) 2013: 四年級獨立節(Fourth-Grade Patriots) 2012: 三年級獨立節(Third-Grade Patriots) 2009: 天生的節拍(Natural Beats) Barcaccia Fountain & Spanish Steps (破船噴泉與西班牙階梯 07-04-2015)
Barcaccia Fountain (破船噴泉)
Trinità dei Monti @ Spanish Steps (西班牙階梯·山上聖三一教堂 12-27-1995)
Piazza di Spagna (西班牙廣場)
Trevi Fountain (三岔路噴泉)
Fontana dell'Acqua Felice @ Piazza San Bernardo (聖貝納多廣場·快樂水道噴泉)
Piazza della Repubblica (共和廣場)
Fountain of the Naiads @ Piazza della Repubblica (共和廣場·水仙女噴泉)
Via degli Speziali (藥劑師大街)
Via delle Quattro Fontane (四噴泉大道)
Goddess Diana of Quattro Fontane (四噴泉·狩獵女神) Goddess Juno of Quattro Fontane (四噴泉·婚姻女神) The Tiber of Quattro Fontane (四噴泉·河神)
River Aniene of Quattro Fontane (四噴泉·悅神)
Via della Pilotta (皮球大街)
Hilly Street (陡坡街區) The Column of the Immaculate Conception @ Piazza Mignanelli (米格納內利廣場·聖母無原罪紀念柱)
Obelisk Esquiline @ Piazza dell'Esquilino (冬青櫟廣場·冬青櫟方尖碑)
Column of Marcus Aurelius @ Piazza Colonna (立柱廣場—哲學家皇帝紀念柱)
Egyptian Obelisk of Ramesses II @ Piazza del Popolo (人民廣場·來自埃及太陽城的拉美西斯二世方尖碑)
Palazzo Venezia (威尼斯宮)
Palazzo Wedekind @ Piazza Colonna (立柱廣場·韋德金宮)
Montecitorio Palace, the Seat of Italian Chamber of Deputies (柑橘宮·眾議院所在地)
Temple of Hadrian or Rome's Chamber of Commerce (哈德良神廟·羅馬商會大廈)
Natl Monument of Victor Emmanuel II @ Piazza Venezia (威尼斯廣場——維克托·伊曼紐爾二世國家紀念碑)
Carabinieri in the Storm @ Villa Carlo Alberto al Quirinale (總統山卡洛·阿爾貝托莊園—暴風雨中卡賓槍騎兵)
Monumento a Carlo Alberto @ Villa Carlo Alberto al Quirinale (總統山卡洛·阿爾貝托莊園—卡洛·阿爾貝托紀念碑)
Baths of Diocletian (戴克里先浴場)
MòMò Republic (純正意大利餐廳 07-04-2015)
Bar of MòMò Republic (純正意大利餐廳·吧檯 07-04-2015)
Menu of MòMò Republic (純正意大利餐廳·菜譜)
Roman Salad (羅馬沙拉)
Lasagne (千層面)
Panna Cotta (意式奶凍)
Europe(歐洲掠影) 6th Grade(初中一年級) |