2014-07-04 Independence Day 【Aiden in English】
When people think of parties, they think of delicious food, incredible drinks, colorful Piñata, and outdoor games. Only the first few items on the list were applied at today's party. The adults were having a long conversation (boring) and drinking beers and wines (not cool), which forced the kids (Lynden, the hosts' son, me, and my little sis) downstairs and limited to the Wii in the basement. Lynden played most of the time. Since I had no clue how to play, I watched and chilled on my iPad, crushing through YouTube. Let's say this was one of my favorite parties ever! No adults to tell us the time. No parents to warn us to rest our eyes. There was nobody to ask us what to do. And let’s not forget the delicious, dazzling barbeque that Lyndon's dad, York, whipped up. The lamb was baked fantastically, even though it seemed slightly chewy. The beef tasted perfect, was easy to swallow, had a lot of juice, and was flavorful. There was nothing like it. Sometimes, parties are just about having a good time. If so, this party is worth returning to. 【红霞译】
龙龙几乎一直在玩,而我因暂时搞不清从何入手,一边观摩,一边查看“苹果便携电脑”优管示范,毫无夸张地说,这是迄今为止我参加的最好的聚会﹗既没有长辈提醒时间钟点,也没有父母告诫保护眼睛,更没有任何人颁布清规戒律,我们想干什么就干什么。对了,差点忘记提及精湛可口赏心悦目的烧烤大餐,这是龙龙爸爸彦民叔叔的拿手好戏。烘焙的羊肉色调古香,含在嘴里筋斗耐嚼﹔烧烤的牛肉汁多香嫩,吃到口中松软绵细,堪称绝世超伦。 也许有时聚会就是为了共同分享快乐时光,既然如此,这样的聚会多多益善。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: 四年级独立节(4th Grade Patriots) 2012: 三年级独立节(3rd Grade Patriots) 2009: 天生的节拍(Natural Beats) 
Independence Day Party (独立节聚会 07-04-2014)

Christmas Eve Party (平安夜聚会 12-24-2000)

Chanting (吟唱 07-04-2014) 
Nintendo's Wii (任天堂Wii视频游戏 06-09-2007) 
Pokémon Black and White (《神奇宝贝——黑·白》12-25-2011) 
Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver (《神奇宝贝——心金·魂银》08-18-2012) 
Super Mario 3D World (任天堂《超级马力欧3D世界》07-04-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |