2016-08-27 【Aiden in English】
Youth Field Day is a great way to get people outside. With a great sponsor in Montgomery County, PA, the day features a fantastic range of fun activities for children between 9 and 15 years old. It allows children to walk away from their computers and do something productive. First things first, I apologize for being such a hypocrite. If you haven't noticed, I am probably staring at a computer screen to write up this post. In addition, my word choice of children does not include ages 13 and up. Sure, I would love to shoot a shotgun at a target all day, but maybe if there weren’t so many young kids who cry at every explosion or scream like they broke a bone from the recoil. Once I began to think of what they were acting like in connection with my first time, I realized that this event wasn’t for kids. Even when I was ten, the recoil would bruise my shoulder. You know it hurts when the bruise turns green from the mixing of blue and yellow. I'm not going to lie; I’m also pretty sure not all nine-year-olds enjoy fishing. Sitting on the side of a river for half an hour, constantly reapplying squirming worms to a tiny hook, isn’t anyone’s favorite thing to do, right? A friend of mine caught ten fish and does this for a living. The closest thing I got to a catch was throwing a fish onto the side of the shore. I feel terrible for that fish. Now that I think of it, I did catch something. It’s called a tree fish. I caught it twice. As usual, a target range for rifles was probably the highlight of the day. At this time, it is the only real way to compare gun skills from one person to another because no one is afraid of recoil or sparks. It is an entirely fair competition where everyone is equal. Except for me because my right eye is slightly near-sighted. It isn’t enough for glasses, but the scope only uses the right eye. Therefore, I was aiming nearly unthinkingly. The target seemed marked by squares, all in red outline, so that didn’t help. I aimed at the area of them and got pretty close. As this event became more popular, people had fewer turns, so I couldn’t take back that one shot that nearly missed the target, which looked highly embarrassing in front of all the dead-center shots. The only real issue with this idea of guns around children is that they might take the weapons less seriously when they grow up. You know how scary it is seeing a third-grader holding a loaded shotgun or a fourth-grader blasting holes into the bull’s eye with a rifle. At the same time, a conflicted side of mine says that this may introduce something interesting to a kid other than video games. It’s almost like a video game in real life. Either way, I’m probably not coming here again simply because the concept is getting old. I enjoy the comforts of a glowing screen much more than holding a gun in real life, as there isn’t any fear of a random gust of wind blowing the direction of the gun into something or someone else. 【红霞译】
如同往年一样,步枪打靶大概是所有游艺项目中最好玩的一个,因为毋庸担忧枪托后坐力或者枪口溅出火花,所以这里成了大伙较量枪技高低的场所。靶场比赛相对公平,人人条件均等,除我例外,右眼有点近视,幸好视力并没差到配戴眼镜的地步,可瞄准镜非得用右眼来看,因此我几乎瞎猜一气。靶子呈正方形,上面画有红线标记,但对我而言意义不大,我盯住靶面,总算懵得八九不离十。步枪打靶很火,大家反复上手的机会有限,我稍有失手打偏一次靶子,结果其余的虽弹不虚发也难以扭转乾坤。 让少年儿童接触枪支的弊端在于,他们长大之后或许根本不把武器当回事,你知道眼见一位三年级的顽皮幼童手持子弹上膛的猎枪或者四年级的愣头小子端起步枪朝靶心扫射该有多么可怕。此时此刻,我内心也是矛盾重重,借助射击来激发孩子对电子游戏以外事物的积极性并不为过,其实打枪反倒让电子游戏变得真实化。无论怎样,恐怕以后我都不会再来,毕竟这种教育理念对我有点过时。坦率地说,我更爱守在荧光屏前悠哉游哉而不愿到现实中真枪实战,这并非说明我害怕因风向转变可能会造成枪支走火或发生其它意外。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Temple of Heaven, Beijing(北京天坛) 2014: GHCS Camp─Origami(光华夏令营折纸)
Participants of MontCo Youth Field Day (蒙郡青少年野营日·参与者)
Archery (射箭 08-27-2016)
Gunpowder (火药)
Black Powder (黑火药 08-27-2016)
Shotgun (猎枪 08-27-2016)
Canoeing (划独木舟 08-27-2016)
Fishing (钓鱼 08-27-2016)
Team Helper (后援)
Fur Trapping (诱捕毛皮动物)
Wild Survival & Scavenger Hunt (野外生存与寻宝队 08-27-2016)
Antlers (鹿角)
Black Bear (黑熊)
Deer Pelt (鹿皮)
Foot Traps (脚踩陷阱)
Grey Fox Fur (灰狐狸皮)
SCAT (野生动物粪便)
Skunk (北美臭鼬)
Squirrel (松鼠)
Turkey Feet (火鸡爪) Scavenger Hunt List (寻宝队清单)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2013年蒙郡青少年野营日(2013 MontCo Youth Field Day)
2012年蒙郡青少年野营日(2012 MontCo Youth Field Day) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |