网络日志列表 【小学四年级(4th Grade'2012-13)】 |

上个世纪八、九十年代我们这群走出国门勇闯北美并打出自己一片天地的年轻人中,绝大多数都有理科包括医学专业背景,正因为我们掌握了一门“科学”知识,才会学以致用,顺理成章地成为社会所需。可以说,当时广为流传的口号“学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕”在我们身上得到了极大程度的体现,而且恐怕空前绝后﹗ 如若追本求源,说起来我们从小并没有像下一代全方位接触“科学”熏陶,甚至从来没有什么机会进行“科学”实践,“ |
2013-09-01 
距离秋季开学还有最后一个周末,已经享受两个半月夏令生活的孩子们丝毫没有放缓脚步的念头,相反他们卯足力气,试图抓紧现有机会跟时间赛跑。虽说放假是玩,上学也是玩,但玩的范围受到极大限制,玩的级别亦从全职转向业余,心中难免有点失落,因此在迎接新学年到来之际,信步“三万里河东入海”,跋涉“五千仞岳上摩天”,游山玩水显得别有意义。 闺蜜家蒙蒙和浩浩继续朝美国中西部红色州大齿杨山(Aspen Mtn, Colorado)腹内地进发,落 |
在美国,无论生活在城市化的加州,还是蜇居于乡村式的宾州,亲朋好友之间不仅欣赏身外世界的眼光雷同,向往广阔天地的心情相似,有时甚至连回归大自然的脚步几乎都保持一致。尤其每逢夏季学校放暑假,我们不约而同分头行动,要么把孩子送进各种娱乐夏令营疯闹疯玩,要么带孩子出国旅游饱览异乡风情,要么陪孩子奔赴明川大山探险猎奇,相信丰富多采的校外活动会为孩子们增长见识提供强有力的帮助。 眼下进入仲夏八月,暑 |
2013-08-13 七夕节 我第一次听说荒漠中的“骊靬村”大概源于儿时阅读的香港武侠小说,偶与江湖结缘的热血少年独闯这个西汉时期大名鼎鼎的塞外名城,试图发掘两千多年前古罗马第一军团失踪之谜。据传公元前53年,与凯撒和庞培齐名的古罗马将军克拉苏(Crassus)为掠夺财富资源,曾经率领七个军团东征古波斯安息帝国(Parthian Empire),最后以身殉职葬死卡莱战役。其长子率领第一军团成功突破重围,顺利逃至中国骊靬,从此在那里安家乐业,长久生活于远东地区。 |

特拉华(意指“好斗者”)州东临北大西洋,其海滨州立公园(Delaware Seashore State Park)像一条细长而坚实的石堤,沿海岸线将利河伯“开阔河”(Rehoboth)和印第安河两个内陆海湾包围得严严实实。北部的开阔湾是一个障壁坝型河口,附近源源不断的白橡溪、宝贝溪、鲱鱼溪和珠鸡溪等淡水河流顺势而下;而南边的印第安河湾则属于水淹河谷,海洋潮汐由这里缓缓传入湾区各处。 每逢夏季,当地人经常到海湾来大搞海上运动──扬风帆、玩滑翔、划皮艇、飙摩托、放风筝、挖蛤蛎、飞钓 |
2013-08-03 【Aiden in English/红霞译】
Mon. July 29, 2013 Today was my first day of Lavner Video Game Design in Germantown Academy Summer Camp after I had done Belfry Theater Camp in the past 5 weeks. But I was only able to catch up with it for a week. After this week, there were no more camps I planned to go to. In the beginning, we introduced ourselves to everyone else. There were 19 kids and three counselors named David, |
2013-07-31 每年夏季这个时候,费城管弦乐团诚挚邀请世界各地新兴涌现的青年艺术家来曼恩艺术表演中心现场表演,像中国的朗朗、王羽佳等都曾因之而轰动一时。 毕业于费城柯蒂斯音乐学院的旅美钢琴新秀吴迪今天为庆祝《春之祭》百年诞辰晚会献上俄国裔美国籍作曲家谢尔盖·拉赫玛尼诺夫《帕格尼尼主题狂想曲·作品43》。七十多年前,自从拉赫玛尼诺夫本人亲自与费城管弦乐团合作第一次公演自己的新作以来,这首富有传统“俄罗斯忧郁”的A小调24段变奏曲一直成为费城管弦乐团 |
2013-07-27 
法国溪流州立公园位于宾夕法尼亚州(意指“山林”)暗河高原(Schuylkill Highlands),正好介于首都华盛顿(意指“睿智农场”)与纽约市沿线上森林覆盖面积最大的地段,植被茂密,湖泊纵横,湿地广袤,牧场辽阔,自然环境既非同寻常,生态系统又丰富多样,是一处远离都市喧嚣的世外桃源。
六年前,当首次来访法国溪流州立公园时,我们一家老少很快就喜欢上这个几乎由栗树、橡树、枫树、杨树、胡桃树、榉树等高大乔木垄断的世界。漫步在密林深处,草木青翠葱 |
2013-07-26 【Aiden in English/红霞译文】
Mon. July 22, 2013
Today was the first rehearsal with MICs, which made the voice much louder. So now, we sounded tiny, weak, and especially quiet. The people who wore MICs were Millie, Jimmy, Miss Dorothy, Trevor Graydon, Ching Ho, Bun Foo, Mrs. Meers, and Miss Flannery. They all looked very wacky to be wearing them. We were asked to be careful. If we touched the face, we might damage or break the MICs. I could |
费城管弦乐团已逾113年历史,素有“费城之声”美称。它与纽约爱乐乐团、波士顿交响乐团、芝加哥交响乐团、克里夫兰管弦乐团一道跻身美国五大交响乐团之列,因其芸集了众多一流演奏家,费城管弦乐团尤以精湛的表演技艺享誉世界乐坛。 每年夏季七、八月间,费城管弦乐团分别在曼恩表演艺术中心、威廉·潘登陆景区、长木花园、费城海军基地等繁华商业中心举行大型户外演出,当地民众无须登入金梅尔表演艺术中心大雅之堂,同样可以欣赏到国际一流的
2013-07-21 话说美东七月盛夏来临的时候,如若巧遇热浪侵袭,高温咄咄逼人,蒸笼般的暑燥气息扑面而来。别小瞧十天半月,真可谓“旱云飞火燎长空,白日浑如坐甑中”,犹如熏焖烘烤焙烧煎炸,浑身上下都不舒服。此时此刻,我们只有顺应形势,及时调整心态,最好整天囚居室内,绝不擅自外出,否则定会惨遭骄阳生吞活剥。 惹不起热浪的人很快掀起一股躲避热浪的高潮。
2013-07-20 【Aiden in English/红霞译】 Mon. July 15, 2013
This morning, I tested my costume designed for a mugger. But it had nothing in common with what I thought of. It was selected from one of the many racks in the costume room. I expected it to be a plain shirt and pants with holes. What I didn't anticipate was the one like this. A pair of light-brown pants with a sky-colored shirt and a tan vest. It looked shocking. My mouth was open as if I |

座落在费城费尔蒙“美山”(Fairmount)公园内的开心触摸博物馆是全美第一家旨在启迪七岁以下婴幼年儿童心智的教育机构。亲临现场参加游戏的小朋友通过肢体直接与展品接触互动,在寓教于乐的过程中既了解新鲜常识,接受文化熏陶,又刺激自身智力发育。 八年前,当我家童少首次涉猎开心触摸博物馆时几乎与我家公主现在的年龄差不多。旧日的开心触摸博物馆位于费城市中心21街,与雄伟气派的富兰克林科学博物馆翘首相望,其占地面积不大,展厅内人山人海,热闹得活像个农贸市
【Aiden in English/红霞译】
Mon. July 8, 2013 We did our first run of the show Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. on the first day of the week. Let's say that the teachers didn't accept it. First, Tommy almost lost his tap dance shoe when it flicked off his foot into the theater seats. Next, we had a counselor take his place while he picked it up. Then, Raymond fell into the laundry basket when Tommy pushed too hard. Finally, when |

时代造英雄。十八世纪的费城因其地理上便利交通,一度跃居美利坚合众国的诞生地,不仅历史名人常常汇聚费城大展宏图,而且有志之士纷纷扎根费城尽施才能,胸怀抱负的得力助手之子‧自由地主(Benjamin Franklin)“因为善行而受景仰,因为才华而获崇拜,因为爱国而受尊敬,因为仁慈而得到爱戴”,就是其中最为突出的典范。 富兰克林(意指“自由”)白手起家,将“诚实与勤勉”当成自己“永久的伴侣”,除了积极投身政治、活跃于外交舞台、协助起草 |
2013-07-06 【Aiden in English/红霞译】 Mon. July 1, 2013
The music teacher made us sing Thoroughly Modern Millie for the kick-off Gym. I didn't do anything much other than half of the song. That's 'cause the youngest group in Junior Theater Camp didn't memorize the lyrics. Half an hour later, we were assigned to memorize The Speed Test, Thoroughly Modern Millie, and Sweet Mystery of Life. Gym, the music teacher, must've b |
2013-07-04 美国独立节 “七‧四”独立节高温天气,生活在美国各地的亲朋好友无论多忙,几乎都会放下手头工作,要么携家带口独自出征,走海角闯天涯消暑度假﹔要么邻居街坊集体行动,去公园到海边野炊郊游一个星期,其热闹程度与中国黄金周相比,有过之而无不及。 洛杉矶地区热爱运动的八年级蒙蒙和六年级浩浩是我家童少儿时的发小,过去大家喜欢飙车打斗,聚首时少不了谈笑风生。如今哥俩立足加州放眼世界,充分利用得天独厚的地理优势,无限感受大自然的惊艳和厚 |
2013-06-30 这年头,随着网络娱乐产业蓬勃发展,数字视频录像机、视频点播、游戏机、传媒服务、笔记本平板电脑以及智能手机(等多元化信息交流手段深入千家万户,我家童少对传统电视节目的需求越来越少,如果不是因为追踪体育比赛实况,电视机几乎处于休眠状态,即使家里不乏装备齐全的影院配置。 当然,不看电视并非代表不看电影。相反,只要有最新发行的好莱坞派拉蒙迪士尼皮克思大片,我家童少绝对抢在第一时间实地拿下。如果说看电视讲究的是家庭和悦的温馨气息,那么看电影体验的 |
2013-06-29 【Aiden in English/红霞译】
Mon. June 24, 2013
Today was the first day of Belfry Theater Camp in Germantown Academy, and I saw many new faces. My mind couldn't process all the names. One was Benjamin or Benjamin. It sounded kinda like a tomato and tomato. Like last year, 25 girls outnumbered seven boys by 3.6 to 1. So, if we wanted a revolution, it didn't sound good at odds. Unexpectedl |

的确,无论从内景设计还是就活动空间来说,探险水族馆非常适宜婴幼年儿童智力发育,深受三、四岁以下孩子们的欢迎。再加上宾州冬季寒冷,岁月显得特别漫长,常常给户外活动 |
2013-06-20 暑假第一天 每年农历夏至前后,北宾州学区中小学校方才宣告放假,正式开始长达近90天三个月的暑期生活。 按照以往惯例,中日韩国的后裔往往借此机会远渡重洋,各自回到长辈们生活过的故乡探亲访友游山玩水,展开不同形式的寻根之旅。显然,年轻一代在学习祖先民族语言文化的同时,亲身接触到异地风土人情,不仅丰富了区域间地理上的社会阅历,而且还强化了对人文背景的认知。
2013-06-18 四月春雨带来五月初夏盛开的鲜花。习惯于蜇居简出的左邻右舍,此时纷纷敞开家门,“斗百草群芳各逞才”。 今年端午节一过,我家童少便步入暑假前小学四年级结业的最后时刻。
北宾州公立小学系统虽然采用一年春秋两学期制,但每学年学校却按照三学期制进行学期评估。但凡学期结束,班主任、数学课、艺术课、音乐课、体育课、智优班、管/弦乐班任课老师集体出动,分别对学生德智体表现统 |
2013-06-01 国际儿童节 要不是周六参加本校四年级双胞胎Zach和Joshua的贺岁派对,我家童少无论如何也联想不到今天竟是普天同庆的日子──“六•一”国际儿童节。 在美国,蜜罐里泡大的孩子物质上丰衣足食,课外几乎淹没在计算机、游戏机、智能机等现代高科技学习娱乐产品之中;精神上除了追踪身边看得见摸得着轶事趣闻之外,顶多再关注一下“两伊”战争动态,甚少怀揣其它远大抱负;生活上因无课业牵挂,每天放学归来,不是跟朋友
2013-05-08 在美国,如果你家恰好有正在上小学的孩子,那么你一定不会对算术卡片游戏──算术24点游戏感到陌生。据说上世纪六十年代,该游戏最早流行于中国上海。 24点游戏是一个最简单不过的口算心智游戏,卡片上四个数字都是由1到10的自然数随机组成,你只要按照加、减、乘、除四则运算法则,计算结果最终应该为24。 例如:卡片上出现的四个数字为6、5、3、8,其中一种解答方案便是3×8÷(6-5)=24。 24点游戏套路很多,快速准确是这项
自2002年创办以来,每年春季金色键盘音乐节分别在西班牙巴塞罗那、奥地利维也纳以及美国纽约等欧美三大音乐都会举行,前来参加钢琴、小提琴、大提琴、长笛、歌剧等古典作品表演的适龄学生堪称音乐领域吹拉弹唱各专业的“能手”甚至“ |
2013-04-14 【儿歌执笔(Aiden in Chinese)】 小熊从睡梦中醒来,闻到一股香气,那是春天特有的味道,它知道春天来了。 小熊爬出洞口向四周张望,只见一只小鸟从头上飞过。小鸟看见了小熊,好像多日不见的老朋友,赶忙落到地上跟小熊打招呼:“小熊,你好!” “你好,小鸟!”小熊礼貌地回答。 “请问,”小熊好奇地看着小鸟,说:“为什么春天一来,你们小鸟就要飞到我们北方来了呢?” “因为我们喜欢到暖和的地方生儿育女 |
2013-04-06 
【Aiden in English】
Santa Cruz Island was the second-largest island in the Galapagos and home to Puerto Ayora, the largest town. In 1959, the Republic of Ecuador declared all the islands, except areas already colonized, as the Galapagos National Park. In the same year, the Charles Darwin Foundation was founded to promote scientific research and ensure the conservation of the Galapagos. Not until 1978, the Galapagos Islands were desig |
2013-04-05 
【Aiden in English】
In the northeast of San Cristobal Island, we lined up on the deck for a chance to see kicker Rock in an odd form. It was a remnant of a vertical tuff formation, abruptly rising almost 500 ft/152 meters from the Pacific Ocean. Kicker Rock looked sharp and massive, and nearly bare pieces of rocks protruded out of the ocean. Only the birds seemed to be able to scale the sides. Even though there |
2013-04-05 
【Aiden in English】
San Cristobal Island was the easternmost island in the archipelago and one of the oldest eroded volcanoes ascending to moist highlands nearly 2,400 feet/730 meters above sea level geologically. It was the first island Charles Darwin visited in the Galapagos in 1835. Several endemic species and subspecies of flora had evolved in San Cristobal. Still, the human impact had ruptured much of the island, the once exten |
2013-04-04 
【Aiden in English】
North Seymour Island was formed through a series of uplifts of lava that originally erupted underwater because marine fossils were discovered on its plateau surrounded by low cliffs. These sporadic uplifts took more than a million years to bring the island to its present level, and it is now home to abundant and diverse wildlife. After lunch, we lined up for deep-sea snorkeling around North S |
2013-04-04 
【Aiden in English】
Santa Cruz Island was the center of the Galapagos archipelago, where volcanic activity had long ceased. It had the most significant human population among the few islands that people inhabited. By 9:00 am, the sun was already steaming hot. We just began to walk along the northeast coast of Santa Cruz Island. There was a hideout where two US military barges for WWII broke their moorings and ran aground on the bea |
2013-04-03 
【Aiden in English】
Bartolome Island was an extinct volcano that mixed its colors with red, orange, green, and black volcanic rock formations like Mars. It was considered the most spectacular setting in the Galapagos. As one of the relatively younger islands, its volcanic origins were quickly seen as an excellent example of volcanism. This afternoon, we took a short but steep hike on the slopes of this spatter c |
2013-04-03 
【Aiden in English】
Here, we had the opportunity for a morning hike over a blackened landscape that was nothing less than a geologic wonderland in Sullivan Bay, northeast of Santiago Island. At every step, we would see the hardened twists and turns of lava that flowed during a volcanic eruption in the 1900s. If you were talking about an "evil island," would it be jagged rocks, skeletons, scattered bone |
2013-04-02 
【Aiden in English】
My first statement after I went outside was: "It's foggy." And that was true. The fog wasn't what you saw every month in your front yard. It looked like a white pillow on top of everything in sight. Even in the old days, superstitious pirates called the Galapagos Enchanted Islands because the islands would disappear into the mist and disappear for no reason. & |
2013-04-01 
【Aiden in English】
Mom and I had a quick lunch and began preparing for our afternoon activity. This time, we visited Rabida, an uninhabited island of red sand, rocks, and dirt made of lavas rich in iron. Rabida Island looked like the top of an old volcanic cone bathed in crimson. The bright red ground sat amid coves and lagoons with clear blue water. All exotic wildlife lived in their specta |
2013-04-01 
【Aiden in English】
The rocks crunched beneath our feet as we walked through tropical forests with singing mockingbirds and buzzing insects. This morning, we took our first shore excursion to the west bank of Santiago Island, in the center of the Galapagos archipelago. Puerto Egas was one of the most popular sites in James Bay of Santiago Island, where salt mining operated until the 1960s. After a wet landing in |
Easter,2013-03-31 
【Aiden in English】
I yawned loudly as Mom and I entered our Celebrity Xpedition cabin. For the whole morning, we were sitting on a seat of LAN Ecuador, traveling from Quito, the capital city, to the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean after stopping over Guayaquil, the largest Ecuadorian city. Galapagos Islands were a volcanic archipelago about 500 miles/926 km west of mainland Ecuador and became a l |
2013-03-30 
【Aiden in English】
Pew! Pew! Pew! It went my 3DSXL as Mario got zapped by Bowser Junior's Wadoo magic for the fifth time. Mom and I have been waiting for our tour guide for about 10 minutes now, and we're getting awfully bored. We were going to cross the equator and head to the northern Sierra for Otavalo, a two-hour drive north of bustling Quito, to see the famous market, particularly on Saturday. |
Good Friday,2013-03-29 
【Aiden in English】
Today was Holy Friday, and we stayed in Quito, the capital city of Ecuador. At 9,350 feet/2,800 meters above sea level with a latitude of 0o15"S, Quito was the highest and only capital on the Equator in the world. After I put on a new set of clothes, Mom and I went down for breakfast. Our hotel was Patio Anda |
2013-03-28 
【Aiden in English】
Nothing was better to start my trip than waking up at the break of dawn and driving to the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) at 4:000 am. On the road, I was exhausted, sleepy, and stressed. When we arrived at PHL, my eyes felt like they weighed over 100 pounds/45 kilograms. Just after I sat in our plane seat, I comfortably propped myself against Mom and fell asleep. Three hours later, I was |
2013-03-27 
每年三月底或四月初,适逢耶稣受难日─复活节宗教活动,我家童少所在的北宾州学区都要特别选定这个时段,停课休学放羊三天,从星期四至星期一囊括周末,春假满打满算少说足有大半个礼拜。 坦率地讲,我做梦都没有想到,但凡适龄青少年儿童,都可以向春天讨价问假。在国内,我从未经历这般欢度春假的学生时代;来美后,虽然早有听说,南边墨西哥坎昆城可谓女生笑傲加勒比海的胜地,而东面佛罗里达州代托纳海滩(Daytona Beach)则是男生狂飙大西洋的 |
2013-01-11 International Parity at Work Day 
【Aiden in English】
There was no place on Earth like Rio de Janeiro, as the natives proudly said. Founded in the early 16th century, Rio was once the capital of Brazil up to 1960. The city remained the nation's cultural and spiritual center with an amalgam of Latin and African heritage. As Brazil's |
2013-01-10 
【Aiden in English】
This summer, torrential rain was highly unusual in Rio de Janeiro. We spent the whole morning watching the rain pour on and on. By noon, nothing was improving unless somebody called raindrops the size of bird pellets growing to the size of golf balls as "improving." When a streak of sunlight came through the clouds, Mom took the chance and set the tone for us to explore. At the back of my head, I thought ther |
2013-01-09 
【Aiden in English】
We missed the tour bus in the morning, so Mom and I decided to set foot on our own and look around the Brazilian capital, creating ex nihilo in the country's center in 1956. The glaring sunburned my neck as my mom and I walked around the Monumental Axis of Brasilia. Like the newly built Anzac Parade of Canberra in Australia, which we visited three years ago, the Monume |
2013-01-08 
【Aiden in English】
To start the day, Mom and I were overwhelmed with a breakfast banquet in Brazilian style, from ham to ice cream cake. It looked like quite a delightful cuisine, like its neighbors, Chilean and Argentine, in South America. I did not eat much but felt full once floating in the food sea. Mom indulged herself with Brazilian fresh-roasted coffee and couldn't even walk to our room. &nbs |
2013-01-07 
【Aiden in English】
The calm wind blew in my face as a ferryboat zipped along with the water docking on the beach of San Martin Island. San Martin was a small, lush island in the center of Iguazu National Park in Argentina, offering the closest views of the falls. The island was rough and strenuous to climb. The stairs never seemed to end! When Mom and I arrived at the top, I felt my legs were made of jelly, and crawling would be the next |
2013-01-06 
【Aiden in English】
One good thing about plane flights was that I could sleep all the time, as much as I wanted, between takeoff and landing. However, I bonked my head against the seat in front, which disrupted my wonderful dream of dancing with bunnies. When the full blast of heat, like a sauna from the outside, started to melt me at Iguazu International Airport of Argentina (IGR), Mom |
2013-01-05 
【Aiden in English】
The wheels on the bus went round and round as the air filled with the sound of the sunny morning chirps of the birds. Buenos Aires blew out "Good Airs" or "Fair Winds". They eclectically blended its contemporary vitality and old-world languor on the western bank of the Rio de la Plata estuary. It was already blisteringly hot when the bus stopped at the political and cultural heart- Plaza de Mayo (Ma |
2013-01-05 
【To A Cat】 Jorge Luis Borges (1899—1986) Mirrors are not more silent nor the creeping dawn more secretive; in the moonlight, you are that panther we catch sight of from afar. By the inexplicable workings of divine law, we look for you in vain; More remote, e |
2013-01-03 
【Aiden in English】
As I came to my senses from waking out of deep sleep, the smell of muffins wafted toward me. With an unappetizing breakfast, I hurried down to meet our group. I headed for Uruguay- the second smallest country in South America and its oldest town- the Historic Quarter of Colonia del Sacramento, declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1995. We left the harbor, an oil refinery, |
2013-01-02 
【Aiden in English】
Hooray! I was cruising at sea today. My whole morning was spent in tangles of dreams, wrapped in a small, cozy bed with a new punching bag and a teddy bear. I put the bear to sub-mission before falling into a deep sleep, and I'm pretty sure the bear was having nightmares about me. After lunch, I hurried to the Youth Center. Over h |
New Year's Day,2013-01-01 
【Aiden in English】
Puerto Madryn, a Welsh town in the Atlantic Ocean, was dominated by a vast smelter that produced aluminum from bauxite ore shipped from Australia, Suriname, and other countries. The production of ceramic tiles made itself the biggest supplier in the nation. The fishing fleet moored in the harbor. Ironically, beef was Argentina's national dish, and Argentines preferred beef to fish. Most fish wer |
2012-12-31 New Year's Eve 
【Aiden in English】
It's New Year's Eve today, and we were cruising at sea again. I yawned widely as I got up in the morning. As I checked the clock, I toppled out of bed. It was 10:30 am. I still was in pajamas and cuddling a teddy bear. For some reason, I grew fond of the bear because he was a nice replacement for my old punching bag. I thought of having brun |
2012-12-30 
【Aiden in English】
The islands we bound for had two different names in the Atlantic Ocean. It depended upon whom we spoke with and what we talked about. Concerning the Argentine, Islas Malvinas became national sovereignty. To the English, the Falkland Islands are a British Overseas Territory. Historically, there were French, British, Spanish, and Argentine settlements. Although the Falkland Islands were under British control, Argentina d |
2012-12-29 
【Aiden in English】
Cape Horn in Chile is located at the latitude 55 degrees 58 minutes 47 seconds south and the longitude 67 degrees 16 minutes 18 seconds west. It is the southernmost point on Earth, other than Antarctica. It covers the two most significant bodies of water, the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans, and is known as a notorious graveyard for sailors. This morning, I awoke to three |
2012-12-28 
【Aiden in English】
By December, a hot summer came to the south atmosphere. However, the cold still numbed my teeth as we waited on the sun deck for the glaciers and sheer mountains to appear over the horizon in the Strait of Magellan between the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. Due to tidal constraints, we had to delay our arrival time by two hours in Ushuaia, Argentina, this afternoon. Unexpectedly, |
2012-12-27 
【Aiden in English】
Antarctica is the Earth's southernmost continent, encapsulating the South Pole as described in the geographic textbook. It's the fifth-largest continent after Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. About 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice that averages at least 1 mile/1,600 meters in thickness. Its mountains cover such a significant area that it makes Antarctica the highest of the seven continents on |
2012-12-26 
【Aiden in English】
So, there I was with my mom, standing on the balcony of Star Princess at the crack of dawn to see the Amalia Glacier in the central part of Chilean Southern Patagonian Ice Fields. The glacier descended from the Andes Mountains and sat like a frozen river above the sea. It had immense weight, and the oxygen had been pressed out of the ice, presenting it with a stunning crystalline appearance and a strange blue glow that |
2012-12-25 Christmas Day 
【Aiden in English】
"Merry Christmas!" shouted the Princess Captain loud enough to be heard miles away in the morning. "Merry Christmas to All" I didn't think my mom set a wake-up call, but our captain did set the mood for the day. As I got dressed, he kept us in touch with the weather and talked for hours. The basic point was that there would be a chilly, breezy day ahead.   |
2012-12-24 
【Aiden in English】
As I learned along the way, Chile is nicknamed "the Shoestring Country" for good reason; 24 times longer than its average width and in no place wider than 150 miles/241 kilometers, it stretches nearly 2,700 miles/4,345 kilometers, a span of latitude that encompasses parched deserts, fertile coastal plains, dense rainforests, and, finally, continental ice caps, fiords, and glaciers. &nbs |
2012-12-23 
【Aiden in English】
Today, our ship was cruising at sea, and it was my first day in the Youth Center for ages 8-12 on board. This morning at breakfast, I could barely sit still and wait till 9 O'clock because I was going to take the Youth Program. The omelet I ordered wasn't too good, but even that couldn't hold down my excitement! As we entered a room marked SHOCKWAVE, I noticed other children insid |
2012-12-22 
【Aiden in English】
I woke up this morning to the sound of people coming from the streets. I stepped onto our private balcony outside the hotel room in Valparaiso, the largest port city in Chile. At sight, the spectacular hillsides were dotted with various colorful houses. A series of peculiar boats sparked the beautiful bay in the distance. I checked the date and cheered myself up immediately. Yay! It's Saturday. I looked forward to |
2012-12-21 
【Aiden in English】
In a Chinese proverb, an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. It's always pleasant to start a new day with a scrumptious breakfast. I had fried eggs and toasted bread with strawberry juice. The eggs with white bread looked plain but yummy, and the juice tasted fresh and very berry. As we loaded up our luggage and checked out, I made a French silent farewell to the hotel and the great city of Santiago. &n |
2012-12-20 【Aiden in English】
I awoke @ 9:00 am this morning by the sharp sound of a phone ringing! I started to get dressed while my mom answered the call. When she hung up, she looked alarmed. The tour guide was already here! I ran to get my shoes on and took a quick, sloppy wash. Then, we dashed to the hotel restaurant and gulped down some croissants with a cup of fruit juice before running to our tour pickup bus. We had to switch buses for our |
2012-12-19 
【Aiden in English】
When I woke up early this morning, I still felt sleepy. But I had to catch the plane @ 7:58 am to the Chilean capital city of Santiago. My mom and I had a quick breakfast at the bar. We took a hotel shuttle van and rushed to Rapa Nui Intl—airport (IPC) on Easter Island. I couldn't believe my eyes. The airport was so delicate that the plane seemed the same size as its building! Why didn't I realize the fact as |
2012-12-18 
【Aiden in English】
Walking toward our new tour guide this morning, I felt a sense of dread crawling up my stomach. This tour would be a long hike on the side of the crater, which would be at least 10 miles. When our tour group arrived at the archaeological site of Ahu Vinapu, the heat started to act up. Before I could change my mind, I trekked up the hill. But not long after, I was exhausted from climbing, and my feet were sore from walk |

【Aiden in English】
Today was my first day exploring South America after connecting a series of flights for more than 23 hours. As soon as I stepped off the plane on Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean—the Navel of the World—I knew this would be an extremely hot trip (not including Antarctica). When I woke to the rooster doing its morning chorus of "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO", I |
2012-12-16 从美东宾州小镇动身出游南美,无论飞往南太平洋的智利,还是空降南大西洋的阿根廷或者巴西,跨越南北半球需要很长的飞行时间。倘若赶上直飞尚好,如同回趟北京或者上海,蒙头酣睡整宿,醒来几近终点;一旦需要中途转机,日子可不像直飞容易打发,时间立刻变得最不值钱,当然在反复经历海关X光周身透视扫描之后,个人隐私更加一文不值。因此除非万不得已,我们情愿不惜代价选择直飞,尽量避免中途转机。 这回复活节岛之行,偏偏把我们逼上梁山,无论事先怎样设计路线, |
2012-12-15 

仰望星空,沉迷于无限地幻想之中,其实纯属我个人爱好。当然我必须承认,这种爱好或多或少深受英国理论物理学家斯蒂芬•霍金(Stephen Hawking)《时间简史》的思想影响,到广袤的时空遨游,去感知自己赖以生存的世界, 早已成为我生活中必不可少的重要部分。纠结的是,平日紧张忙乱的节奏常常无法叫我细心捕捉闪光的瞬间,只有下定决心彻底放下手中一切事务,抽身带走4周28天的光阴浪迹天涯,真正回归大自然,体验山高水远路更长;或者置身异国他乡,领略春光和合万物苏,才能踏踏实实享受朦胧 |
2012-12-01 
我家周邻方圆5英哩之内,大大小小的服装铺面比比皆是,譬如:梅西“武器”(Macy's)大众化连锁店、安·泰勒“优雅·裁缝”(Ann Taylor)女性产品专卖店、好市多(Costco)会员制仓储量贩店、蒙哥马利“巨人山”综合性购物中心,不一而足。其中最值得称道的非“好市多”莫属,它不仅品种繁多包罗万象,而且物美价廉经济实惠,非常适合普通百姓的消费口味,因此我们经常出没这里,随时添置日常所需。一般说来,除非万不得已,我们几乎很少光顾其它高档时尚名贵奢华的特卖商店。
直 |
2012-11-25 
宾州纵贯美利坚南疆北国,横跨北美洲大西洋与太平洋东西海岸。春日绚烂,夏日火热,秋日娇艳,冬日凄美,一年到头四季分明。地理上,它不仅占据经纬两极交通咽喉,而且成为通往中西部各州重要门户。历史上,作为13个英属殖民地其一,它是英法殖民者与民族英雄以及美国内战期间各路兵家必争之地。经济上,因为东北部无烟煤炭蕴藏量大、 |
2012-11-22 感恩节 离家不远的费城是一座拥有330年“悠久”历史的风水宝地,虽然远不及纽约殷实气派,赶不上洛杉矶潇洒时尚,比不了芝加哥典雅漂亮,甚至学不来休斯敦现代开放,但它人事鼎旺,书生气十足,不仅公立、私立大学横贯全城,而且综合、专科学府包罗万象,既是传播知识启迪智慧的殿堂,又是栽培精英造化社会的摇篮。 岁月就像把杀猪刀,看来这话本身从来没错。时隔几个世纪,费城容颜已去光辉不在,幸好它因有一颗永远年轻的心,青春依旧,令人 |
2012-11-20 出门在外,其实最令人担惊受怕的莫不过“生病”两个字。小打小闹式的头痛脑热呕吐拉肚子容易咬牙苦撑勉强应对,一旦碰巧赶上甲/乙型肝炎、日本脑炎(流行性乙型脑炎)、白喉、狂犬病、流行性感冒/脑膜炎、破伤风、黄热病、鼠疫、疟疾、伤寒、霍乱等瘟疫,岂不如临大敌,横遭灭顶之灾? 如是说来,无论国家贫富状况如何,无论访问时间长短,我们出游南美洲热带雨林亚马逊河流域之前,除要提前了解智利、阿根廷、乌拉圭、巴西所到之处史地人文背景、 |
2012-11-18 【儿歌执笔】 小学四年级暑假我参加了德国城“捷门堂”夏令营(Summer Camp @ Germantown Academy)。在那里,我游泳、打网球和演戏,同时结交了很多好朋友。虽然每项活动都令人着迷,但我最感兴趣的却是演戏。 与去年排练的迪斯尼古装戏《阿拉丁“宗教的高贵”》不同,今年我们出演的是现代百老汇少儿剧《音乐人》。戏中主角名叫将领(Harold)的推销员,老想着法子去骗别人的钱。每次骗到钱后,他就立刻转身跑去其它不为人知的地方。这回在爱荷华州河城小镇,他 |
2012-11-15 每当感恩节到来之前,我家童少所在的小学都会如期举行“美国教育周”,即年度开门教学活动周。学生要么走出课堂上山下乡,深入广阔天地零距离接触自然生态;要么进驻博物馆引经据典,彻底投身知识殿堂挖掘精神宝藏。与此同时,学校往往还邀请家长临莅教室,现场观摩各科教学,进一步感受孩子们课堂生活,以便加强家长与老师的感情沟通,促进彼此之间互动交流,有效地提高学校教学质量。 本学区北宾州高中建有天文馆,因此今年四年级以“太阳• |
2012-11-02 万圣节前两天,“桑迪超级暴风雨”(Sandy Super Storm)突袭美东地区,道路交通中断,电力通讯惨遭破坏,保持已久的传统节日痛失原始习俗,就连主导我家经济命脉、总部设在新泽西州的银行──默克员工联邦信贷联盟(MEFCU),不仅网络出纳业务瘫痪了一周,而且自动提款系统失灵了整整七天,这回教我体会出什么是“叫天天不应,叫地地不灵,叫鬼鬼不理”,想必史无前例! 对我来说,能否出外上班并不打紧,大不了强令自己安心休养,“人生政自无闲暇,忙里 |
2012-11-01 每年进入四月~十一月间,正是北大西洋飓风季节,美东海岸首当其冲,总是逃脱不掉暴风骤雨的严酷洗礼。就像印度洋季风、南太平洋台风一样,风速时有不同,雨量各有所异,大自然几乎从未间断过向人类发出挑战。 自打来美廿多年来,我先后耳闻过不下三起破坏性超强、危害性极大的“世纪”飓风:1989年“雨果”(Hugo)以千军万马之力,横扫南卡罗莱纳州查尔斯顿城区;1992年“安德鲁”(Andrew)以神出鬼没之威,席卷佛罗里达州迈 |
2012-10-26 宾州公立小学自四年级起便开设管乐课。正如过去一年学校广泛推行合唱团及弦乐队,同样地,这也是自愿参加、由专业老师集体指导的音乐义务普及教育。 我家童少管乐课通常占用星期五上午的时间,一堂课50分钟,课后回家自由练习,无人过问检查进度!报名上课的学生自带乐器,每周一次聚首于音乐室共同学习;未报名的学生则留在原教室,继续复习所学功课。
2012-10-23 重阳节 在美国我们生活的华人圈子里,除少数人坚持计划生育之外,多数同胞不仅努力为自己繁衍后代,而且还积极为家族延续香火。照此说来,至少有两个子女的家庭随处可见。 一家生养多个孩子的优势很强,其中最令人羡慕的莫过于年轻一代同甘共苦,有伴相依。显然,无论男孩女孩性别区分多大,甭管兄弟姐妹年龄间隔多少,不说长幼排行性格差距多远,彼此在你来我往朝夕磨砺中,逐渐学会了一些人际交往的基本技能,适者得以生存。随着时光推移 |
2012-10-07 
每年十月第二个星期一──“哥伦布/鸽子发现美洲新大陆日”,宾州各所中小学都要停课放假,以示纪念。此时恰逢寒露前后,株枫如丹,银杏吐黄,梧桐斑驳,落叶缤纷,“万紫千红妖弄色,娇态难禁风力摆”。利用这样一个长周末出外郊游,秋天的浪漫令人禁不住感触逝者如斯,情归自然。 我放眼北上,目标很快锁定位于北半球美国纽约州和加拿大安大略省边界、世界上流量最大的尼亚加拉“雷鸣”瀑布:一要有生以来率领一双儿女亲眼目睹如此诺大的“雷神之水” |
2012-10-06 
在美东地区,恐怕无人不晓手指湖,这个由11个形如手指、散落在纽约上州的湖泊,几千年来经历了漫长的冰川运动和和严酷的自然风化,使得这片优胜美地古木山谷婆娑多姿,飞禽走兽晨暮鸣啸,山川溪流蜿蜒跳跃,岗岩峰林光怪陆离。 指头湖中依照大小排名第二位的大沼泽人湖(Cayuga Lake)与著名的藤校乌鸦(Cornell)大学相傍,湖面宽广浩瀚,水质晶莹透亮。微风吹过,周围波光粼粼,不时泛起层层涟漪。全部湖区共有29个纽约州级娱乐设施,最值得我们称 |
2012-09-29 好久没有像今年这么凑巧,农历八月十五中秋节恰好与阳历“十•一”国庆节紧密相邻,这下可以让远在国内生活的妹妹腾出一周时间,特意带上不满两周岁的女儿湉湉,专程从南京紫金山麓千里迢迢赶到宾州乡下,第一次欢聚美国与我们共度佳节,久违的亲情一下子又回到了身边。 这几天妈妈显得格外兴奋,提早便开始忙前忙后四处张罗,从筹划到采购样样事必躬亲,不仅精心烹饪了中国传统的大蒜爆烧茄子、芥兰焖炸豆腐、红椒烹炒肉丝、青豆油焖大虾、土 |
2012-09-19 跟往常一样,九月初新学年开学后不久,我必定要参加孩子学校一年一度举行的最大规模的家长会──返校之夜。 这回恰逢2011─2012年度宾夕法尼亚州学校评估体系(PSSA)结果揭晓,我家童少所在的三年级百十来号初生牛犊首次参加全州数学和语文综合统一考试便鸿运当头,不仅问鼎全州前20名,一跃从去年排名第123位上升至当下第19位;同时还打破北宾州学区13所小学中平均得分最高纪录。半天云里长满草,学校有史以来头一遭金榜题名。教室内,园丁将鲜花编 |
2012-09-10 凡在美国有地下室的家庭,几乎都装备了乒乓球台,茶余饭后一家人喜欢摆擂台鸣战笛,你推我挡轮番上阵,一方面给自己找乐子,另一方面借机舒络一下筋骨。对当地人而言,打乒乓不过是一种娱乐游戏,仅此而已。正如自行车在中国也十分普及,差不多遍及城镇乡村家家户户,曾几何时,全民都把它当成出门上街的交通工具,并非作为体育运动来看待。 我家也有一台乒乓球桌,几乎跟孩子的年龄相仿。天气和暖的时候,我们投身于大自然怀抱,甚少呆在家中一 |
2012-09-08 在宾州东部我们生活的小城,单说少儿群众性足球运动就有好几个组织。具有一定技术实力并连年接受过系统训练的中坚分子可以参加青少年俱乐部球队,循环进行地区或州际之间的足球联赛。崭露锋芒并表现出潜在运动天赋的精英骨干能够组合旅行球队,走乡串镇挑战远近不同球队。初展兴趣并有心尝试脚下功夫的足球爱好者号称整个赛季中声势最大的群众团体,每当秋季来临,他们学中练踢中玩,既毋需掌握过硬本领角逐天下,也不必具备专业水平游走四方,纯粹集健身和娱乐于一体。  
2012-09-01 
宾州东部夹在新泽西“草”州、特拉华“好战”州之间,只有很小的地盘与大西洋接壤,完全不及其它两个州有诸多像模像样的海滨沙滩,任你春来赏雾,夏来玩海,秋来戏潮,冬来观浪,因此每逢孩子放假之际,我们忍不住上窜下跳,不惜驱车一、两个钟头,变着法子赶去邻州海边聊解心头夙愿。 就拿我们熟悉的新州来说,大西洋沿岸各处海边多由带有障壁作用的堰洲岛组成,狭长的砂岩体凸出水面,并沿着海岸平行延伸。堰洲岛内侧形成海岸泻湖的水道平缓,嗜盐植被繁衍兴旺,成为鸟禽 |
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