【Aiden in English/红霞译文】
Mon. July 8, 2013 We did our first run of the show Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. on the first day of the week. Let's just say that the teachers didn't really accept it. First, Tommy almost lost his tap dance shoe when it flicked off his foot into the theater seats. Next, we had a counselor take his place while he was picking it up. Then, Raymond fell into the laundry basket when Tommy pushed too hard. Finally, when alcohol was passed around, the Gym of the music teacher said that we didn't have the proper bottle ready for the scene yet. So we used a script rolled into a cylinder instead. For the rest of the day, we fixed all the problems the counselors picked up. There were hundreds of them because half of the people were not even here to learn how to perform last Friday. After a bit of arguing, the word of the day was "Practice". I really couldn't have thought of it any better. 星期一,二O一三年七月八日 今天星期一,我们进行《仙乐美人》少儿音乐剧第一次彩排,老师们并不满意。 首先,汤米在跳踢踏舞时,不小心将一只舞鞋甩到了剧院座位上去。他跑去捡鞋的功夫,辅导员只好替补空缺﹔不久汤米用力过猛,雷蒙一下子掉进洗衣筐里。最后,轮到喝酒一幕,音乐老师吉米告诉我们酒瓶尚未准备好,因此我们只能将剧本卷成筒状当道具使用。 我们剩下来的时间全部用来改正辅导员挑出的毛病。毛病不计其数,因为一半的营员上周五索性没来,他们一时赶不上趟。 双方纠结了一会儿,得出的结论就得“练习”,我觉得别无选择。 Tues. July 9, 2013 We had a long warm-up today. To start off, the Gym of the music teacher asked us to sing all the songs we knew. Then Eric of the dance teacher told us to dance the opening number. It was so long that we spent half of our break on it. Next, we split up into two groups. One of them went to the theater where I did. The other headed for the dance studio. My group was going to learn the dance "What do I need with love". The props seemed really cheap and we had to hold up the bars for the jail where "What do I need with love" took place. So we were even supposed to dance while holding the bars. The biggest risk was hitting each other with the bars. That pretty much explained why so many people looked black and purple at the end of the day. At least, I came out unscathed. But if I was hit, the teachers were to blame for all of our miserable pain. 星期二,二O一三年七月九日 今天我们做了充分的准备活动,音乐老师吉姆先发制人,要我们唱了所有学过的歌曲﹔舞蹈老师埃里克则要求跳开场舞。整个过程很长,结果竟占用了一半休息时间。 接下来,我们兵分两路,我参加的这组去剧场,另外一组人马到舞厅集合。 我们学跳的舞蹈是《我需要什么的爱》,发生在监狱里,其用作背景道具的材料一定便宜得不像话,以至于我们不得不一边跳舞,一边尽力扶住监狱栏杆。最要命的,这些柱子弄不好会打到我们自己,这就是为什么排练结束之后,大家青一块紫一块的,好在我没被打中,否则老师们一定认为我们无病呻吟。 Wed. July 10, 2013 Today was simple. All we were going to do was to run Act I of Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. over and over again. It's when Jimmy and Millie met, Millie found her job, Hotel Priscilla, and Jimmy and Millie were getting thrown in jail. By the end of our third run, my arms and legs were aching. But the teachers still continued to push us. I really wished that they could kick the air conditioning up a notch. In the end, we were told about something I didn't notice and that was pretty obvious. We were more than half of the dance! It was amazing and frightening at the same time. It was amazing since the time flew by extremely quickly. It was frightening because all good things came to an end and it would be over soon. Everyone knew that's no fun like this. I guessed that's just how Belfry Theater camp went. At least there was one thing to look forward to seeing our costumes. We would be trying them out soon! I wondered what I would be wearing for the mugger. I hoped that it's not tight or stiff. 星期三,二O一三年七月十日 今天日程简单。 我们要做的事情就是反复排练《仙乐美人》少儿音乐剧第一幕,其剧情包括吉米与蜜莉相遇、蜜莉找到工作、普丽西拉酒店、吉米和蜜莉双双入狱。 第三遍走台结束之后,我已腰酸背疼。不过老师们仍不善罢甘休,但愿他们能开高一档空调降一下火气。 到目前为止,不觉我们已学了大半部分舞蹈﹗说起来叫人既开心又恐慌。开心的是时间过得飞快,而恐慌的却是天下没有不散的宴席,戏剧夏令营不久终将结束。这里寓教于乐,其乐无穷,大概是钟楼剧院经久不衰之所在。眼下至少还有戏服一件事令人期待,我们马上就该试穿戏服﹗真想早日得知,我所扮演的小偷一角究竟会穿什么服装,最好不要太紧或太挺。 Thurs July 11, 2013 For the start, we learned a new part of the musical. The dance was to the song "Forget about the boy". It was surprisingly boring since we boys were entirely ignored and didn't get to stay on stage the whole time. Finally came the time we had been waiting for. We were running Act I of Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. and then the teachers would give us a rating! For dancing, we had 8.5, for lines, we landed on 9.75 and the music came up at last. The Gym of the music teacher summed it up with a great ending of 4. He said that he could barely hear the Priscilla girls sing and criticized us for our terrible high notes. What a great way to end our day. The junior camp appeared to be lucky because they achieved straight 10's. It looked as if we would be meeting at the Gym for a few days each and every one of us. 星期四,二O一三年七月十一日 今天一开始,我们便学了一首新歌舞片段,《忘掉男生》的舞蹈与唱歌同时进行,别提有多无聊了,我们男生从头到尾全部闲置台下,被忘得一干二净。 好不容易轮到我们排练《仙乐美人》少儿音乐剧第一幕,老师们硬要打分评定我们。结果,跳舞得了八分半﹔对白差一点拿下满分( 9.75分)﹔音乐则被抓到小辫子,吉姆老师四舍五入,不多不少恰好给了四分整,原因是我们唱“普丽西拉酒店女生”时声音小得够呛,高音部又高不上去,实在令人扫兴。相反小班营员运气正旺,竟然一连得了大满贯。 无庸置疑,未来一段日子里,我们少不了要在吉姆眼皮底下多多练习。 Fri. July 12, 2013 Today was probably the most boring day of the Belfry Theater camp. We had to sit in the theater and watch Jason who played Jimmy and Jess who played Millie do their solos. At the moment, the junior campers were occupying the Dance Studio. We had no place to go. Both Jason and Jess were practicing their conversation in the center of the song "Long as I'm here with you". All I could hear was that Amy, the teacher in charge of the spoken lines, was yelling at the top of her lungs. When Amy finally settled down, I barely heard her speak. She might have lost her voice from all that yelling. Jason didn't seem to be affected, nor did Jess. But both were louder than ever after Amy stopped. All I did was watching Matt play on his iPhone. At one time, we had to assist them and another time we had to sing the beginning of a song to pick them up. And that was about it. Occasionally, people were taken away for costume try-outs. So I was extremely bored when Matt had to leave to test his costume and took his cell phone away. I really hoped that it's better on Monday. 星期五,二O一三年七月十二日 今天算得上钟楼剧院夏令营开始以来最无聊的一天,我们一直坐在剧院内观摩分别扮演吉米和蜜莉的杰森和杰西两人表演。此时,小班营员占据舞厅,所以我们没地可去。杰森和杰西正练习对白中的一首插曲《只要我在这里跟你在一起》,除了听见台词老师艾米声嘶力竭说这说那,我再也听不到其它任何东西。好不容易安静下来,她一定喊哑了嗓子。不过,杰森不痛不痒未伤到一根毫毛,杰西也跟没事似无动于衷。只要艾米默不作声,杰森和杰西两位的嗓音反倒比从前更加洪亮起来。 我目不转睛盯着马特玩苹果智能手机。与此同时,我们也会扯一嗓子,要么在他俩表演期间当配唱,或者为他俩登台前做引唱,这就是我们所做的全部。 偶尔地,人们为试穿戏装进进出出剧院。当马特被叫去试穿戏装,他随身带走了手机,令我感到特别无聊。 我真心希望下个星期一有所改观。
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