【Astrophil and Stella 31 • With How Sad Steps, O Moon】 Philip Sidney (1554—1586) With how sad steps, O moon, thou climb’st the skies! How silently, and with how wan a face! What! may it be that even in a heavenly place That busy archer his sharp arrow tries? Sure, if that long-with-love-acquainted eyes Can judge of love, thou feel’st a lover’s case: I read it in thy looks, ---thy languished grace To me, that feel the like, thy state descries. Then, even of fellowship, O moon, tell me, Is constant love deemed there but want of wit? Are beauties there as proud as here they be? Do they above love to be loved, and yet Those lovers scorn whom that love doth possess? Do they call virtue their ungratefulness? —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《星恋与星星 • 啊,月亮》】 爱马仕•悉尼(1554生—1586卒) 啊,月亮,你爬上天空, 步履多么悲伤! 你面色如此苍白, 你闭口无言一声不响! 怎么,即使在高高的天上, 忙碌的丘比特还在让他的箭派上用场? 真的, 如果那双慧眼明辨爱情, 那你就有了爱的迹象: 我已经看出端倪。 从你那伤感的模样。 即使是出于友谊, 请你告诉我,月亮, 那里是不是充满恒久的情爱, 只是缺少智慧赖以滋长? 那里的美人是不是孤芳自赏, 与我们人间没有两样? 他们是不是想要得到爱恋, 爱恋者却嘲笑别人堕入情网? 他们如何看待情爱, 是不是把无情无义称作品德高尚? Today in History(历史上的今天):
2016: Royal Yacht Britannia, Scotland(苏格兰皇家邮轮·“不列颠女神号”)
2014: GHCS Camp—Yo Yo-1(光华营抖空竹之一)
Edinburgh Skyline (爱丁堡天际线)
Holyrood Palace (圣十字宫)
The Ruins of Holyrood Abbey @ Holyrood Palace (圣十字宫·圣十字修道院) Bank Street w Museum on the Mound (银行街·货币博物馆 07-16-2016)
Royal Mile (皇家英里大道)
Camera Obscura & World of Illusions on Royal Mile (皇家英里大道·暗箱和幻影世界)
City Chambers (爱丁堡市政厅 07-16-2016) City Chambers (爱丁堡市政厅) Street Dummy (街头艺人)
George IV Bridge (乔治四世桥)
Newly Wed Couple @ George IV Bridge (乔治四世桥·新婚燕尔)
Mercat Cross (十字座) The Hub (爱丁堡会议中心 07-16-2016)
Stairway of The Hub (爱丁堡会议中心·楼梯) The Scotch Whisky Experience (苏格兰威士忌体验中心)
The Scotch Whisky Experience (苏格兰威士忌体验中心 07-16-2016)
The Tron Kirk & Royal Mile Market (市场教堂与皇家英里大道市场 07-16-2016)
Royal Mile Market @ the Tron Kirk (市场教堂·皇家大道市场 07-16-2016)
ATM Renovated from Traditional Telephone Booth (从传统电话亭改造而来的取款机 07-16-2016)
St. Giles' Cathedral (跛脚守护神大教堂)
Heart of Midlothian, Spitting on the Heart for Good Luck (福斯湾东南部心脏·向中心吐唾沫会带来好运)
Arthur's Seat (熊王座)
2016: Dublin—UNESCO City of Literature, IRL(爱尔兰都柏林—联合国科教文之文学城)
2010: 澳洲墨尔本—联合国科教文之文学城(Melbourne—UNESCO City of Literature, AU) 2009: 新西兰达尼丁—联合国科教文之文学城(Dunedin—UNESCO City of Literature, NZ) 2009: 新西兰达尼丁一南方的爱丁堡(Dunedin—Edinburgh of the South, NZ)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |