2014-07-16 【Aiden in English】 I used to think that Yo-Yo didn't need skills until today I learned them @ Guang Hua Chinese Summer Camp. Boy, it is so wrong. The Chinese Yo-Yo is probably even harder than any Yo-Yo you've ever experienced.
First off, the Chinese Yo-Yo has two discs connected with a smooth thick bar in the center. The idea is to spin the Yo-Yo by pulling a rope hooked up with two sticks used for the handle. This comes to the easy part. The not-so-easy part is when you try to do tricks by throwing the Yo-Yo up and catching it. Our Yo-Yo instructor, Eric did something I've never seen before. He threw the Yo-Yo up in the air, made a shape with the string, and caught it while it was still spinning. He looked like a magician, except with no trickery.
The Chinese Yo-Yo has so many more features than the one in the US. It performs tricks or uses it as a jump rope. There are so many more to do and explore. It seems hard but worth giving it a try. You never know what the Yo-Yo happens if you don't try.
首先,中国的空竹两头带有两个圆形转盘,中间靠一根光滑结实的棍子将它们串在一起,双手通过牵拉套在上面的绳子带动圆盘转动,当然这仅仅是玩耍的基本要领。其次,上抛空竹并在空中接空竹,需要相当的个人技巧。夏令营里耶桁教练的示范叫我大开眼界,他先将空竹扔向空中,然后再表演花样绳操,等快速旋转的空竹优哉游哉下落时,才动用手中那根扭动的绳子。他如同魔术师一般,只不过耶桁玩的不是挂羊头卖狗肉的把戏。 中式抖空竹比美式悠悠球有更多玩法,它可以变戏法或用来跳绳,还有其它用途有待你去体验发掘。虽说看上去复杂,但值得亲自上手一试,否则你确实无法了解抖空竹的秘笈所在。
TA in Chinese Chess (中国象棋助教 07-16-2014)
Demo in Chinese Chess (中国象棋示范 07-16-2014)
Preemptive Answer (抢答 07-16-2014) Yo-Yo (抖空竹 07-16-2014)
Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |