【Aiden in English】
Conquering land seems like managing your money. You gain a few countries through bloody and costly battles and reap great rewards of land and more goods. But how far do you invest in a country, or this case, 316 square km/196 sq. miles of barren land? The archipelago of Malta is not rich in resources at all. You might even have difficulty locating it on the map. However, its history is written in huge fonts that are as old as 7,000 years. In the rise of an empire, more land, no matter what, is optimistic. Malta, as we all believe, was an exception. Many substantial conquests stood in their way: the Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Byzantines, the Knight of Saint John, the Arabs, the French, and the British over several millenniums. The Byzantine Empire was a powerful force here for about 400 years. Amongst all the colonists, the Knights of St. John proved the most formidable since 1530. The natives of Malta had accepted the Knights to stay with them for a while. The Turks were invading then, and the year was 1565. The Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent attacked the ancient capital of Mdina at the time. The Turkish brought 35,000 top-notch warriors, while 541 Knights of St. John, led by their Grand Master Lavalette and several thousand brave but untrained local volunteers, made a rag-tag wanna-be club. To make things worse, a famous Ottoman tactic was to preach a religion that involved making everyone not afraid to die. In addition, the Turks had their hand-to-hand combat style, and the troops all came through 3-5 years of military school. Yep, the veterans of many wars went against the newbies. The Turkish equipment was much better as well. You might think the deal was sealed, but it wasn’t until a few surprises. The Great Siege of Malta lasted about four months of savage combat, which back then sounded pretty long. It doesn’t seem like today where a nuclear bomb just about settles all the land issues because there isn’t any land left! Finally, the Ottoman army escaped in disgrace, considering that the war was over because most of their soldiers were dead. There remained about 150 knights with their tenacity, but what surprised the Turks was the other figure. The Ottomans suffered a total loss of 30,000 men, depleting their force to a bare minimum. The Turkish army fled later, considering they were too weak to defend the island against any other force, large or small. Around two centuries later, the ruler shifted to the French. Napoleon Bonaparte wrote history by pulling off a conquering streak when he captured it on his way to Egypt in 1798. He conquered Malta in exactly 1 day, looting much of the gold and silver. Yep, 24 hours were all it got to take over land that once stood up to the mighty Knights of St. John. The soldiers had surrendered, and not a single shot was fired. What comes around and goes around, though. The Maltese sought help to fight away from a powerful, dominant force, and the British were the perfect ones to run to, which had a large and powerful fleet. They’ve got it. Check who wants to have colonial expansion. They’ve got it, too. Check who has a stupid, stubborn, and burning hatred for all people who are known as the following letters: F-R-E-N-C-H. The Maltese were poisoning all enemy water supplies. When the British reinforcements arrived and surrounded the fortresses, the French were poisoned and starving. Therefore, the French got a taste of their poison and left without firing a single shot 12 years later. There, we have a perfect grocery checklist. So, the beasts of Britain were on their way for the next 164 years, taking the mercy little time. Malta was involved in both WWI and WWII as the navy dockyards. Surprisingly, the Maltese people got their well-deserved independence from Britain in 1964. They can finally stop saying, “I’m Turkish” or “I’m British,” and now they are proud of being Maltese. Good things do come in small packages. 【红霞译】
大约过了两个世纪,殖民统治阶级改朝换代,这回变成法兰西人。1798年拿破仑一世在进军埃及途中不费吹灰之力一举拿下马耳他,欧洲历史就此重新改写,虽然他仅在那里逗留了一天,但却掠夺了足够的金银财宝。是啊,他在廿四小时之内目睹敌方投降,毋需浪费一颗枪子便推翻了显赫一时的圣约翰骑士团,只是事情来得快去得也快,马耳他人四处寻求帮助,而英国海军舰队实力雄厚,不久便成为马耳他的座上客,趁机完成了殖民扩张,那些自视聪明、不把别人放在眼里、招惹天下人憎恶的法—兰—西—人全部被驱逐出境,原来马耳他人暗中给敌人水源投入毒药,使法国佬因中毒饥饿致死,亲口尝到自己埋下的恶果,想不到在统治了十二年之后同样没有放一枪开一炮,马耳他人以其人之道还治其人之身。等到以上所有事项进行完毕,英国冠冕堂皇地开始了对马耳他实施长达164年的殖民政策。 作为军用码头,马耳他参与了第一次和第二次世界大战;1964年马耳他人得以摆脱英国统治,直到那时才敢拒说“我是土耳其人”或者“我是英国人”,命运之神终于降临,他们从今往后将以马耳他人为荣。好事多磨难。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2015: Mdina, the Medieval Capital of Malta(马耳他姆迪纳·中世纪古都) 2015: Valletta, the II-Belt of Malta(马耳他瓦莱塔·湾谷城) 2014 World Cup—the USA vs. Belgium(美国对比利时世界杯足球赛)
Grand Harbour (大港)
Vittoriosa Waterfront (胜利城海滨)
Senglea Viewed from Grand Harbour (从大港近观无敌城)
Republic Street (共和国街 07-01-2015)
Royal Opera House Ruins (皇家歌剧院遗址 07-01-2015) Auberge de Castille (总理办公室 07-01-2015)
Upper Barrakka Gardens (赞美上花园 07-01-2015)
Ħaġar Qim @ Qrendi (好天气村·巨石寺庙)
Details of A Chamber Door @ Ħaġar Qim (巨石寺庙·崇拜室门细节)
Megalithic Temple (巨石庙 07-01-2015) Lunch (午餐 07-01-2015)
Our Lady of Victories (Church 胜利圣母教堂 07-01-2015)
Monument to Christ the King @ Floriana (花城·基督国王纪念碑)
Monument to the independence of Malta (马耳他独立纪念碑)
Roman Catholicism as the State Religion (罗马天主教为国教)
Collegiate Church of Saint Lawrence @ Birgu (胜利城·光明施礼者学院教堂)
Annunciation Church @ Tarxien (灵魂镇·报喜教堂)
Oratory of St. Joseph @ Birgu (胜利城·后继施礼者大教堂)
St George's Basilica @ Rabat (基地镇·农夫大教堂)
Porte des Bombes @ Floriana (花城·炸弹门)
War Memorial @ Floriana (花城·战争纪念方尖碑)
City Gate (城门)
Maltese Architecture (马耳他本地建筑)
Stone Mansion (石质别墅)
Baroque Lintel (不规则门楣)
Dingli Cliffs (荫凉悬崖)
Maltese Countryscape (马耳他乡下景致)
Fish Village (渔村)
Luzzu (马耳他民间渔船)
Figs (无花果花)
Moon on Lunar May 16 (农历五月十六) Crosslinks(相关博文)
Malta(出游马耳他) Europe(欧洲掠影) 6th Grade(初中一年级)