2021-04-30 National Honesty Day 【Aiden in English】 〖How did you discover your intellectual and academic interests, and how will you explore them at the University of Pennsylvania? Please respond considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected. (300-450 words)〗 In stockmarketgame.org’s 2020 spring event, my team placed third in our region. My friends and I had spent hours each week drawing up diagrams, diversifying our portfolio, and brainstorming ways to separate ourselves from the hundreds of other competing squads. Struggling to advance our ranking, we finally decided to short travel stocks such as American Airlines and Boeing even before the Coronavirus shutdown, firmly launching us into the leaderboard top five. However, the stock market only represents a small aspect of the business. Its fiscal attraction caught my initial attention, but what indeed reeled in my interest followed shortly after. As President of my high school’s Investment Club, I continued the path of exploration by leading the Southeastern Pennsylvania Investment Conference, which invited men and women from a variety of fields—including business analysts, financial advisors, and even Wharton students—to speak to students from local school districts. Despite the name, the Conference broadened the business world beyond simply “investing stocks” to bring more financial literacy to high school students. During the conference, one speaker stood out: Shohom, a Wharton student majoring in finance. In his presentation, he described his journey through college as fascinating and inspiring; however, his most outstanding points were regarding his start-up. He mentioned the copious opportunities that Wharton had provided that helped him accomplish such an achievement, such as extracurricular clubs like Common Cents and PennSEM. Through him, I discovered that UPenn offers a wide range of resources both inside the classroom and outside through organizations and student-created clubs. I look forward to attending classes such as MGMT 251-Consulting to Growth Companies at Wharton. While MGMT 251 is far down the road as a capstone course, the curriculum would further increase my passion for management. Its focus on developing teamwork among classmates and client relationships requires economic, management, and leadership backgrounds. Another course I’m especially interested in is the renowned MGMT 238-Organizational Behavior. As a person who loves to work alongside others, I would love to study under the humorous, intuitive, and pre-procrastinating Adam Grant. Focusing on a psychological approach to management, in MGMT 238, Grant details the need to work well for and with others. Furthermore, his Worklife podcast discusses the psychology behind bettering a working mentality and exploring new hypothetical ideas on how to run a business and work with others. His work on psychological factors in the work environment aligns perfectly with my interests in management and working with others. I am eager to turn my passion into a career. 【红霞译】 〖你是怎样发现自己的才智与学术兴趣并如何在宾夕法尼亚大学拓展它们?请结合你选的学院回答问题(300-450 字)〗
会议期间,来自沃顿商学院金融专业在校生邵侯姆给我留下了非常特别的印象。他在演讲中介绍了令人向往的大学生活,其中最为突出的莫过于他的创业经历,正因为沃顿商学院提供许多机会,例如:共享基金和宾大公益创业运动之类的课外俱乐部,结果成就了他的追求。从邵侯姆的亲身体验不难发现,宾大采用多种组织和学生社团等渠道为学生们提供极为广泛的课内外资源。 在沃顿商学院,我想选MGMT 251(成长性公司咨询服务)课程,尽管MGMT 251与应用仍有差距,但不失为一门强化我热爱管理的旗舰课程,它侧重与同学发展团队合作、与客户建立信赖关系,需要兼备经济、管理和领导经验;另一门令我着迷的热门课程便是MGMT 238(组织行为学),我喜欢跟人打交道,巴不得师从幽默、直感且胸有成竹的亚当·格兰特教授,而MGMT 238刻意将心理学方法引入管理领域,详述为民服务及与人合作的必要性。此外,其“工作生活”播客还就改善心态、拓展业务运营与合作规划新格局背后所隐含的心理学进行了讨论;他研究工作环境中的心理因素正好与我对管理工作和与他人合作的兴趣完全吻合,我亟待把这份激情转化成事业。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2016 Golden Key in Carnegie Hall(2016年卡内基金钥匙音乐节) Farewelll to College Freshmen during COVID-19 Pandemic Summer
(新冠肺炎病毒疫情暑假·送别大学新生 08/16/2020) Stock Market Game (股市游戏)
Crosslink(相关博文): 12th Grade(高中四年级) |