【To A. P. Kern】 Alexander Pushkin (1799—1837) I just recall this wondrous instant: You have arrived before my face -- A vision, fleeting in a distance, A spirit of the pure grace.
In pine of sorrow unfair, In worldly harassment and noise I dreamed of your beloved air And heard your quiet, gentle voice.
Years passed. The tempests' rebel senders Have scattered this delightful dream, And I forgot this sound tender And how heavenly you seemed.
In gloomy dark of isolation, My days were gradually moved, Without faith and inspiration, Without tears, life, and love.
My soul awoke with decision: And you again came as a blest, Like an enchanting fleeting vision, A spirit of the pure grace.
My heart beats on in resurrection -- It has again for what to strive: Divinity and inspiration, Life, tears, and eternal love. —— • —— • —— •—— • ——• —— • —— • —— 【《致凯恩》】 卫士•普希金(1799生—1837卒) 我记得那美妙的一瞬, 在我的面前出现了你, 有如昙花一现的幻影, 有如纯洁之美的精灵。
在无望的忧愁的折磨中, 在喧闹的虚幻的困扰中, 我的耳边长久地响着你温柔的声音, 我还在睡梦中见到你可爱的面容。
许多年过去了, 暴风骤雨般的激变, 驱散了往日的梦想, 于是我忘记了你温柔的声音, 还有你那精灵似的倩影。
在穷乡僻壤,在囚禁的阴暗生活中, 我的岁月就在那样静静地消逝, 没有倾心的人,没有诗的灵魂, 没有眼泪,没有生命,也没有爱情。
如今心灵已开始苏醒, 这时在我的面前又出现了你, 有如昙花一现的幻影, 有如纯洁之美的精灵。
我的心在狂喜中跳跃, 为了它,一切又重新苏醒, 有了倾心的人,有了诗的灵感, 有了生命,有了眼泪,也有了爱情。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2016: Kotlin Island in St. Petersburg, RUS(俄罗斯圣彼得堡科的特林岛) 2016: St. Petersburg—Leningrad, Russia(俄罗斯圣彼得堡—列宁格勒) 2016: Pushkin in St. Petersburg, Russia(俄罗斯圣彼得堡的皇村)
2016: Two Palaces in St. Petersburg, Russia(俄罗斯圣彼得堡的两宫殿) 2015: Messina Strait, Italy(意大利墨西拿海峡) 2015: Messina in Sicily, Italy(意大利西西里岛的墨西拿) 2015: Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy(意大利西西里岛的埃特纳“燃烧”火山) 2015: Taormina over the Ionian Sea(意大利爱奥尼亚海畔的陶尔米纳) 2014: YMCA Basketball Camp(基督教青年会篮球营)
Trinity Cathedral (三一大教堂) Church of the Savior on Blood Viewed from Griboedov Canal (《聪明误》运河上滴血救世主教堂)
Church of the Savior on Blood (滴血救世主教堂)
Saint Isaac's Cathedral (微笑大教堂)
Peter and Paul Cathedral (磐石与施教大教堂)
Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary & Imperial Academy of Arts (圣母升天大教堂与帝国美术学院)
Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (圣母升天大教堂) Imperial Academy of Arts (帝国美术学院)
Anichkov Bridge on Fontanka (喷泉河上阿尼奇科夫桥)
Lomonosov Bridge on Fontanka (喷泉河上罗蒙诺索夫桥)
Trinity Bridge above the Neva (涅瓦河上三一桥)
Stone Bridge over Griboyedov Canal (《聪明误》运河上石桥)
Griboyedov (The Woes of Wit) Canal (《聪明误》运河)
Palace Bridge (宫廷桥)
Palace Bridge (宫廷桥)
New Port (新港)
Bolshoy Obukhovsky Bridge (大立交桥)
Krestovsky Stadium (圣彼得堡体育场)
Port of St. Petersburg (圣彼得堡港)
Pier on the Neva (涅瓦河·码头)
University Embankment (大学路堤)
Piterland Aquapark (室内水上乐园)
Hydrofoil Boat @ Neva Bay (涅瓦湾畔水翼船) Motorkite @ Neva Bay (涅瓦湾畔摩托风筝)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2016: Copenhagen—Venice of the North, DNK(丹麦哥本哈根—北方的威尼斯) Russia(出游俄罗斯)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |