【Aiden in English】
If anyone has ever been to New York City, they understand the fancy way of traveling. Horses are part of the setting, and people pay money to ride on the trolley behind them. Copenhagen has the same concept, except the tradition is with bikes. Many use bikes for mobile and touring purposes, and with a little bit of tinkering, they can be made into luxury taxis containing extra seats. These are known as rickshaws. Apparently, in the late 1900s, these rickshaw bikes were ubiquitous. They were seen everywhere on the streets, and most people didn't even own cars in the city. As most people now see it, however, the late 1900s may as well have been called the Stone Age. At first glance, I saw many bikes in Copenhagen but little rickshaws. I understand bikes are cheap, fast transportation, especially in cities, and they can be parked almost anywhere, yet the sheer amount of them parked outside the central train station is crazy. The weird architecture was the second thing I picked up in the center of the city. Unlike other modern, prosperous metropolises, the city's old architectural style has not been changed. Sure, particular walls here and there have been repainted, some even renovated, but the theme of the 1600s remains strong. Churches, train stations, houses, and work areas all look similar in that they are all extremely outdated. If the guide hadn't said anything, I would've mistaken the Queen's home the same as a hotel or a subway stop. The Amalienborg was also well broadcasted, in which the more majestic and attractive palaces were given more space, often accompanied by a fountain or a gate. Not only does the style of architecture stay the same, but also many aspects of culture. Guards, dressed in medieval uniforms, still protected the palaces and sacred areas. Granted, they were carrying assault rifles and looked so modernized, but the daily changing of the guards' ceremony stayed the same. Unlike the UK, no instruments were involved in the process, and it was way short on style points. It was something to experience, though, as they seemed capable of using their weapons. The rickshaw is something I want to describe in detail. The bike was transformed from a two-wheel drive to a fancy open-air taxi. The seating was enough to fit three people, and the sea breeze blew straight into our faces. The ride was not the smoothest, but we got around faster than cars. To make room, the bike had mounted a carriage on the front wheel, and decorations were added for a little more welcoming feel. Obviously, with the added three people, the weight had exceeded the physical limitations of a normal man. This is why the 1900s are considered the Stone Age, as they didn't have that beautiful thing known as machinery. The bike had added motors that ran whenever our guide pedaled, which I guess was helpful but annoying at the same time. The other bothersome part of this trip was that the tourists rarely saw rickshaws, and they seldom saw ones with such lovely decorations, which led to many pictures. You know how weird it is to have random strangers walk up to you, holding an enormous camera in your face, and have them snap picture after picture! Well, I shouldn't be a narcissist, as Mom does this to strangers as well. The world is changing, and these rickshaw tours are going fast. I understand it is an old tradition, but if it is the last time this type of culture appears, it feels right to have experienced it one last time. 【红霞译】
早在上个世纪后期人力车相当普及,马路上屡见不鲜,那时城里普通百姓养不起汽车;如今时过境迁,在多数人眼里人力车业已定格在石器时代老皇历上了,乍看上去,虽说哥本哈根老城中心自行车铺天盖地,但人力车却寥寥无几,我明白自行车价格实惠,跑动起来又非常方便,即使在人满为患的都市闹区,仍然可以无所顾忌地找到泊车地方,中央车站外停车场上自行车堆积成山,充分再现它的实用价值。一旦走进哥本哈根,我深为雕栏玉砌的建筑艺术所吸引,与其它时髦气派的大都会城市相比,这里古韵风格并没有因为社会发展以及时代变迁而失去民族特色,相反城中散落各处的古垣残壁每年都被粉刷一新,有的甚至被加固维修,使建造于十七世纪的城墙得以永葆昔日风采,的确,教堂、车站、楼房和办公场所无一没有打上老朽之烙印,若不是导游指出女王寝宫,我还误以为是哪家酒店或什么地铁车站。女王夏宫出镜率极高,雄伟宏大的建筑群往往少不了喷泉和大门点缀,透过格调相仿的建筑本身,我们可以发现蕴藏在各个历史时期的文化元素;打扮成中世纪模样的皇家卫兵继续肩负保护皇宫圣殿的光荣使命,尽管他们手持冲锋枪,带有浓烈的现代色彩,但其换岗仪式却始终沿用传统做法。不像大英帝国,丹麦的换岗没有吹吹打打,显得简约直白,不过单凭卫兵荷枪实弹,值得我们亲临现场观摩。 我想借机详细讲述一下人力车,这个原本两轮脚踏车已改装成敞篷出租车,座位正好容下三人,海风吹拂脸庞,令人十分惬意。话说坐这种车虽然感觉有失平稳,但车子本身却能见缝插针,因此我们长驱直入想去哪儿就去那,没想到竟然比汽车跑得还快。我们乘坐的人力车前轮顶端装上推兜,这样空间稍微变大了一点,再加上正面又挂有装饰,略展东道主好客之情,显然车上一下子多了仨人,份量大大超出一个人正常体重,车夫体力消耗可想而知,这正是为什么廿世纪堪称石器时代,那年头人们并不知道引用技术先进的机械装置。如今我们的人力车已装备了马达,马达固然帮助导游驱动脚下轮胎,但其嘈音又惹人心烦;另外还有一个缺陷,眼下恐怕游客打着灯笼满世界找都难以发现像我们这辆装饰别致的人力车,结果我们反倒成了游客争相拍摄的对象。天哪,当一群陌生人手捧天文相机走上前来对着你咔嚓咔嚓疯按快门时该有多抓狂呀!算了,我何苦这般矫情,老妈岂不对新鲜事物表现出同样热情?世道在变,人力车也在与时俱进,我意识到这个饱经风霜的古老传统去日不少来日不多,要好好体验美妙时光。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2016: Copenhagen, the City of Spires DNK(丹麦哥本哈根·尖塔之城) 2015: Nessebar, Thracian Influence BGR(保加利内塞巴尔·色雷斯文化) 2015: Nessebar, Religious Art of Bulgaria(保加利亚内塞巴尔·宗教艺术) 2015: Nessebar, Pearl of the Black Sea BGR(保加利亚内塞巴尔·黑海明珠) 2014: YMCA Camp—Handball(基督教青年会营手球)
Københavns Hovedbanegård (哥本哈根火车总站 06-25-2016)
Frederick VII's Palace (Moltkenborg) (和平王七世宫·猪农堡)
Statue of Frederick V (雕塑《和平王五世》)
Amalienborg Palace Square (女王夏宫广场)
Royal Guard (皇家卫队)
Changing of the Guard (卫兵换岗)
Fountain in Amaliehaven (女王夏庭园·喷泉 06-25-2016)
Stork Fountain @ Amagertorv (爱人广场·鹳喷泉 06-25-2016)
Rådhuspladsen (市府广场 06-25-2016)
Rickshaw (人力车 06-25-2016)
Rosenborg Slot (玫瑰堡宫 06-25-2016)
Colorful facade and old ships along the Nyhavn Canal (新港运河沿岸的多彩门面和旧船 06-11-2016)
Anderson's Promenade, Nyhavn (新港·丹麦作家长廊 06-11-2016)
Bars & Restaurants Lining the Northern, Sunny Side of Nyhavn (新港北部阳光充足的酒吧和餐馆)
Restaurant Havfruen @ Hyhavn (新港·美人鱼餐厅 06-11-2016)
The Old Kiosk @ Kongens Nytorv (国王新广场·老报亭)
Metro Station of Kongens Nytorv (国王新广场地铁站口)
Metro Station (地铁站)
Kastellet (要塞) Memorial to Our Fallen @ Kastellet (要塞·死难者纪念碑)
Outside View of the King's Gate @ Kastellet (要塞·国王门外观)
Rows of the Barracks @ Kastellet (要塞·士兵营房) Entrance of Fristaden Christiania (自由城·入口 06-25-2016)
Murals @ Fristaden Christiania (自由城·壁画)
"You are now entering the EU" on Exit Plaque of Fristaden Christiania (自由城·出口匾额“你正进入欧盟区” 06-25-2016)
Statue of The Little Mermaid at Langelinie (长堤公园·雕像《小美人鱼》06-25-2016)
Gefionspringvandet @ Nordre Toldbod (北海关楼·耕种女神喷泉 06-25-2016)
Gefjon, Creator of the Danish Islands and Her 4 Sons Turning to Oxen, Gefionspringvandet (耕种女神喷泉·丹麦岛屿创造者耕种女神与其四个变成牛的儿子)
Pension (养老院)
Restaurant_Pz Nordic (北欧广场餐厅) Restaurant Gl.Mønt 41 (旧铸币厂41号)
Tivoli Gardens (游乐园花园公园)
Danske Bank the Largest Bank in Denmark (丹麦银行·全国最大的银行)
Torvehallerne Market (食品市场)
Tour Tram (旅游电车) Crosslinks(相关博文): Denmark(出游丹麦)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |