2013-12-19 【Aiden in English】
If there was a time when I was hyperactive toward saltwater, it was now. Today, we came to Male, the capital of the Maldives in the Laccadive Sea of the Northern Indian Ocean. With an average elevation of 1.5 m/4'11" above sea level, like my height, this garland of islands consisted of 26 atolls and became the lowest nation on our planet. We were about to see the coral life in a submarine. The submarine had at least 15 windows on each side, and two people shared each window. Not a single fish was in sight when it began to descend slowly. But as we reached the seafloor of 40 meters/131 feet, the place shed with life. Tiny Southern, orange-lined cardinalfish darted around while the imperial and blue-face angelfish peacefully roamed. Guadalupe cardinalfish dashed through seaweed, and giant California moray eels snoozed in their holes. The coral reefs seemed like a civilized living center for fish all around. In addition, we were able to spot some divers. They fed the fish and would often attract a massive school of fish. The feeding frenzy would only last a moment, but it's amazing how the food was so powerful. If you controlled the food, you would control the fish. The same thing happens to humans as we have a lot more weaknesses. The economy will crash if you have all the money and won't cough some up. The divers would even be able to catch a fish, and it practically swam willingly into their hands for more food. Plus, they played a good show of tricks and even held a cardinalfish up against the window for us to take a picture. The more fish I saw, the more quickly the time flew away. It felt like running water in a stream. Before I knew it, 40 minutes were up, and our underwater adventure ended. Just as waterfalls to the ground, you will never get it again. 【红霞译】
此外,几位潜水员跟随我们的潜水艇,不时向海里散发食物,瞬间吸引了成群结队的鱼群,俗话说得好:“人是铁饭是钢一顿不吃饿得慌”,从天而降的食物威力有多强大,谁手握鱼饵谁就可以控制鱼群,类似的事情同样也发生在人类,甚至更加饥肠辘辘,这时如果吝啬鬼紧攥财富不放,那么没准会导致经济危机。 潜水员能轻而易举地抓到鱼,实际上这些长得光鲜亮丽的生物根本架不住诱惑,心甘情愿地任人摆布,潜水员正好顺水人情,索性抓条小鱼送到窗前供游客拍照留影,我们完全陶醉在鱼群轻飞曼舞之中,不知不觉地四十分钟擦身而逝,时间如同海浪拍岸,挥之即去而难再复回。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: Capital Santiago, Chile(智利首都圣地亚哥)
2009: 新西兰怀托摩萤火虫洞(Waitomo Cave, NZ) Nautica Oceania (“大洋·航海”号游轮)
Jumhooree Maidan (共和国广场)
Islamic Center (伊斯兰中心)
The Grand Friday Mosque (大星期五清真寺 12-19-2013)
Hukuru Miskiiy (老星期五清真寺 12-19-2013)
Sultans' Tumbs @ Hukuru Miskiiy (老星期五清真寺·苏丹坟墓)
Mulee Aage Presidential Palace (马尔代夫总统官邸)
Victory Monument (胜利纪念碑 12-19-2013) Jumhooree Binaa (共和国纪念碑 12-19-2013)
Malé Submarine (宫殿潜水艇 12-19-2013)
Malé Submarine @ -40 m/131 ft (宫殿潜水艇·水下40米/131英尺 12-19-2013)
Orange-lined Cardinalfish (黄带天竺鲷)
Surgeonfish (刺尾鲷)
Spotted Surgeonfish (斑点刺尾鲷)
Saddleback Butterflyfish (珠蝴蝶鱼)
Imperial Angelfish (线纹盖刺鱼)
Moray Eel (黑纹裸胸鳝) Shuffle Board @ Nautica Oceania (“大洋·航海”号游轮·沙狐球 12-19-2013)
Miniature Golf Nautica Oceania (“大洋·航海”号游轮—微型高尔夫球 12-19-2013)
String Quartet Nautica Oceania (“大洋·航海”号游轮—弦乐四重奏 12-19-2013)
Grand Dining Lounge @ Nautica Oceania (“大洋·航海”号游轮——大餐厅休息室 12-19-2013) Martinis @ Nautica Oceania (“大洋·航海”号游轮—闪烁酒吧台 12-19-2013)
Short Eats @ Nautica Oceania (“大洋·航海”号游轮——小吃 12-19-2013) Crosslinks(相关博文):
Maldives(出游马尔代夫) Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) |