【The Winter Road】 Alexander Pushkin (1799—1837) Through the misty billows' fingers Threads the moon with pallid shade, On the dismal glades she lingers, Casts her dismal beams’ parade.
Down the listless winter passage Races troika pulled by hounds, Tolls the sleigh-bell's one-note message, Fills the air with tedious sounds.
Something cherished catches hearing In the coachman's drawn-out songs: Now a rowdy ode endearing, Now in yearning dirge he longs.
Neither fire, nor darkened hovel… Snowy wastes… Towards me rush Flashing versts dug out by shovel Through the dark night’s mournful hush.
Fretful, Nina, with the dawning, Darling, I'll return to you, Dozing by the fire and yawning, Gaze unseeing, thoughts eschew.
Ticking hand of clock is tracking, Now completed is its course, Tiresome hangers-on sent packing, Midnight us will not divorce. —— • —— • —— •—— • ——• —— • —— • —— 【《冬季的道路》】 卫士•普希金(1799生—1837卒) 透过一层轻纱似的薄雾 月亮洒下了它的幽光, 它凄清的照着一片林木, 照在林边荒凉的野地上。
在枯索的科天的道上 三只猎犬拉着雪橇奔跑, 一路上铃声叮当地响, 它响得那么倦人的单调。
从车夫唱着的悠长的歌 能听出乡土的某种心肠; 它时而是粗野的欢乐, 时而是内心的忧伤。……
看不见灯火,也看不见 黝黑的茅屋,只有冰雪、荒地…… 只有一条里程在眼前 朝我奔来,又向后退去……
我厌倦,忧郁……明天,妮娜, 明天啊,我就坐在炉火边 忘怀于一切,而且只把 亲爱的人儿看个不倦。
我们将等待时钟滴嗒地 绕完了有节奏的一周, 等午夜使讨厌的人们散去, 那时我们也不会分手。
我忧郁,妮娜:路是如此漫长, 我的车夫也已沉默,困倦, 一路只有车铃单调地响, 浓雾已遮住了月亮的脸。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2016: Kotlin Island in St. Petersburg, RUS(俄罗斯圣彼得堡的科特林岛) 2016: St Petersburg, Venice of the North(俄罗斯圣彼得堡·北方的威尼斯)
2016: Pushkin in St. Petersburg, Russia(俄罗斯圣彼得堡的皇村) 2016: Two Palaces in St. Petersburg, Russia(俄罗斯圣彼得堡的两宫殿) 2015: Messina Strait, Italy(意大利墨西拿海峡)
2015: Messina in Sicily, Italy(意大利西西里岛的墨西拿) 2015: Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy(意大利西西里岛的埃特纳“燃烧”火山) 2015: Taormina over the Ionian Sea(意大利爱奥尼亚海畔的陶尔米纳) 2014: YMCA Basketball Camp(基督教青年会篮球营)
Galeria Shopping Mall (画廊购物商场 07-01-2016)
Elisseeff Emporium (丰盛商场)
Singer House (胜家公司楼)
Old St. Petersburg Stock Exchange (旧圣彼得堡海上交易所)
State Russian Museum (俄罗斯国家博物馆)
Catherine Palace @ Tsarskoye Selo (沙皇村·圣洁宫 07-02-2016)
Sea Channel @ Peterhof (磐石夏宫·航道)
Nevsky District (涅瓦区)
Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (圣母升天大教堂)
Catholic Church of St. Catherine (圣洁天主教堂)
Vladimirskaya Church (和平女神教堂)
Vladimirskaya Church @ Nite (夜幕下的和平女神教堂)
Kazan Cathedral (水壶大教堂)
Pushkin Orthodox Church (普希金东正教教堂)
Nevsky Prospect (涅瓦大街)
Voznesensky Prospekt (耶稣升天大街)
Ploshchad Vosstaniya & Leningrad Hero City Obelisk @ Vosstaniya Square (起义广场·起义广场地铁站与列宁格勒英雄城市方尖碑)
Ploshchad Vosstaniya Metro Station (起义广场地铁站)
Alexander Column @ Palace Square (冬宫广场·亚历山大柱)
Alexander Column (亚历山大柱)
Hermitage (冬宫)
Alexander Column & Narva Triumphal Arch @ Palace Square (冬宫广场·守卫者柱与纳尔瓦凯旋门)
General Staff Building (总参谋部大楼)
Narva Triumphal Arch (纳尔瓦凯旋门)
Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad (列宁格勒英勇捍卫者纪念碑)
Statue of Horse Tamers (雕像《驯马者》)
Statue of Port (雕塑《港口》) Rostral Columns (船首柱)
Street Decor (街头花篮装饰)
Western High-Speed Diameter (西部高速直径)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |