【Aiden in English】
Italy is a country of architectural feats and styles unique to this part of the world. In Sicily, or the center and the largest of the Mediterranean, the culture flourishes with every stop. Taormina is a perfect example of a typical Italian coastal resort, not just the cramped houses side by side but the fun atmosphere. This hilltop town is 213 meters/700 feet above sea level and offers superb views of the Naxos Bay of the Ionian Sea. Everything is so stylistic and colorful, with vendors and musicians trying to entertain the tourists. They are friendly, even to up the fun, and provide lively Gelato wherever you go. Gelato is a type of ice cream made of actual ingredients, not flavored powder. Every shop in Taormina supplies a variety of tastes everywhere. And being a kid, it’s hard not to be… interesting. Sicily, like all the Mediterranean countries, is very hot in summer. Gelato is a perfect solution. It tastes so delicious that the local people eat cups of it for breakfast, and it is a brilliant excuse for ice cream, too! Some shops had over 20 flavors, completely blowing ice cream over. The creativity and mixture of the store decorations were similar to the different flavors of gelato from medieval to modern, as you name it. To add to its elegance, the ancient churches, medieval squares, narrow slate streets, and Byzantine palaces were built to express different cultures. After over 2,000 years, the Teatro Greco, or the Greek Theater, was constructed on the far side of town and is still used for performance today. A crowd of tourists from the pell-mell directions are coming together to make a tidy little place unique and exciting. There is nowhere else like Taormina. Taormina is deeply influenced by Greek history. The town is becoming a melting pot of Mediterranean cultures, and everyone is keen on each other. You will never feel unwelcome here. If you aren’t persuaded, try some Gelato on your own. You sure will be, then. 【红霞译】 在建筑史上意大利素以创意新颖风格独特而闻名于世,盘踞在地中海心腹、面积排名第一的西西里岛文化积淀浓厚,遍地绽放艺术奇葩。
浪漫镇优美之处还在于体现不同文化的古代教堂、中世纪广场、石板羊肠小道、拜占庭宫殿,城南端业已超过两千多年历史的古希腊剧场至今仍在投入使用,世界各地的游客蜂拥而至,使得眼前这个弹丸之地别具风情,举世无双。 浪漫镇深受古希腊历史影响,小城正变成一个地中海文化大熔炉,街坊邻里亲密友善,叫你从来没有陌生的感觉。倘若不信,你不妨亲自来尝一下意大利手工冰激凌,到时肯定深有体会。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2015: Messina Strait, Italy(意大利墨西拿海峡) 2015: Messina in Sicily, Italy(意大利西西里岛墨西拿)
2015: Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy(意大利西西里岛埃特纳·燃烧火山) 2014: YMCA Basketball Camp(基督教青年会篮球营)
Ionian Sea Coast (伊奥尼亚海岸)
Bay of Giardini Naxos (柑橘园湾)
Bay of Giardini Naxos (柑橘园湾 07-02-2015) Dark Hedges (黑暗树篱 01-09-1996)
Corso Umberto I (光明一世大街 01-09-1996)
Porta di Mezzo (中门)
Corso Umberto I (翁贝托一世大街 07-02-2015)
Porta Catania outside (卡塔尼亚门·外观)
Porta Catania inside (卡塔尼亚门·内观 07-02-2015) Porta Messina (墨西拿门 07-02-2015)
Piazza St. Pancrazio (冒险家广场 07-02-2015)
Piazza IX Aprile (九月四世广场 07-02-2015) High Altar of Chiesa di San Giuseppe (圣约瑟夫教堂·主圣坛)
Transept of of Chiesa di San Giuseppe (圣约瑟夫教堂·耳堂)
Duomo di Taormina (浪漫镇大教堂)
Baroque Fountain in 1635 (1635年修建的巴洛克喷泉 07-02-2015)
The Taormina's Emblem w/ Two-Legged Centaur Wearing A Crown & Hoisting A Scepter in the Right Hand & A Globe in the Left set on Top of the Baroque (矗立在1635年建造巴洛克喷泉上的浪漫镇徽章:两腿半人马,戴着皇冠,右手举权杖,左手捧地球仪) A Product of Many Layers of History w/ Influences Ranging from the Greeks & Romans to the Arabs & Normans (经受从希腊和罗马到阿拉伯和北方人多层次影响的历史产物) 10th-Century Palazzo Corvaja (建于十世纪的力量宫) Vicolo Stretto (最窄的小巷)
Greek-Roman Theatre w/ Mt. Etna in the Background (古希腊罗马剧院与背景中燃烧火山)
Greek-Roman Theatre in 7th BC (公元前七世纪修建的古希腊罗马剧院 07-02-2015)
Castello Saraceno (十字军东征城堡)
Castello Saraceno (十字军东征城堡)
Ceramics (陶瓷店 07-02-2015)
Pasticceria Etna (燃烧点心铺 07-02-2015)
Sicilian Delights (西西里美食)
Sicilian Delights (西西里美食)
Gelato (手工冰激凌)
Citrus (柑橘) Crosslinks (相关博文):
Italy(出游意大利) Europe(欧洲掠影) 6th Grade(初中一年级)