【And Now Goodbye】 Jaroslav Seifert (1901-1986) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature for Violet Poetry in 1984〗 To all those million verses in the world, I've added just a few. They probably were no wiser than a cricket's chirrup. I know. Forgive me. I'm coming to the end.
They weren't even the first footmarks in the lunar dust. If at times they sparkled after all it was not their light. I loved this language.
And that which forces silent lips to quiver will make young lovers kiss as they stroll through red-gilded fields under a sunset slower than in the tropics.
Poetry is with us from the start. Like loving, like hunger, like the plague, like war. At times my verses were embarrassingly foolish.
But I make no excuse. I believe that seeking beautiful words is better than killing and murdering. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《告别曲》】 荣耀•胜利(1901生—1986卒) 〖1984诺贝尔文学奖《紫罗兰》诗集〗 给这世界亿万的诗, 我只增添了寥寥几行。 或许不比蟋蟀的叫声高明。 我知道,请原谅。 我就要收场。 它们甚至不及月球尘埃 最初的脚印。 如果它们间或也发出了一闪 并非它们自己的光亮。 我热爱过这语言。 那使沉默的嘴唇 颤动的 仍将使年轻的情侣们亲吻 当他们漫步于霞光镀金的原野 那里的夕阳 比在热带坠落得还要缓慢。
诗歌亘古与我们同在。 如同爱情, 饥饿、瘟疫和战争。 有时我的诗句令人难堪地 愚蠢。
但我并不因此寻求原谅。 我相信对美的词语的寻求 胜过 屠戮和谋杀。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2017: Esztergom, the Old Capital HUN(匈牙利艾斯特根“哨所”城·旧首都) 2017: Lower Danube, Slovakia-Hungary(斯洛伐克—匈牙利多瑙河下游)
2017: Bratislava, Little Big Capital(斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发·迷你之都)
2017: Bratislava, Tatra Tiger SVK(斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发·砾石老虎) 2016: Dublin, the Pale in Ireland(爱尔兰都柏林·苍茫大地) 2016: Dublin, UNESCO City of Literature IRL(爱尔兰都柏林·文学城)
2016: Avoca, IRL's Oldest Weaving Mill(爱尔兰阿沃卡·最老的纺织作坊) 2016: Glendalough Monastery, Ireland(爱尔兰格兰达洛“两河谷”修道院) 2016: County Wicklow, the Garden of Ireland(爱尔兰威克洛·花园之郡) 2014: Bug Show @ Soccer YMCA Camp(昆虫到访基督教青年会夏令营)
UFO Observation Deck in Bratislava (布拉迪斯拉发“兄弟荣耀”城·幽浮塔)
Apt in New Town (新城公寓楼)
Apt in Old Town (老城公寓楼)
Main Post Office (总邮局)
Baroque Roof (巴洛克式房顶)
National Council (国民议会)
Parliament Bldg (议会大厦)
Tatra Banka (商业银行)
Old Town Villa (老城豪宅) Divadlo ARTEATRO (艺术剧院) Bratislava City Gallery (兄弟荣耀市美术馆 07-10-2017)
Bratislava Castle (兄弟荣耀市城堡)
Embassy of Australia (澳大利亚大使馆)
Embassy of PR China (中国大使馆)
Embassy of USA (美国大使馆)
Embassy of Italy (意大利大使馆)
Mechanical Engineering School (机械工程学院)
Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel (丽笙卡尔顿酒店)
Crowne Plaza Bratislava (兄弟荣耀市皇冠假日酒店)
Hotel Devin (德文酒店) Museum of the Pharmacy (药房博物馆)
St. Martin's Cathedral (战神大教堂)
Roasted Mushroom Soup (烤蘑菇)
Roasted Beef (烤牛肉)
Smoke Fish (熏魚)
Surf & Turf Fillet Mignon & Lobster Tail (牛排与龙虾尾)
Cake & Ice Cream (糕点)
Cream White Chocolate (奶油白巧克力)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Slovakia(出游斯洛伐克) Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |