【Aiden in English】 Our world is populated with many bugs. These tiny creatures are everywhere. To them, the world is a gigantic place, and they thrive in an extremely dangerous habitat with many predators. How do bugs manage that? We learned it today when Jon the BUGMAN came to our Soccer Camp and taught us a valuable lesson about bugs. Bugs might be minor, but they can also be quite harmful. They are poisonous; usually, if the insect or arthropod has bright colors, you should avoid them. The poison is mainly used as a warning, telling the predator to back off or else… If the predator behaves stupidly and ignores the warning, the bug shoots out its poison/spray at the predator. Another trick is to play dead. Many beetles use these tactics to avoid predators because it is simply effortless. You don't need poison or bright colors; all you do is lie down and stay still. Have you ever eaten a hotdog, but does it taste sour? Well, that's how some other insects protect themselves. They spray a horrible, sour gas into the air around them, and the birds or rodents back off. They probably hate the taste of the insects now. Bugs are tiny creatures at the bottom of the food chain. Even though they often are picked on, we shouldn't underestimate them. They have weapons and won't hesitate a second to use them. 【红霞译】 人类居住的地方到处充满虫子,这些小动物无处不在,在其眼里,世界之大危机四伏。可它们如何正视现实呢?今天,我们从前来足球夏令营传授宝贵经验的“昆虫人”乔恩那里学到了点滴有关虫子的本能。 也许虫子外形小得可怜,但有的危害性却相当大。通常具有鲜艳色彩属于节肢动物的昆虫分泌剧毒物质,你应该避而远之。其实毒物不过是它们向外界发出的信号,警告来犯者三思而行,否则……如果由于某种原因来犯者愚蠢到无视警告的地步,那么虫子必将拿起武器,为捍卫自身安全而释放毒物或者喷射毒液。
另一特长就是装死,不少甲壳虫巧用这种再简单不过的战术躲避天敌。既毋需毒素,也不用亮丽的外表,只要躺在地上一动不动就万事大吉。 还记得吃热狗时感觉酸酸的味道吗?哈哈,那是有些虫子自我保护的结果,它们向周边喷发出一种可怕而难闻的气味,熏得鸟、老鼠等飞禽走兽唯恐避之不及。
Dung Beetle (屎壳郎)
Cicada (知了) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |