2023-03-12 National Girl Scout Day 【Tatoo (1916)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The light is like a spider. It crawls over the water. It crawls over the edges of the snow. It crawls under your eyelids And spreads its webs there-- Its two webs.
The webs of your eyes Are fastened To the flesh and bones of you As to rafters or grass.
There are filaments of your eyes On the surface of the water And in the edges of the snow. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《刺青》(1916)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 光就像蜘蛛。 爬到水面上。 蔓过雪边沿。 钻进眼皮里 并在那里编织—— 两张网。
你眼中的光网 缚牢住 你的骨肉之躯 宛若捆扎屋椽或野草。
你眼中的纹丝 延至水面上 还有雪边沿。 【注】趁出外读书的儿子春假归来,我们按惯例为他接风洗尘,一起赶赴45分车程以远的担担食府。前两天同校的大一新生自杀,而就在三月九号儿子返乡之际,美国第16大银行——硅谷银行(SVB)宣告倒闭,目前的通货膨胀、高额利息、经济衰退不知还会有多少家风投银行陷入资金流断裂和信用危机。事已至此,一周后待春假结束,想必校方会实施针对性的心理疏导和学术研讨。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2022: Hazy Shade of Winter in Jr. Spring Break(大一春假冬影朦胧) Salute to Baroque Music, the 1st Classic Concert after Coming to the US (来美后现场观看的第一个古典音乐会·《向巴洛克音乐致敬》03-10-1991) Jefferson City, MO State Capitol (密苏里“独木舟人”州首府·上帝保佑之子城 03-14-1992) Museum at Eldridge Street in NYC (纽约·圣君街博物馆 03-21-1993) Pilgrimage Stained Glass @ St Patrick Cathedral, NYC (纽约·圣君街博物馆 03-21-1993) Stained Glass @ Trinity Church, NYC (纽约三一教堂·彩窗 03-25-1995) Lafarge-Lancet-Windows @ St. Paul the Apostle Church, NYC (纽约卑微圣徒教堂·无染色水泥柳叶刀彩窗 03-31-1996) St. Michael's Church, NYC (纽约·天使长教堂 03-29-1998) Great Swamp Natl Wildlife Refuge, NJ (新州大沼泽地野生动物保护区 03-05-2000) Lamb of God in Stained Glass @ Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, NYC (纽约老尊贵圣徒大教堂·上帝羔羊彩窗 03-18-2001) Mosaic Murals of the UNAM Central Library in Mexico City (墨西哥城墨西哥国立自治大学中央图书馆·镶嵌壁画 03-01-2002) About 1-Mo-Old Aiden Cooed w/ Grandma @ Home, NJ (新州本家·一个多月大的儿歌与外婆儿语 03-27-2003) Toddler-I @ Menlo Park Mall, NJ (新州小湖公园购物中心·小幼儿生 03-10-2004) Toddler-II @ Water Flowers of Backyard, PA (宾州本家后院·大幼儿生浇花 03-05-2005) Preschool-I @ Adventure Aquarium, NJ (新州探险水族馆·小幼童生 03-25-2006) Preschool-II @ Wegmans Food Markets, PA (宾州路人食品市场·大幼童生 03-18-2007) Pre-Kindergarteners @ Upper Gwynedd Child Learning Ctr, PA (宾州上快乐镇儿童学习中心·学前班预科生 03-01-2008) Kindergartener @ Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (旧金山金门大桥·学前班生 03-15-2009) 1st-Grade Playdate @ Home, PA (宾州本家·小学一年级玩伴时光 03-21-2010) 2nd Grader @ Barnes & Noble Bookstore, PA (宾州农仓与尊贵书店·二年级小学生 03-20-2011) 3rd-Grade Heritage Presentation @ Montgomery ES, PA (宾州巨人山小学·三年级文化遗产介绍 03-27-2012) 4th Grade Spring Break @ Carondelet Palace @ Independence Plaza in Quito (厄瓜多尔首都基多“世界中心”总统府与大广场酒店·小学四年级春假 03-29-2013) 5th-Grade March Madness, PA (宾州五年级疯狂三月 03-12-2014) 6th Grader @ Migration of Snow Geese in PA (宾州雪雁迁徙·初一生 03-21-2015) 7th Grader @ The Reader by J. Seward Johnson, Ursinus College in PA (宾州熊学院《“牧人·恩慈之子”读书人》——初二生 03-10-2016) 8th Grade for MCRSC w/ Dr. Ward, Director of Pennbrook MS Science Team @ Ursinus Univ, PA (宾州熊学院巨人山郡科学研究竞赛展厅·初三生与宾溪初中科学竞赛总监“看护者”博士 03-08-2017) 9th-Grade Pit Orchestra (高一伴奏管弦乐队 03-10-2018) Fried Fritters in Chinese-Style @ McDonald's, PA (宾州麦当劳售卖中国式炸油条 03-09-2019) Last School Date due to the Pandemic @ NPHS, PA (宾州北宾州高中·高三新肺疫情前最后一次实体上学 03-11-2020) A Week ahead of Ivy Day for Class 2025 @ Home, PA (宾州本家·2025届藤校发榜日一周前 03-29-2021) Only the pedestal of the Christopher Columbus statue remained on Friday, June 26, 2020, after city crews removed it overnight. Newark, NJ (新州新方舟市——2020年6月26日星期五,在城管人员通宵拆除《基督使者·养鸽人》之后,目前仅剩下雕像基座 03-20-2022) Bar @ DanDan Wayne, PA (宾州·马车商镇担担食府 03-12-2023) Sophomore Spring Break @ DanDan Wayne, PA (宾州马车商镇担担食府·大二春假返乡 03-12-2023) Crosslinks(相关博文):
Ecuador(出游厄瓜多尔) Sophomore(大学二年级'2022-23) |