2012-07-14 【Aiden in English】
Mon., July 9, 2012 Over the weekend, it appeared long because we had so much homework about "The Music Man Jr." from the theater camp. Today, we reviewed all "76 Trombones" from the beginning about 100 times. I was relieved when we went to break. A teenage kid was passing out popsicles. I LOVED them. The flavor I chose was lime. It tasted so sour that I could still taste it when my mom came to pick me up after the camp. After a break, I was called to music room #152 to sing "Rock Island" individually. I acted as salesman #3 in that part. The teacher encouraged me to practice this because we would perform it on stage tomorrow. I asked him when to sing "Ice Cream." He said the council had a different plan for that song, and we had to wait to see what would come out. Tues., July 10, 2012 Today, we had to sing "Rock Island" ON STAGE! It worked well, and everyone said it was terrific. Then, our dance teacher came to tell us ways to improve the moves to the song. The break took a little short because I returned to the theater early. The junior camper was learning how to dance "76 Trombones". I wanted to say that it seemed very, very easy and short! After they left, I sang "Ice Cream" with others in music room #150. The teacher told us to lip the lyrics. It meant to say the words silently. Then we called the "Pick-a-Little" Ladies to come down. We sang Pick-a-Little (I) & (II), but the Quartet didn't sing much. Wed., July 11, 2012 Today, we had to run all the songs and scenes we learned from the first day of the theater camp. The order of the songs was Opening, Rock Island, Iowa Stubborn, and last but not least, 76 Trombones. After the break, Jason gathered everyone in the Quartet to practice "Rock Island." When the music started to play on the radio, we had to listen and dance to it. We went to the music room to practice "Ice Cream" again. However, this time, we just lipped singing. It was very, very, very EASY! We followed the tempo and pretended to sing the lyrics. When finished, the Quartet went on stage to sing it. Thurs, July 12, 2012 We did not learn anything new before the break. We ended up in different places in groups. I went with the other Quartet members to practice "Ice Cream." There were some problems we had to deal with. First, we had to find a CD for it. Second, we had to find a recorder from upstairs. Finally, we had to find a place to sing. It was hard because we would see students all over the most awkward places, even in the staff room. At last, we settled in a corner of the lobby and started practicing. After all, we had only two minutes for a break. We rushed to learn dance moves that went with "Shipoopi." It was simple. Fri., July 13, 2012 This morning, I left the house late. When I got there, many people did not even show off. Were they all scared to leave their homes because of Friday the 13th? Fewer than 5-7 people gathered to play Tag while waiting. It seemed like a 45-minute class started. We rushed through "Rock Island" and "Iowa Stubborn" a few times. Once I finished learning the dance moves for "Shipoopi," I had to stand there for ages until the teacher told me what to do. Afterward, we had a break. Everyone was telling jokes. My favorite was Mr. Pink, who lived in a ranch or one-story house. Everything was pink. So, what color were the stairs? The answer was that there were no stairs. Ha, ha, ha! Of course, most of the jokes were about Friday the 13th. Shortly after the break, there was an intruder drill on campus. Once it happened, all doors must remain closed, although all activities kept running. It interrupted our practice during the announcement. As soon as it was over, it was time to go home. Happy Doomsday! 【红霞译】 星期一,二O一二年七月九日 这个周末好像格外地长,因为我们从戏剧夏令营带回来不少有关少儿剧《音乐人》练习作业。本周第一天,我们便从头到尾玩命练习《76把长号》,至到中间休息,我才透过气来。一位十几岁的小伙子给每人发送冰棍,真是雪中送炭!我喜欢酸橙味道,那股酸味浓得直到妈妈来接我回家时仍然余味未消,令人十分难忘。 中间休息过后,我被叫到第152号音乐教室单独视唱《石头岛》。在这段戏份中,我扮演三号推销员,老师鼓励我多加练习,因为明天就要登台试演。临离开前,我特意问他什么时候排练《冰激凌》,他说剧组想要重新编排那首歌,因此我们只好听候待命。 星期二,二O一二年七月十日
今天我们必须登台演唱《石头岛》,结果令人满意,大家感觉非常不错,舞蹈老师提了些改建意见。 因为我要提早返回舞台排练,中间休息得很短。这时,只见小班演员正学跳《76把长号》。我不得不说,他们的舞蹈实在太简单太短小了。他们走后,我跟四重唱的伙伴们一起在第150号音乐室练习《冰激凌》,老师要求我们默唱,也就是说不必发出声音。随后,我们先得喊《都市欲望》的女士们出场,然后再唱其第一部分和第二部分。不过在这里,四重唱组的唱词不多。 星期三,二O一二年七月十一日
今天我们将所学的全部内容走了一遍过场,歌曲依此为:《序曲》、《石头岛》、《爱荷华本色》以及最后但绝不是最短的《76把长号》。 休息回来,杰森把四重唱组成员召集起来,一块练习《石头岛》。音乐开始时,我们要集中精力随歌起舞。 我们还到音乐室反复练唱《冰激凌》,好在只要默唱即可,再简单不过啦!我们随着节拍动几下嘴皮子,直到上舞台试唱为止。 星期四,二O一二年七月十二日
中间休息之前,我们没学什么新花样,一直在不同的地方分组练习。 我同四重唱组其他成员一道练唱《冰激凌》。其实还没正式练习,问题就来了。首先,要弄到《冰激凌》的音乐盘;其次,要到楼上找音响播放;最后,要撺得出个地方吊嗓子。简直不可思议,营员们遍地都是,甚至连闲人免进的要地也不例外,我们总算找到门厅一角。 难怪前后只有两分钟中场休息时间,我们马上还要学一套新的舞蹈动作,用来配合《寻找爱情》片段,难度倒不大。 星期五,二O一二年七月十三日
今天早上我出门晚了,等赶到排练场地时才发现大部分人还没来,难道他们害怕十三号星期五──世界末日不成?大概有5~7朋友正在玩追身游戏,待正式排练时,好像仅剩下45分钟的时间。我们先练了几遍《石头岛》和《爱荷华本色》,然后学完《寻找爱情》整个舞蹈动作。之后,我呆在原地等了许久,直到接到老师新的吩咐。 中场休息时,大家开始讲笑话。我喜欢这样一则:粉先生家住平房,屋里所有的东西都是粉红色的,那么楼梯该是何种颜色?其答案是,一层楼的房子哪来楼梯呢?哈─哈─哈!当然,大多数笑话都与今天十三号星期五有关。 没过多久,营地发出陌生人进入大楼预警训练通知。每当遇到这种情况,活动可以照常进行,但楼内各个教室门都必须关上。因为播放的声音太大,扰乱了我们练习。等一切恢复正常,正好到了回家的时间。顺祝晦气日快乐!
我像孩子九岁这么大的时候曾经参加过学校文艺宣传队的舞蹈班,那时人多名额有限,大家只有通过一系列初复试考核,过五关斩六将,才能入选校级代表队。 其实,我没有什么艺术细胞,除了乐理略知一二而外,可以说表演技艺完全得利于幼儿园早期教育。上个世纪七十年代,小学文艺队基本概括了歌舞、小品、地方戏、话剧、器乐、魔术等表演项目,唯独没有百老汇通俗易懂、娱乐性极强的音乐剧形式,因此时至今日,我从来没有正式接受过这方面基本训练。
【后语】 时过境迁,眼下孩子生活的时代机会大把,只要根据个人兴趣自愿报名,人人都有可能接受各种特定的辅导训练,并登台小试文艺才能。对孩子而言,参加百老汇剧组的排演活动,已成为暑期生活必不可少的重要内容之一。 
A Whole New World, Aladdin Jr.(《阿拉丁·萍水相逢》07-22-2011)
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