2014-08-22 【Aiden in English】
Sadly, today is my final day at the YMCA for summer camp. Time goes by and hardly lasts long. And as much as today is a sad day, it probably becomes the best day of my whole summer (excluding my vacation in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor)! We watched a fantastic movie called Big Fat Liar. It was jam-packed with humor, little curse words, and non-violent. I won't tell you about it because it would ruin all the fun. But the best part was that the counselors made a little chocolate pudding/ice cream sundae with gummy warm and mini-Oreos. It tasted just like Rita's Blending, which everyone loved. But that's not all. Since three counselors were leaving for their colleges, we had an incredible swirl of popsicles. As sad as this day is, I loved it. And as much as this is my last day, I hope next year will be as fun. 【红霞译】
悲摧呀,今天是我在“基督教青年会”夏令营最后一天,时光飞逝,好景不在。伤感归伤感,我承认今天也是本人自入夏以来最开心的日子,暂且撇开“中美洲生物通道”休闲度假不说。 我们共同观看了一部十分叫好的电影《大谎言家》,诙谐幽默,偶尔夹带点脏话,但没有暴力镜头。我不想说出具体内容,有的东西只能意会而无法言传。其间,辅导员用加热的迷你奥利奥饼干为我们特制成黏乎乎巧克力布丁/冰淇淋圣代,吃起来很像人见人爱的丽塔混合冰沙,令我难以忘怀。这还不算,三位老兄马上要返回大学上课,因此他们又奉上迷彩卷心棒冰来款待大家。 这么过伤感的一天,我求之不得。毕竟今日是最后一天,我禁不住期待明年暑假同样充满快乐。 
Sparetime (闲暇之际 08-23-2014) 
Horsham Twp Library (霍舍姆镇图书馆 08-23-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |