【Aiden in English】
Having a friend over is incredible. You can relax, chat, and have fun. Having a friend over is even better today since it is Labor Day. That means tomorrow is the first day of school in the fall. So my friend Robbie and I had a good long talk about school. After getting that over with, we went straight to Minecraft, Pokémon, and Street Fighter IV video games. Ahhh... there's nothing better than having a friend over and playing video games together on Earth. The downside was that mom was home, and you know what mom does. "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE, YOU TWO, AND DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE!" What a typical mom! It was movie time after a delicious pizza and Teriyaki chicken for lunch. Today, it was Turbo, chosen from Netflix. Don't worry. This is only my fourth time watching it. It didn't matter if it was my 10th time. I loved it. Being around a friend is different. We could be doing the world's lame job. But as long as you have a friend, the job might not seem so lame. 【红霞译】 被朋友约到府上作客感觉真好,大家一块放松聊天,乐趣无穷;今天,邀哥们来家玩耍更棒,因为时下正值劳工节。 言外之意,明天将是新学年秋季开学头一天。因此,我和朋友罗比兴致十足,谈起学校没完没了,此后一起专心致志地摆弄《我的世界》、《神奇宝贝》、《街头霸王?》等视频游戏。哎呀呀…世上没有什么比邀哥们到家同堂拼杀电子游戏更有意思。唯一美中不足地就是妈妈在家,你知道她老人家的为人处世,“你俩抽空到外面歇会儿,溜溜弯放放风侃侃大山!”妈妈向来这样落俗。
吃过美味可口的比萨饼和日式照烧鸡肉午餐之后,便到了观看电影时刻。今天在线选出《涡轮方程式》,别担心,先前我仅仅看过这部片子三次而已。话说回来,即使看过十遍又怎么样呢?反正我个人喜欢就好。 与朋友在一起就是不同,即使干傻事也心甘情愿。只要身边有哥们同伴,我并不觉得做事无聊。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: 新泽西州沙岬国家休闲区(Sandy Hook Natl Rec Area, NJ)
2012: 新泽西州大西洋边(Atlantic NJ)
Basketball Fans (篮球迷 09-01-2014)
Nintendo 3DS (任天堂3DS 09-01-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |