【Aiden in English】
I love comedies. They're funny and entertaining; what's not to like about them? And what show is better than the famous Punchliner? The show is a combination of the best entertainers across America. George Lopez started it and decided to work with Carnival Cruise Lines. I bolted to the next performance when I heard about the Punchliner Show on board. The Punchliner became the best comedy ever. Unfortunately, it was the 2nd to last day, so this was the only show I would watch. I wasn't disappointed as expected. The comedian, Christ Wiles, was excellent. His jokes were funny for everyone, and my favorite joke was when the guy said the one time he got in a bar brawl. He challenged a man twice his size and said they'd meet in the parking lot in 10 minutes to "settle this like men." That's when he mentioned that he fought to live, not for fun, so he cheated to win. Back in the parking lot, the two men met, and so the comedian hit the other dude...... with his car. That story had me laughing until I was hoarse. And his Elmo falsetto voice from Sesame Street was pretty good, too. Like I said, it was the last show, and I would pay for another performance. But for some reason, I feel this won't be my last time seeing the Punchliner. 【红霞译文】 我爱好喜剧,但凡搞笑的、富有娱乐性的东西岂能轻易错过?有哪个表演会比《妙语连珠》更有声有色?《妙语连珠》网罗了全美杰出艺人,最初由乔治‧洛佩兹挂牌做台柱子,后来他又与“嘉年华”游轮合作。登船后我听说《妙语连珠》将作为保留节目与乘客见面,我顿时无法按捺期待的心情。 《妙语连珠》算得上最好的脱口秀。遗憾的是,眼下正值整个航程倒数第二天,因此今天的演出将成为最后一场压轴戏。如期所望,我对演技相当满意。喜剧演员克里斯特‧怀尔斯表现出色,他插科打诨,叫人忍俊不禁,其中有这样一个笑话我特别喜欢。在酒吧里,克里斯特与一位比自己块头大出两倍的老兄吵架,他用挑衅性的口吻说,十分钟后咱俩到停车场“算账”。克里斯特知道,这可不是闹着玩的,自己非得拿出看家本领拼上小命才成,他不琢磨出个歪点子休想打赢这位老兄。等他们来到停车场相见时,克里斯特开着……老兄的汽车撞到了另外一个家伙。我乐得上气不接下气,他模仿《芝麻街》里毛茸茸红色怪物艾蒙发出的假声滑稽得要死。 正如我方才所说,这是最后一场脱口秀,我情愿自己花钱买票再看一场。但不知为什么,我有预感今后还会观赏《妙语连珠》。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2011: Drama-Sports Camp-5(文体营之五) 2010: 孩子与乐高生化战士(Kid & Bionicles)
Colors Lobby @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—彩色大厅 08-08-2014)
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Camp @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—托儿所 08-08-2014)
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