2013-04-06 ![1596040042414546.jpg Santa Cruz Is0001.JPG](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/image/20200729/1596040042414546.jpg)
【Aiden in English】
Santa Cruz Island was the second-largest island in the Galapagos and home to Puerto Ayora, the largest town. In 1959, the Republic of Ecuador declared all the islands, except areas already colonized, as the Galapagos National Park. In the same year, the Charles Darwin Foundation was founded to promote scientific research and ensure the conservation of the Galapagos. Not until 1978, the Galapagos Islands were designated by UNESCO as a World Natural Heritage Site and, in 1985, a World Biosphere Reserve. In 1992, the Ecuadorian government declared the waters surrounding the Galapagos a marine reserve. The headquarters of both the park and foundation was located here. We tromped through the undergrowth of the park in extremely hot and humid conditions. In the Highlands region, the lush greenery was perfect for animals like giant land tortoises to survive and breed. Land tortoises varied from island to island in terms of species. The genotype was the same, but the phenotype could be different. The "Galapagos" is meant to be the giant tortoise island in Spanish. We followed the first footprint of a giant tortoise estimated to be 96 years old. It had algae covering its legs, probably from bathing in the water. A yellow warbler flew past as we saw a poison apple tree, one of the world's most dangerous plants. This tree-like apple was a mortal danger because it contained a hazardous liquid. If you touched it, you would have a rash for a month. Spanish moss, nicknamed Old Man's Beard, grew upon the more enormous trees like air plants in the forest. It was an epiphyte that absorbed nutrients and water from the air and rainfall. We finished marching in the woods with a local fruit buffet on a farm before our next activity. We continued to have a short and easy hike in the Fausto Llerena Tortoise Center, which specializes in tortoise breeding. It was reported that the tortoise center had a long-term program run jointly by the Galapagos National Park and the Charles Darwin Foundation. It began in 1965 to save the giant tortoise population on Pinta Island and was quickly expanded to include other populations, particularly Espanola, where only 14 individuals remained. As of 2008, over 4,000 young tortoises from 8 different populations had been repatriated to their island of origin, with nearly 1,500 returning to Espanola. At the Tortoise Center, we observed many tortoises, with their ET necks and faces, from hatchlings to juveniles to large individuals. In general, the boys looked fabulous, and the girls were hot. The different temperatures resulted in different sexes. Boys tended to be hatched at a low temperature of 28.0oC while girls at a high temperature of 29.5oC. The population between males and females was out of proportion. To revive the lost species, scientists induced more girls than boys. The Galapagos National Park on Santa Cruz Island was also home to Lonesome George, the last survivor of the distinct Pinta subspecies from Pinta Island. Unfortunately, he passed away on June 24, 2012. His species disappeared for good. We passed by a "palace" where he used to live. He had a watering hose, a garden, trees, and visitors like us worldwide. It was anything a tortoise would want. Several other tortoises were there, but none seemed to have the same luxury as his. Lonesome George tried to mate with two other female tortoises from different islands, but their two eggs were unsuccessful and didn't hatch eventually. He died of possibly natural causes over 100 years old, which was pretty old for his type of species. As I kept walking another mile, the sun got hotter and hotter. Soon, my vision blurred from droplets of sweat. Finally, I uploaded a truck taxi and zipped off to the Municipal Pier. I wish I had sat in a passenger seat, not in the truck's trunk because there weren't any seatbelts. Here, we happily ended our last shore excursion in the Galapagos. The seven-day voyage changed our vision via fauna, flora, and ecological habitat. It helped us understand the evolution of "natural selection" and "survival of the fittest" over generations. 【红霞译】 圣克鲁斯“圣十字架”岛属于巨龟群岛中第二大岛,全省最大的城市天守神港就座落在此,1959年厄瓜多尔共和国将该地区所有尚未殖民化的岛屿全部纳入巨龟国家公园,同年并成立查尔斯•达尔文基金会,旨在推动科学研究,确保当地生态环境;1978年,巨龟群岛被联合国教科文组织列入《世界自然遗产名录》;1985年,又被评为世界生物圈保护区;1992年,巨龟群岛水域被厄瓜多尔政府确认为海洋保护区。国家公园和基金会总部分别设在圣十字架岛。 “清风无力屠得热,落日着翅飞上山”。闷热天气里参观加圣十字架岛的巨龟国家公园叫我们倍感辛苦,高地一带,郁郁葱葱的原始森林为巨型陆龟──象龟生存和繁衍后代提供了生活保障,巨龟群岛素以盛产象龟闻名于世,不过岛与岛之间遗传基因相同的象龟可能因为环境不同而出现不同的表征,西班牙语中“加拉帕戈斯”原本就是“巨龟”的意思。 我们追随的第一只象龟大概有96岁,它腿上缠满了绿藻,估计刚在池塘里洗过澡,这时黄莺从眼前飞过,直奔毒苹果树而去,之所以称它毒苹果树,是因为其果汁有毒,倘若你动到它,定会叫你浑身遍生皮疹,一个月不见消退。绰号叫老头胡子的西班牙苔藓随处可见,像空中飘荡的植物悬浮在大树身上,它属于附生植物,从空气和降雨中吸收养分,从象龟生活的野林子归来,我们在一家农庄稍事休息,先从新鲜入时的水果自助餐上挑些可口的食物犒劳一下自己,然后再继续进行下面的活动项目。 接下来我们来到好运月桂树繁殖和饲养中心参观,据报导该象龟中心长期与巨龟国家公园以及达尔文基金会合作,早在1965年就曾为拯救斑点岛象龟存活而进行定向繁殖和人工饲养,后来很快扩大到其它象龟品种,尤其针对西班牙岛当时仅存的14只象龟。截至到2008年,从八个不同亚种的象龟配对中培育出4,000多只后代,并及时将它们遣送原籍,这么一来,大约1,500只回到了西班牙岛。在象龟中心,我们看到大小不一且长有外星人脖子和面孔的象龟。男孩(冷)酷,女娃(热)辣!就孵化温度而言,摄氏28.0oC低温适于男孩出世,而摄氏29.5oC高温适于女孩降生,在象龟世界里,科学家一向重女轻男,性别比例严重失调,其目的在于保障象龟家族千秋万代后继有人。
“单身汉农夫”之家座落在圣十字架岛巨龟国家公园境内,它是巨象龟斑点岛亚种中最后一只,遗憾的是去年2012年6月24日与世长辞,标志着它所代表的物种从地球上彻底消失灭绝。我们特意赶到其“宫殿”参观,冲水龙头、花园绿树,“四时有不谢之花,八节有长青之草”,一年到头还有全世界像我们这样远渡重洋慕名而来的粉丝,任何乌龟王八梦寐以求的东西,在这里都可以化为现实。与它为邻的几只象龟住所却大相径庭,丝毫没有一点奢华。“单身汉农夫”曾试图与其它两位来自外岛的异性象龟交配,虽然先后产过两个龟蛋,但最终未能如愿以偿。它大概寿终正寝,自然老死,年纪超过100岁,应该算作同类中比较长寿的一位。 我头顶烈日,坚持向前挺进一英里路,不大会儿便汗流满面,视线也变得模糊起来。“黄莺也爱新凉好,飞过青山影里啼”。我赶紧登上出租卡车,风驰电掣般冲回市政码头。嗨!真后悔当初性急没坐进驾驶舱里而蜷在敞篷后备箱上,那里连安全带都没有。
到此为止,我们满载喜悦,圆满结束了巨龟岛之旅。七天巡游中,通过观摩动物、植物以及与它们息息相关的生态环境,我们审视大自然的视野发生了改变,对漫长生物进化中“物竞天择适者生存”有了更贴切的理解。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: 佛州迪斯尼世界神奇王国(Walt Disney Magic Kingdom, FL)
2011: 埃及阿布辛贝神庙(Abu Simbel Temples, Egypt) 2011: 埃及菲莱神庙(Temple of Philae, Egypt) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807064712_10340.jpg)
Puerto Ayora (斑点港) ![1606710280113478.jpg 04-06-13_ Municiple Pier00010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606710280113478.jpg)
Municipal Pier (市政码头 04-06-2013)
Galapagos NP (巨龟国家公园 04-06-2013) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807064815_79180.jpg)
Highlands (高地) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807064816_75075.jpg)
Dark Hedge @ Highlands (高地·黑暗树篱)
Galapagos Lake (巨龟湖) ![1606709936508977.jpg 04-06-13_ Galapagos NP-200010001.JPG](https://blog.creaders.net/upfile/image/20201129/1606709936508977.jpg)
Home to Lonesome George (“单身汉农夫”之家 04-06-2013) ![1606709334639124.jpg 04-06-13_ Aiden-Xander-100010001.JPG](https://blog.creaders.net/upfile/image/20201129/1606709334639124.jpg)
4th-Grade Pals from PA & CA (来自宾州和加州四年级的伙伴) ![1606709706586180.jpg 04-06-13_ Charles Darwin Research Station00010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606709706586180.jpg)
Charles Darwin Research Station (查尔斯·达尔文研究站 04-06-2013) ![1606709706975241.jpg 04-06-13_ Fausto Llerena Tortoise Center 00010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606709706975241.jpg)
Fausto Llerena Tortoise Breeding Center (好运月桂树巨龟繁殖和饲养中心 04-06-2013) ![1606709936951751.jpg 04-06-13_ Fruit Snack00010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606709936951751.jpg)
Fruit Snack (水果甜点 04-06-2013) ![1606709936985837.jpg 04-06-13_ Giant Saguaro-200010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606709936985837.jpg)
Saguaro (巨人柱仙人掌 04-06-2013) ![1606710784217257.jpg 04-06-13_ Giant Saguaro-300010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606710784217257.jpg)
Saguaro (巨人柱) ![1606711783409039.jpg 04-06-13_ Cactus Flower-300010001.JPG](https://blog.creaders.net/upfile/image/20201129/1606711783409039.jpg)
Saguaro Flower (巨人柱花)
![1606714517523843.jpg 04-06-13_ Giant Saguaro Bark00010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606714517523843.jpg)
Saguaro Bark (巨人柱树皮)
![1606709937968902.jpg 04-06-13_ Giant Tortoise-1000010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606709937968902.jpg)
Giant Tortoise (象龟 04-06-2013) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807065245_10077.jpg)
Giant Tortoise (象龟) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807065246_53052.jpg)
Giant Tortoise (象龟) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807065247_27098.jpg)
Land Iguana (陆鬣蜥) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807065034_57586.jpg)
Yellow Warbler (黄莺) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807065036_38603.jpg)
Yellow Warbler (黄莺)
![1606711307715837.jpg 04-06-13_ Mockingbird-400010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606711307715837.jpg)
Mockingbird (知更鸟)
Poison Apple Tree & Spanish Moss (毒苹果树与西班牙苔藓) ![1606711587897227.jpg 04-06-13_ Spanish Moss-1000010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606711587897227.jpg)
Spanish Moss (西班牙苔藓 04-06-2013)
![1606711637779716.jpg 04-06-13_ Spanish Moss-300010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606711637779716.jpg)
Spanish Moss (西班牙苔藓) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807065040_61543.jpg)
Spanish Moss (西班牙苔藓)
Spanish Moss Nest (西班牙苔藓鸟窝) ![1606714615257410.jpg 04-07-13_ GPS-10001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606714615257410.jpg)
Seymour Airport (暗色机场 04-07-2013) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807065535_10966.jpg)
Flamboyant Tree (凤凰木) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807065537_53394.jpg)
Bright Eyes (长春花)
![1606714027598059.jpg 04-06-13_ White Mangrove-100010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606714027598059.jpg)
White Mangrove (白花红树林)
Christmas Fern (圣诞耳蕨)
![1606713611219555.jpg 04-06-13_ Galápagos Daisy-100010001.JPG](https://blog.creaders.net/upfile/image/20201129/1606713611219555.jpg)
Galápagos Daisy (巨龟岛雏菊)
Angel's Trumpet (曼陀罗)
![1606713907127271.jpg 04-06-13_ Moss00010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606713907127271.jpg)
Moss (苔藓)
Yellow Cordia (黄破布木)
Heliotrope (天芥菜) ![1606713275329591.jpg 04-06-13_ Flowering Plant-1200010001.JPG](https://blog.creaders.net/upfile/image/20201129/1606713275329591.jpg)
Espino (单子山楂) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807065557_32178.jpg)
Blue Palo Verde (蓝花假紫荆)
Poa (早熟禾)
Pale Smartweed (白花蛇舌草) ![](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/images/20130807/20130807065538_99358.jpg)
![1606713137547083.jpg 04-06-13_ Flowering Plant-700010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606713137547083.jpg)
![1606713475421404.jpg 04-06-13_ Flowering Plant-1500010001.JPG](/upfile/image/20201129/1606713475421404.jpg)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2013: Kicker Rock/Witch Hill, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔睡狮岩女巫岭)
2013: Frigatebird Hill, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔军舰鸟山) 2013: N.Seymour, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔北黑暗岛) 2013: Bachas Beach, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔驳船海滩) 2013: Bartolome Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔农夫之子岛) 2013: Sullivan Bay of Santiago Is, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔替代者岛黑眼睛湾) 2013: Isabella Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔献身上帝岛) 2013: Rabida Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔野蛮岛) 2013: James Bay of Santiago Is, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔替代者岛追随者湾) Ecuador(出游厄瓜多尔)
South America(漂流南美洲) 小学四年级(4th Grade) |