【Aiden in English】
Today, our ship was cruising at sea, and it was my first day in the Youth Center for ages 8-12 on board. This morning at breakfast, I could barely sit still and wait till 9 O'clock because I was going to take the Youth Program. The omelet I ordered wasn't too good, but even that couldn't hold down my excitement! As we entered a room marked SHOCKWAVE, I noticed other children inside. I guessed it was the youth center. The room looked smaller than I imagined, with pink walls, computers, a Play Station 3, and many impressive Lego structures. The first activity was a Lego competition, which I thought was unfair because most other children boarded this cruise ship in San Francisco two weeks earlier and had already finished ahead of me! Nevertheless, I had a fun time playing with Legos. It sounded unusual to me since Legos weren't my type. Time flew by quickly when I played. Before I knew it, I was sitting in front of a table with a tablecloth on my leg across from my mom, who came to pick me up during the lunch break. At lunch, I got a bowl of clam chowder, my favorite. This one was the best I have ever tasted in my life so far. As I thought, the waiter added those crunchy crackers dissolved in my mouth. I had delicious steak sandwich loaves with onions and French fries for the main course. When served on fresh-baked rustic French bread tossed in melted cheddar cheese, the steak sounded still sizzling! My mom insisted on a picture, but I was so tempted that I almost felt like punching her. I accepted it because she sometimes got a temper over my objections. I could hold still for one shot before wolfing down pieces of sandwiches and fries. The other people stared at me like, "Who was this kid?" I didn't mind much. As planned, I returned to the Youth Center, and Mom wanted to watch the Tango Show in Princess Plaza right after the meal. There was an ice cream social party this afternoon. I had some fantastic, good ice cream with sprinkles and marshmallows and drenched with chocolate syrup. A few people joined us after the party. One was a girl, and the other two were boys. They only spoke Spanish, which made it almost impossible for them to communicate with each other. After trying to learn their complicated names, we all settled down to play PS3 together. We chose Cartoon Network and had to knock other players off the screen with some strange characters that were popular on CN. The game was almost as addicting as smoking! Our eyes were glued to the screen, and we didn't care what was happening outside the game room. Finally, when I chalked up my 7th defeat against my new friends, I left with my mom for dinner. 【红霞译】
早餐时,我激动得再也坐不住了,恨不能九点钟开门之前就赶去少年中心参加活动。煎蛋做得并非可口好吃,但丝毫未影响自己的情绪!当走近标有“冲击波”字样的房间,发现里面已有不少孩子,我相信这正是要来的地方。少年活动中心看上去不大,四周墙壁呈粉色,从计算机、索尼第三款电视游戏机到多种有趣的乐高积木应有尽有。 第一项活动是搭建乐高积木比赛,我觉得比赛对像我这样刚刚登船的人来说非常不公,因为大部分孩子两个星期前从旧金山启航,半个月来已经圆满完成规定项目。不过,我玩得非常开心,虽然乐高积木算不上我热衷的玩艺。时间过得飞快,尤其玩游戏的时候。不知不觉地,妈妈坐进我游戏桌前。午休时间到了。 我一向喜欢牡蛎杂烩浓汤,于是,先来了一碗作为午餐头台开胃小吃,味道甭提有多鲜美喷香,可以说我有生以来喝到的最棒的一次。服务生在其表面撒些细脆饼乾,我一含在嘴里就化了。主菜上的是牛排三明治外加洋葱薯条,牛排浇上溶化的切达奶酪,夹在新出炉的法式面包中间,活像铁板烧!妈妈坚持要先拍张照片以示记念,此刻我“饥”不可待,什么要求都得靠边站。但我没敢拒绝,否则她会着急上火,叫我吃不了也兜不走。我强作笑颜,拍完一张之后,二话不说立刻狼吞虎咽起来。邻座的餐友投来诧异的目光,好像发问:“这是谁家的孩子?”我一点都不在乎。 按照原定计划,吃罢午饭我直接返回少年活动中心,参加下午举行的冰激凌社交聚会;妈妈则去“公主”广场观赏探戈舞蹈。我手拿冰激凌大作文章,先撒些彩色糖粒及棉花糖,再浇一层巧克力糖浆,诱人好吃。有一位女孩和两位男孩来的很晚,他们只说西班牙语,彼此交流起来非常吃力。好不容易学叫名字之后,我们终于围坐在索尼第三款电视游戏机前,一起钻进“动画网”光盘之中,大家要设法把游戏里出现的怪物赶出荧屏,而这些怪物恰好都是美国电视“动画网” 频道广为人知的明星。游戏真的跟抽烟一样,太容易叫人上瘾!一旦与游戏较上劲来,眼睛好像被胶水黏到了电视屏幕,我们对游戏以外的东西视而不见,闻而不听。我便是其中一例,直到赢过第七场交锋之后,才跟妈妈一起去吃晚饭。

Legos @ Youth Center of Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮少年中心—乐高组合 12-23-2012) 
Video Games @ Youth Center of Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮少年中心—电子游戏 12-23-2012) 
Lunch @ Youth Center of Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮少年中心—午餐 12-23-2012) 
Tango Nite @ Youth Center of Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮少年中心—探戈之夜 12-23-2012) 
Ballroom Tango (舞厅探戈) 
Choreographed Tango (舞台探戈) 
Argentine Tango (阿根廷探戈) 
Mussels (海虹)
South America(漂流南美洲) 小学四年级(4th Grade) |