【Aiden in English】
Hooray! I was cruising at sea today. My whole morning was spent in tangles of dreams, wrapped in a small, cozy bed with a new punching bag and a teddy bear. I put the bear to sub-mission before falling into a deep sleep, and I'm pretty sure the bear was having nightmares about me. After lunch, I hurried to the Youth Center. Over half the class was on the PlayStations as I entered the game room. It seemed as if they were playing for a long time because, almost immediately, they were called off the video games. The only thing we could do was play Foosball, but the game ended when a German kid started whining as he wanted to have re-matches against everybody. He wasn't talented in Foosball. Before he could complain more, we were interrupted by a call for a dodgeball. The teams were the same, but the balls were heavier and more straightforward to throw. So, the boys were pelting the balls pell-mell, and the best that the girls could do was to hide among each other. As soon as the counselor saw the girls trying to save themselves from the meteor showers of deadly soft tennis balls from taking off their heads, he banned the head, feet, and back areas for the boys. It was tough to aim at the girls with such restrictions. Even though half of our targeted body parts were banned in total, the girls were still easy victims to be shot. There was a lot of talk about how easy the win went for the boys. I couldn't walk very far from hearing stories about how the boys cheated or something like that. When my mom arrived, I was about to take a Twizzler from the boy's secret stock. In a minute, I yelped, threw the candy back, and ran to greet Mom. So Close! 【红霞译】
吃过午餐,我才跑去少年活动中心。一进游戏室,大部分小朋友都在电脑上玩游戏。他们好像玩了很长时间,不然怎么舍得撇下玩其它东西。剩下来的时间,我们唯一想做的只有桌上足球,可比赛无法进行,一位名叫“德国人”的孩子老发脾气,嚷着要重新开盘。实际上,他玩桌上足球并不灵光。未容他细说,我们掉头去玩“追身球”游戏。虽然各队阵容不变,但球变重了,因此便于投掷。男生全方位扔球,女生只能乱躲乱藏,完全丧去还手能力。管理员眼见类似网球大小的追身球流星般狠命朝女生脑袋射来,立刻叫停,并明确规定严禁瞄准头、脚及后背。这么一来,难度大大增加。不过,男生不愧英雄好汉,尽管权作靶子的肢体部位所剩无几,女生仍然成为男生手下败将,我听到有人对此牢骚兮兮。 我本打算从男生小金库里拿出一根曲棍胶皮糖,见妈妈进门,我边喊边抛出手中糖果,迎上前去跟她打招呼。真可惜,糖差一点被扔回原处!
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2011年钢琴考级与音乐教师艺术节(2011 Dorothy Sutton Music Fest) 
Moscow Conservatory Graduate Olga (莫斯科音乐学院毕业生欧嘉 01-02-2013) 
Pals from Youth Center @ Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮——少年活动中心同伴 01-02-2013) 
Sunset over the South Atlantic Ocean (南大西洋日落)
Crosslinks(相关博文): South America(漂流南美洲)
小学四年级(4th Grade) |