2024-06-18 National Go Fishing Day 【To Souls Flown Away (A des âmes envolées)】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) These souls that you recall, My heart, don't come back. Why then do they persist, Alas! to stay there?
In the shining spheres, In the azure and the rays, Are they happier? What with us who loved them?
We had under the arbors A house near Saint-Leu. How beautiful the flowers were! How blue the sky was!
Among the fallen leaves, We ran to the ruddy woods; We were looking for beetles On the old walls in the sun;
We laughed this good laugh That Eden once heard, Always having to say What we had already said to each other;
I was telling stories about Mother Goose; We were happy, God knows! We uttered cries of joy For a passing bird. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《致飞走的魂灵》】 (法国)胜利者·雨果“哲人”(1802生—1885卒) 【红霞译】 你记起的这些魂灵, 亲爱的,一去不回。 那为啥还要坚持, 唉!何不留在那里?
如至明媚的天体, 沐浴蔚蓝阳光, 他们更快活吗? 我们这些爱他们的人呢?
我们在凉亭下 靠近圣勒“勇敢圣地”的房子。 花太美! 天真蓝!
落叶之中, 我们跑向通红的树林; 一起找寻 阳光下古墙上的甲壳虫;
我们开怀大笑 一如乐园曾经听到的那样, 我们免不了谈论 彼此的陈年往事;
我讲着鹅妈妈童谣; 温馨可人,上帝知道! 我们欢呼雀跃 一掠而过的飞鸟。 【注】喜爱红酒的人恐怕都对圣爱美浓“热切使徒”(Saint-Émilion )的葡萄酒耳熟能详,我对它的了解自然也离不开遍及全球的混酿红酒,巴掌大的地儿已有两千年人类与葡萄藤的历史: 1. 最早可追溯到公元4世纪,这个土地肥沃的中世纪村庄由古罗马人将葡萄栽培引入所属的阿基坦“水陆”地区; 2. 8世纪深得修道院的影响,并受益于地处“星野的后继使徒”(Santiago de Compostela)朝圣路线上; 3. 从11世纪起修建了不少教堂、修道院和临终关怀院; 4. 12世纪因金雀花王朝婚姻生变,阿基坦女公爵(Eleanor of Aquitaine)由法国王后摇身变为英国王后,加剧了地缘政治格局,预示着英国与法国主权之间长达数世纪拉锯战的开始,而在英国统治时期,被授予“司法管辖区”的特殊地位; 5. 14—15世纪英法百年战争,饱受围攻、战争和联盟变动之苦; 6. 16世纪酿酒业复兴,重新致力于葡萄酒种植,万能的葡萄让其城镇乡村拥有了许多精美的历史古迹。 1999年圣爱美浓被联合国教科文组织纳入《世界遗产名录》。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2015: Ephesus the Ancient Trading Pl(土耳其以弗所“理想城”·古代贸易中心) 2015: Kusadasi the Aegean Resort, TUR(土耳其库萨达斯“鸟岛”·爱琴海避暑胜地) 2015: Seljuk the Sacred/Honored Place, Turkey(土耳其赛尔柱“雄辩”圣地)
2014: Last Day of Fifth Grade(小学五年级最后一天)
2013: 学期评估(Year-End Evaluation) Château Pas de l'Ane (驴步酒庄) Château Ambe Tour Pourret (深红色琥珀塔酒庄) Château La Grâce Dieu (上帝恩典酒庄) Château de Vaure (品质酒庄) Château Cardinal-Villemaurine (摩尔“阿拉伯”人之城酒庄) Château Soutard Producing Wines of Elegance, Richess & Power in Harmonious Combination (鞋匠酒庄酿造优雅葡萄酒·富贵与权力的和谐结合) Château Soutard Dated back to 1513 (鞋匠酒庄的历史可以追溯到1513年) Château Soutard, One of the Oldest Estates of the Right Bank of Gironde Estuary (鞋匠酒庄·吉伦特“圆润”河口右岸最古老的庄园之一) Chateau Saint-Emilion (热切使徒酒庄) Château Bernateau (熊壮酒庄) Château Ausone (欧颂“意大利人”酒庄) Château de Lormont (桂冠山酒庄) Château la Fleur Pourret (深红花酒庄) Château Magdelaine behind Bobard Tractor for Narrow Vineyards (适合狭窄葡萄园板式拖拉机后面的伟大女人酒庄) Way to Le Bousquet (通往灌木丛的公路) Municipal Schools (市立学校) Château Cadet-Bon Famous Since the 18th Century for the Quality of the Wines Produced & the Nobility of His Terroir (好小子酒庄·自18世纪以来就因其生产的葡萄酒品质和高贵的风土而闻名) Entrance to Monolithic Church of Saint-Émilion (热切使徒巨石教堂·入口处) Monolithic Church of Saint-Émilion, the Underground Church Hewn from Limestone Starting in the 12th Century w/ a 68-m/223-ft Bell Tower (热切使徒巨石教堂·这座地下教堂是从12世纪开始用石灰岩凿成的,有68米/223英尺高的钟楼) Château Canon as Local Soil Composition Filled w/ Sand & Clay to Foster the Creation of Rich, Savory Wines (美丽酒庄·沙子和粘土填充当地土壤成分有助于酿造丰富美味的葡萄酒) Tour du Roi or King's Tower Built in 1237 @ Saint-Émilion (热切使徒城·建于1237年的国王塔) Former Cardinal Palace w/ Romanesque Perimeter Wall & Its Nicely Balanced Frontage, Many Windows, & Finely Decorated During Its Golden Age in the 13th Century (前红衣主教宫殿·拥有罗马式围墙、平衡良好的正面、诸多窗户以及13世纪黄金时代的精美装饰) Plaque of Labbe D M Bergey (出生于当地法国著名牧师与政治家的牌匾) Art House toward Bell Tower (面朝钟楼的艺术之家) Step back in Time as Strolling along Quiet Cobbled Streets (漫步于时光倒流、静谧安详的鹅卵石街道) Monument aux Morts or War Memorial (战争纪念碑) Main of 3 Naves @ Monolithic Church of Saint-Émilion (热切使徒巨石教堂·主本堂) Altar of Monolithic Church of Saint-Émilion (热切使徒巨石教堂·祭坛) Monolithic Church of Saint-Émilion w/ a Bas-Relief @ the Back of the Central Nave Representing 2 Tetrapterous Angels, Guardians of the Gates of Paradise (热切使徒巨石教堂·中央中殿后面有浅浮雕,代表2个四翼天使,天堂之门的守护者) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Dandelions (蒲公英) Crosslinks(相关博文):
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