2024-06-05 National Attitude Day 【Schematic Nocturne (Nocturno esquemático)】 Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936) The fennel, a serpent, and rushes. Aroma, a sign, and penumbra. Air, earth, and solitariness.
(The ladder lifts up to the moon.) —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《示意夜曲》】 (西班牙)和平统帅·矛·洛尔迦“光明之神”(1898生—1936卒) 【红霞译】 茴香、大蛇、灯心草。 芬芳、象征、朦胧。 天空、世间、孤寂。
(梯子升到月亮上。) 【注】山谷城皇家王宫始建于10世纪伊斯兰时代,11—13世纪期间分别由阿拉伯王朝阿巴迪德“膜拜者”(Abbadid)和穆斯林帝国穆瓦希德“天主统一”(Almohads)发展成为更大的殿宇,直到13世纪中叶本土卡斯蒂利亚“城堡之地人”(Castilian)征服山谷城之后,该建筑群才逐渐实施重新修筑,并植入新型宫廷和御苑,尤其是14世纪西班牙佩德罗“磐石”一世(Pedro I)让穆德哈尔“可保留”(Mudejar)的华丽装饰风格登峰造极,1987年被世界科教文组织列为《世界遗产名录》。 友情提示:所有参观者当天必须携带有效证件,譬如护照或西班牙国家身份证(DNI),即使预先代购的入场券上印着护照头像首页也照样需要出示官方原件,否则一概不得入内。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2024: Cadiz, the Oldest City in Spain(西班牙最古老的城市—堡垒城) 2024: Seville Cathedral, Spain(西班牙山谷城大教堂) 2024: Plaza de Espana in Seville, Spain(西班牙山谷城·西班牙广场) 2024: Seville, Andalusia's Pearl in Spain(西班牙山谷城·漫游地明珠) 2022 GHCS Commencement, PA(2022届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼) 2013届宾州光华毕业典礼拾遗(2013 GHCS Commencement·Potpourri) 2009: 繁星─朋友(Friends & Stars) Puerta del León or Lion's Gate, the Main Entrance to Formerly the Site of the Islamic-Era Citadel of the City from the 10th Century (狮子门·建于公元10世纪的旧伊斯兰时代城堡遗址主入口) Patio del León w/ the Ancient Moorish Wall (狮子庭院与古时阿拉伯墙) Arched Moorish Thoroughfare (拱形阿拉伯通道) Gothic Palace, Façade of King Don Pedro & Patio de la Montería Courtyard (哥特式宫殿——磐石王宫正面和狩猎庭院 06-05-2024) Casa de Contratación (交易之家) Patio de Banderas Built by Alfonso X (1252-1284) & Represented the Triumph of Christian Ideology against the Muslin Past (旗阁·由智者十世修建,代表着基督教意识形态战胜穆斯林统治) Gothic Palace Chapel (哥特式宫殿礼拜堂) Altarpiece of the Virgin de la Antigua from Diego de Castillejo @ Palace Chapel (宫殿礼拜堂·来自小城堡继承者的古代圣女祭坛) Sala de las Bóvedas Preserving Elements of Alfonso X's Gothic Palace in 13th Century (金库厅·保留了13世纪智者十世哥特式宫殿元素) Doorway w/ Juxtaposition of the Colors & Patterns All Throughout the Complex (门廊与整个建筑群的色彩和图案交织) Ornate Entry (华丽的门饰) Carlos V Ceiling (自由王五世天花板) Elaborate & Distinctive Mudejar Style of Architecture Influenced by Muslim, Jewish, & Christian in Andalusia's Colorful History (精致独特的“可保留”建筑风格·备受漫游地丰厚历史中穆斯林、犹太教和基督教的影响) Decorated Window (窗饰) Royal Bedroom (皇家卧室) Hallway to Vestíbulo (大堂过道) Vaults (拱顶) Mudejar Decorations w/ Coffered Ceiling & Plasterwork @ Charles V Ceiling Room (查理五世天花板·“可保留”装饰,带有格子天花板和灰泥工艺) Corridor to Patio de Doncellas (少女庭院走廊) Marble Pavement Laid in 1581–1584 @ Patio de Doncellas (少女庭院·1581—1584年间铺设的大理石贴面) Doorway to Courtyard Decorated w/ Mixing Elements of the Renaissance Revival & Moorish Revival (Neo-Mudejar) (庭院门口带有文艺复兴和阿拉伯复兴即“可保留”复兴等混合元素) Patio de Doncellas or Courtyard of the Maidens w/ a Reflection Pool in the 14th Century (14世纪的少女庭院·内有倒影池) Patio de Doncellas or Courtyard of the Maidens (少女庭院) South Portico of the Patio del Yeso (Courtyard of the Plaster), One of the Few Remaining Elements from the Almohad-Era Palace @ End of the 12th Century (石膏庭院南门廊·12世纪末膜拜者宫殿,幸存的少数建筑元素之一) Spanish Mosaic Wall & Arched Window w/ Column Plaster (西班牙拼花瓷砖墙、拱窗与石膏柱子) Cloister of the Old Augustinian Monastery & Current National Parador (老奥古斯丁“尊贵”修道院回廊,现为国家古堡酒店) Salón de los Tapices, View of Paños I (Left), IX (Center), & XI (Right) (挂毯厅·左为磐石一世、中为九世、右为十一世的挂毯 06-05-2024) Salón de los Tapices, View of Los Paños XII (Left), X (Center), & VII (Right) (挂毯厅·左为磐石十二世、中为十世、右为七世的挂毯) Cuarto del Almirante or Admiral's Room (海军上将厅) Cuarto del Almirante or Admiral's Room (海军上将厅) Altarpiece of Virgin @ Chapterhouse (分会堂·圣母祭坛) Model Ship @ Chapterhouse (分会堂·模型船) Altarpiece w/ a Triptych of Alejo Fernandez Virgen de los Mareantes (Madonna of the Seafarers) @ Chapterhouse (分会堂——海员圣母三联祭坛画) Dome Ceiling in the Hall of Ambassadors w/ the 16th-Century Coffered Ceiling of Octagonal & Star-Shaped Caissons (大使厅的圆顶天花板·饰有16世纪八角形和星形沉箱格子天花板) Detail of an Ornate Ceiling w/ Painted Wooden Mosaic (带有木制拼花彩绘的华丽天花板) Mudéjar Art on the Ceiling of the Entrance Hall (入口大厅天花板上的“可保留”艺术) Carved Wooden Door (雕花木门) Double Door w/ Intricate Arabic Muslim Moorish Design (精湛的阿拉伯穆斯林摩尔式双门) Alcubilla Courtyard (储水池庭院) Garden of the Poets (诗人花园) Stables (马厩) Altarpiece of the Presentation of the Virgin @ Stables (马厩祭坛·圣母献祭画) Portada Mannerist de Vermondo Resta (神圣保护者矫饰主义门饰) Crosslinks(相关博文):
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