2022-06-05 World Environment Day
【 The Man with the Blue Guitar·XXXI (1937) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
How long and late the pheasant sleeps …
The employer and employee contend,
Combat, compose their droll affair.
The bubbling sun will bubble up,
Spring sparkle and the cock-bird shriek.
The employer and employee will hear
And continue their affair. The shriek
Will rack the thickets. There is no place,
Here, for the lark fixed in the mind,
In the museum of the sky. The cock
Will claw sleep. Morning is not sun,
It is this posture of the nerves,
As if a blunted player clutched
The nuances of the blue guitar.
It must be this rhapsody or none,
The rhapsody of things as they are.
—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——
【 《弹蓝色吉他的人》之卅一(1937年) 】
异乡 人•史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒)
春天蹭出火花,雄 飞禽惊呼。
【注】毕业啦,宾州光华中文学校十年一贯制(学前班—九年级)、历经两年新肺病毒疫情的2022届 学生!被授予“勇敢之心”奖励的费城中央高四毕业生“基督信徒·卢”(Christina Lu)应邀为毕业生和总统义工服务奖获得者颁奖,今年一月她曾在宾州东南地区交通局(SEPTA)区域火车上为反亚裔袭击挺身而出,因此而 获得宾州众议院的表彰。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2013届宾州光华毕业典礼拾遗(2013 GHCS Commencement·Potpourri)
2009: 繁星─朋友(Friends & Stars)
Sing Natl Anthem (唱国歌)
Rostrum (主席台)
Graduates on Stage (毕业生席)
Greet from Principal Ma (马校长致辞)
Present Brave Heart Award to Philly Central High School Senior Christina Lu who stood up to bullies in the SEPTA anti-Asian attack honored with a citation from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
(为卢同学颁发“勇敢之心 ”奖励)
Speech by Christina Lu (“勇敢之心 ”奖卢同学发表感言 )
Graduate Class Teachers & Master of Ceremonies
Present Bouquet to Teachers (向毕业班 老师献花)
Present Bouquet to Teachers (向毕业班老师献花)
Present Bouquet to Teachers (向毕业班 老师献花)
Greet from G9B Teacher Zhang (九年级毕业B班章老师道贺)
Present Diploma by Principal Ma & Zhang by Photographer Chaozhong
Graduate Farewell Address (毕业生感言)
Behind the Scene (幕后工作)
Address by the Graduate Parent
"Just Take a Ride in Your Life" Pondered by Teacher Zhang
(“你的一生我只借一程”·陷入沉思的毕业班章 老师)
Greet from Vice Principal Zhang
Present Diplomas/Guanghua Scholarship Award, Partial Unmasked Awardees
Present Diplomas/Guanghua Scholarship Award, Partial Unmasked Awardees
(颁发光华奖学金·部分没有带口罩的获奖者 )
Present Diplomas/Guanghua Scholarship Award, Partial Unmasked Awardees
(颁发光华奖学金·部分没有带口罩的获奖者 )
Present Diplomas/Guanghua Scholarship Award, Partial Unmasked Awardees
(颁发光华奖学金·部分没有带口罩的获奖者 )
Present Diplomas/Guanghua Scholarship Award, Partial Unmasked Awardees
(颁发光华奖学金·部分没有带口罩的获奖者 )
Present Diplomas/Guanghua Scholarship Award, Partial Unmasked Awardees
(颁发光华奖学金·部分没有带口罩的获奖者 )
Present Diplomas/Guanghua Scholarship Award, Partial Unmasked Awardees
(颁发光华奖学金·部分没有带口罩的获奖者 )
Present Diplomas/Guanghua Scholarship Award, Partial Unmasked Awardees
(颁发光华奖学金·部分没有带口罩的获奖者 )
Present the PVSA by Christina Lu & Guanghua Board Trustee Dr. Shi
(“勇敢之心 ”卢同学与光华理事会理事施博士颁发总统义工奖)
PVSA Recipient (总统义工服务奖获得者)
Graduates & Awardees by Photographer Chaozhong
(毕业生与获奖同学·相片来自摄影师潮钟 06-05-2022)
Partial President Volunteer Service Awardees by Photographer Chaozhong
(部分总统义工服务奖获得者·相片来自摄影师潮钟 )
Support from Team Peter Fang (玉麟团队到场祝贺)
Post Ceremony w/ Christina Lu by Photographer Chaozhong
(盛典之后与“勇敢之心 ”奖获得者留影·相片来自摄影师潮钟 )
Greeting Cake (祝贺蛋糕)
Ceremony Program (节目单)
Ceremony Video by Vice Principal Wang
2018 GHCS Commencement, PA(2018届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼)
2017 GHCS Commencement, PA(2017届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼)
2016 GHCS Commencement, PA(2016届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼)
2015 GHCS Commencement·Bitter-Sweet-Salty(2015届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼·羡慕嫉妒爱)
2014 GHCS Commencement·Bamboo(2014届宾州光华毕业典礼·蜀苑)
2013届宾州光华毕业典礼拾遗(2013 GHCS Commencement·Potpourri)
2012届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼(2012 GHCS Commencement, PA)
2010届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼(2010 GHCS Commencement, PA)