【Aiden in English】 Day one was difficult, but day two gets more brutal, and the challenges grow daily at the 76ers Overnight Camp. Although every day I spend here at the camp means I get better, others also increase simultaneously. So, if I want to up my game, I’d better work on my weakness quickly. To improve your skill, you gotta know what you are not as good at or, instead, in my case, suck at. In the beginning, I was the softest guy in the camp. A fly could push me aside, not to mention other big-bad sixth graders. I was taller than most of the players somehow, so I had to work on boxing out. The definition of boxing out was said by my PSC coach a week ago was, quote: “Stick your butt into the other person’s waist, and then push him back.” I had no points during our first league game of the day, which I was okay with. But what I liked was the number of rebounds I grabbed. Although it wasn’t out of this world, I still got some decent rebounds that I felt good about. It’s just a pleasant feeling of the solid “smack!” of the ball meeting with two hands of an outstretched defender. The first game started with Georgia Tech down five points to USC (South Carolina), and we were being tossed around on defense. There was a point guard who drove and drew fouls every time, and we couldn’t stop him. He was too fast for me, but in the meanwhile, too tall for our fast guys. My team was a little interesting. Georgia Tech had me and two others, big and tall, while the remaining seven were small and quick. That usually left us to pair up by height, not skill. We scratched our heads when it came to people like the USC’s star. However, the game flipped instantly, and we scored 14 straight points. The other team seemed like a switch that was flipped or something else. Bad passes and terrible shots were put up. The star then subbed out, adding more fuel to the raging blaze. At halftime, we were up by 11, 21 to 10. Not all games go your way through, and the second of the day didn't. The game started badly enough, with a 10-point lead given to our opponent, UNC. They got to the rack quickly, and on free throws, they went around the defenders like a linebacker going for a sack. The other side was even worse. The game for us on offense was turnover after turnover. Our coach counted at least 15 for the game. As things seemed over, however, the tables turned in the final minutes of the 4th quarter. An enormous 10-point lead slowly became four, then two, and then one. Finally, with 3 seconds left, we had two free throws. This may not be the championships, but the pressure was on. As for the kid taking free throws, he was a bit, ah, shaky. Basketball, up close, has many more skills than I thought. Although I suck at most, I can improve upon them (I hope). As for the free throw, well, they both missed. That’s another skill for basketball. Not to give up, even over losses. 【红霞译】
并非每场比赛都尽人意,今天第二场便是最佳例证。一开局我们出师不利,白白送给对手北卡大学队十分,他们轻松地带球上篮,罚球时后卫又能避开防守补球入框。前场阵脚更乱,我们进攻受挫,频繁出现失误,教练统计了一下,整个比赛至少有十五次拱手让对方得球。然而好事多磨,到了第四节最后几分钟,局势急转直下,原本十分的差距逐渐变成四分、两分、一分,离终场结束仅剩下三秒钟,我们得到两次罚球机会,该场球赛虽然赶不上锦标赛水平,但压力同样不小,瞧投篮的球手,哇塞,他真有点哆嗦。 近观篮球,不难让我发现许多超越想象的球技打法。本人虽然水平有限,但却希望永葆进步。接着说完上面的罚球,没错,两次先后失误,无形之中又给篮球平添另外一门课题──坚持到底,即使失败也不轻言放弃。

Grown-up Pals (共同长大的同伴 07-31-2015) Crosslinks(相关博文): 76ers Overnight Camp(费城七六人队篮球寄宿营) 6th Grade(初中一年级) |