2022-10-22 National Knee Day
【Esthétique du Mal·II (1945)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) At a town in which acacias grew, he lay On his balcony at night. Warblings became Too dark, too far, too much the accents of Afflicted sleep, too much the syllables That would form themselves, in time, and communicate The intelligence of his despair, express What meditation never quite achieved.
The moon rose up as if it had escaped His meditation. It evaded his mind. It was part of a supremacy always Above him. The moon was always free from him, As night was free from him. The shadow touched Or merely seemed to touch him as he spoke A kind of elegy he found in space:
It is pain that is indifferent to the sky In spite of the yellow of the acacias, the scent Of them in the air still hanging heavily In the hoary-hanging night. It does not regard This freedom, this supremacy, and in Its own hallucination never sees How that which rejects it saves it in the end. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《恶之美学·之二》(1945年)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 金合欢成林的小镇,他躺在 夜晚的阳台上。莺鸣变得 太沉、太远,太杂的声调 影响睡眠,太多的音节 形成关联,最后,传达 他绝望的信息,抒发 沉思无法实现的愿望。
月亮升起好像早已逃出 他的沉思。回避他的想法。 始终少不了至尊无双 凌驾于他之上。月亮一直躲着他, 随着夜晚离他远去。唯有影子相伴 或者仅仅陪他吟诵 宇宙中获取的挽歌:
面对苍天冷漠疏离的痛苦 不管金合欢的黄色如何,花香 浓郁地弥漫着空气 在发灰的夜晚。没有认同 这种自由,这种至尊无双,况且单凭 臆想永远无法理解 排斥的痛苦最终如何得以解除。 【注】这首诗歌描述在太空中找到挽歌的济慈式诗人;而以下相片则是关于南智城街区——全世界铸铁(Cast-Iron)建筑最多的历史保留地,后由厂房改造成艺术家阁楼或称车间(Lofts)式画廊。 1978年,南智城历史街区被纳入《美国国家历史遗迹名录》。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2022: A Wandering Life in West Village NYC(浪迹纽约西村区) 2022: A Wandering Life in Upper East Side NYC(浪迹纽约上东区) 2022: Tisch & Grey Art Gallery of NYU(纽约大学桌子艺术学院及灰色艺博馆)
2022: Meals in the Metaverse around NYU(纽约大学周边元宇宙餐饮) 2022: Campus w/o Walls @ New York Univ.(纽约大学·没有围墙的校园) 2022: Parent Weekend @ Stern of NYU, NYC(纽大明星商学院家庭周末) 2014:Analysis─The Amazing Invention(分析段落─了不起的发明)
Bleecker Tower (1891) @ 644 Broadway (绅士大街644号·建于1891年的亚麻漂白大厦 02-06-1993) Cable Bldg (1892-94)in Beaux-Arts @ 611 Broadway (绅士大街611号有线电视电缆大厦·建于1892—94年,精美艺术风格 04-03-1993) West Broadway Arches (1903) in Romanesque Revival @ 468 W Broadway (西绅士大街468号西绅士拱门·建于1903年,罗马复兴式 08-08-1993) Little Singer Bldg (1904) in Art Nouveau Featuring an Ornate Brick, Steel & Terracotta Façade @ 561 Broadway (绅士大街561号小歌手大厦·建于1904年,以华丽的瓷砖、钢材和釉彩立面为特色的新艺术风格 08-09-1993)
Meson Toledano, Spanish Cuisines @ 318 West 23rd St (西23街318号神赐剑刃·西班牙餐馆 08-10-1993) Façade of Bayard-Condict Bldg (1899) @ 65 Bleecker St (亚麻漂白街65号·建于1899年的魔马—管道大厦正门) Bayard-Condict Bldg in Parapet Sculptural Details (魔马—管道大厦·防护外墙雕刻细节 08-28-1993) Pre-War Co-Op Bldg in SoHo(1900) @ 99 Spring St (春街99号·1900年一战前建造的合作公寓楼 08-29-1993) The Palace (1920) @ 380 Canal St (运河街380号宫殿大厦·建于1920年 08-29-1993) Soho Penthouse Loft (南智城阁楼套房公寓楼 09-06-1993) SoHo Historic District (1873), the Largest Concentration of Cast-Iron Architecture in the World @ 32-34 Greene St (绿街32—34号南智城铸铁历史街区·始建于1873年,世上最集中的铸铁建筑 09-11-1993) Anthony Arnoux House in Federal Style (1825) @ 139 Greene St (绿街139号“无价宝·鹰狼”之家:建于1825年,联邦式 10-31-1993) Fleitmann & Co. Bldg (1918) in Romanesque Revival @ 484 Broome St (金雀花街484号智能公司大厦·建于1918年,罗马复兴式 11-25-1993) Georgetown Plaza Apts (1900) in Gothic-Style @ 451 Broome St (金雀花街451号乔治国王城广场公寓·建于1900年,哥特式 12-31-1993) The Conjunction of NoHo & SoHo (南—北智城街区交汇处) Parking Lot @ Spring St. (春街停车场) Mobile Parking @ Canal St. (运河路·移动式停车场) Route to Chinatown @ Canal Street (运河路·通往中国城的干线)
Woolworth Building & Jenga Tower (五分钱大厦与搭积木塔楼 08-27-2021)
City Hall Viewed from SoHo (从南智城观望市政厅 07-09-2022) Jenga Tower (搭积木塔楼) Spring St @ Lafayette St. (春街与山毛榉路交道口) Crosslinks(相关博文):
A Wandering Life in Street Arts NYC(浪迹纽约街头艺术) A Wandering Life in Hell's Kitchen NYC(浪迹纽约地狱厨房区) A Wandering Life in Seaport NYC(浪迹纽约海港区) A Wandering Life in Midtown NYC(浪迹纽约中城)
A Wandering Life in Rockefeller Ctr NYC(浪迹纽约黑麦田中心) USA(出游美国)