
【Aiden in English】
A 4-star restaurant usually has ridiculously high prices in NYC and food that can be eaten anywhere. Pair it with some wine, and bam! The food just got a 4-star quality. The Russian Tea Room sounded like a different breed, and I was about to find out just how much. Russians enjoyed caviar. I’ll say it seems like their only condiment. So, going to a 4-star Russian restaurant, you’ll think there will be caviar. The only problem is that I don’t like caviar. To avoid it, I carefully choose selections without the letters “c-a-v-i-a-r” in them. I settled for Onion Soup since Mom recommended it to me. The thing I now know about Russians is that they have a love for cheese. The onion soup was covered with cheese, thick and chewy. Swallowing it felt like a hot rope stuck in your throat. The soup was decent, and the onions were tasty. But since the cheese covered everything, to get to the soup, I had to get through the cheese. I don’t know if this is an American lunch, but I got RTR Sliders with three small burger sliders as the entrée arrived. The first was made with salmon and avocado. The avocado gave the food texture, but it was too oily. The following two were obese foods that can even penetrate the most guarded facilities. I licked the spot clean where they once were. The side dish also came with fries and the most American Heinz ketchup they can get. Mmmm… I indeed enjoyed Russian cuisine, especially if it was American. You see, all around the world, mixing cultures has allowed fast food to spread. 75 McDonald’s burgers are being sold every second. Maybe the world is doomed to obesity. And today, the evidence is being uncovered in the Russian Tea Room, revealing an ugly truth. Mom got a burrito-like dish or Blinchik, an incredible appetite stuffed with cabbage and slices of meat, a Chipotle-style. The taste resembled Chinese culture as well, with blended flavors like paint. Her main course was Boeuf à la Stroganoff. Red wine braised beef sitting on a bed of thick noodles drenched in a creamy mushroom and black truffle cream sauce. The braised beef was all too similar to the Chinese way of cooking. And it was great to show you how much mom almost finished the entire plate but a chunk of veal. Considering the new generation’s laziness, I wouldn’t be surprised if obesity became the new smoking case in the future. Beware, everyone, for fast food has invaded the far reaches of time and space and will consume us all! 【红霞译】
现在我开始犯懵,搞不懂自己点的正餐到底是不是美式午餐,桌前摆上三个小巧玲珑本茶馆正宗特制的汉堡包三明治。第一个由鲑鱼和鳄梨做成,鳄梨提升食品质地,但吃起来香腻无比;其它两个基本上都算增肥食品,其热卡大到可以穿透大多数戒备森严的防御设施,我只舔了一下尚未被油渍滋润的干涸地方。小菜附带炸薯条,还有美国最为流行的拌料——“一家之主”番茄酱,哼…,单凭这一点,我确实喜欢俄罗斯风味,暂且假设它不跟美式快餐同流合污。由此可见,当全球文化相互交融,快餐犹如雨后春笋遍地盛开,事实上,每秒钟就有七十五个麦当劳(苏格兰语“世界王之子”)汉堡包被推销出去,也许世界终究会朝着肥胖的方向发展,今天我在俄罗斯茶馆的亲身经历,恰好揭示了令人难堪的真相。 妈妈点的小驴式风味——俄罗斯卷饼,里面包有圆白菜和肉丝,极具“烟熏辣椒”墨西哥快餐风味,挺好吃的一道开胃菜,尝起来又像中餐,可谓大杂烩。她吃的主菜为俄式牛柳面,红葡萄酒炖牛肉与宽面条拌上奶油蘑菇和黑松露乳汁,如同中式烹饪味道,妈妈风卷残云,仅留下小块肉末。 鉴于年轻一代懒惰成性,假如将来肥胖真成了大问题,我一点也不感到惊讶。大家千万要当心,快餐已侵蚀我们的日常生活,恨不能快要打垮整个人类!
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015 Golden Key in Carnegie Hall(2015年卡内基音乐厅金键盘音乐节) 2014 Spring Soccer Game III(春季足球之三) 
Russian Tea Room (俄罗斯茶馆) 
Lunch @ Russian Tea Room (俄罗斯茶馆·午餐 06-07-2015) 
Onion Soup (洋葱汤 06-07-2015) 
Blinchik w/ Caviar (俄式肉饼与鱼子酱) 
Times Square, NYC (纽约·时代广场 06-07-2015) Crosslinks(相关博文): USA(出游美国) 6th Grade(初中一年级) |