2022-09-25 Rosh Hashanah or Head of the Jewish Year
【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Give Pleasure·IX (1942)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Whistle aloud, too weedy wren. I can Do all that angels can. I enjoy like them, Like men besides, like men in light secluded,
Enjoying angels. Whistle, forced bugler, That bugles for the mate, nearby the nest, Cock bugler, whistle and bugle and stop just short,
Red robin, stop in your preludes, practicing Mere repetitions. These things at least comprise An occupation, an exercise, a work,
A thing final in itself and, therefore, good: One of the vast repetitions final in Themselves and, therefore, good, the going round And round and round, the merely going round, Until merely going round is a final good, The way wine comes at a table in a wood.
And we enjoy like men, the way a leaf Above the table spins its constant spin, So that we look at it with pleasure, look
At it spinning its eccentric measure. Perhaps, The man-hero is not the exceptional monster, But he that of repetition is most master. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《最高虚构笔记——它必须快乐·之九》(1942年)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 放声啼叫吧,柔弱不堪的鹪鹩。我能 做天使做到的一切。不但像牠们一样乐在其中, 而且像人类,还像幽灵,
喜欢天使。鸣哨吧,万般无奈的吹鼓手, 为交配而鸣,鸟巢周围, 雄号兵,大呼小叫过后方才罢休,
红知更鸟,止于你的前奏,进行 纯粹的重复。所述这些至少离不开 职业、运动、工作,
归咎事物本身,因而,合乎情理的行为: 一个繁杂的重复取决于 自身因素,由此看来,合乎情理的行为,兜转
一遍又一遍,纯粹的兜转, 直至最后纯粹地兜转成合乎情理的行为, 树林里摆葡萄酒席的方式。
而我们像人类那样享受,宛若叶子 在餐桌上方飘来飘去的样子, 令人心旷神怡,观看
它以诡异的节拍飞舞。也许 英雄并不是特殊的怪物, 但他最擅长重复。 【注】联邦大厅国家纪念堂是在推翻了老市政厅之后打造出来的希腊复兴式建筑,先用于纽约港海关大楼廿载(1842-1862),后成为美国财政部大楼国库分部;鼎盛时期,国库分部持有联邦政府70%的资金。 美国雕塑家神慈·老五·大地之子·看守人(John Quincy Adams Ward)的铜像作品《农夫·睿智农家》(George Washington)伫立在楼前礼仪台阶上,与总统在1789年4月30号宣誓就职时站立的高度相同,并且俯瞰来自宽街与华尔街的人群。顺便说一句,这是唯一一次既不在一月份也不在三月份举行的既定就职典礼。 1966年,联邦大厅被纳入《美国国家历史遗迹名录》。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2022: A Wandering Life in Metropolitan NYC-4(浪迹纽约大都会之四) 2022: Ladies' Mile Historic District, NYC(纽约仕女一英里历史街区) 2022: Madison Sq & Flatiron District, NYC(纽约麦迪逊广场与熨斗区) 2022: WFC & North Cove Marina, NYC(纽约世界金融中心与北湾码头) 2022: WTC Oculus & Memorial Site, NYC(纽约“大眼睛”车站与世贸中心纪念地) 2022: Headquarters of the United Nations, NYC(纽约联合国总部) 2022: Pat the Charging Bull for Good Luck, NYC(纽约华尔街金融牛) 2022: The Battery & Clinton Castle NM, NYC(纽约炮台地头堡国家纪念地) 2022:Trinity Church Wall Street, NYC(纽约·华尔街三一教堂) Façade of Federal Hall NM (1842) in Greek Revival Style @ 26 Wall St (华尔街26号正面观·建于1842年希腊复古式联邦大厅国家纪念馆 04-30-2016) Bronze Sculpture of George Washington (1882)
Main Hall (主大厅) Rotunda w/ the Skylight Surrounded by Raised Rosettes
(圆形大厅·凸起的玫瑰花结环绕的天窗) The Seat of Congress, 1790 Hand-Colored Engraving by Amos Doolittle, depicting Washington's April 30, 1789, Inauguration (国会所在地——1790年勇敢·懒人手工雕刻版画,描绘了1789年4月30日华盛顿就职典礼)
Treasury Bldg (国库大楼) Customs House (海关大楼) Basement Vaults to Secure Millions of Dollars of Gold & Silver (地下金库·保存数百万美元的黄金和白银)
Brass Relief of Washington Kneeling in Prayer (黄铜浮雕《睿智农家跪祷》) Alexander Hamilton in Contrast to the Old Federal Hall on U.S. Postage (1957年美国邮票——人类保护者·平丘山与美国旧联邦大厅) Boston Bakery (小镇面包房 06-01-1994) Crosslink(相关博文): USA(出游美国) |