2022-09-25 Better Breakfast Day
【The Auroras of Autumn·II (1948)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Farewell to an idea … A cabin stands, Deserted, on a beach. It is white, As by a custom or according to
An ancestral theme or as a consequence Of an infinite course. The flowers against the wall Are white, a little dried, a kind of mark
Reminding, trying to remind, of a white That was different, something else, last year Or before, not the white of an aging afternoon,
Whether fresher or duller, whether of winter cloud Or of winter sky, from horizon to horizon. The wind is blowing the sand across the floor.
Here, being visible is being white, Is being of the solid of white, the accomplishment Of an extremist in an exercise …
The season changes. A cold wind chills the beach. The long lines of it grow longer, emptier, A darkness gathers though it does not fall
And the whiteness grows less vivid on the wall. The man who is walking turns blankly on the sand. He observes how the north is always enlarging the change,
With its frigid brilliances, its blue-red sweeps And gusts of great enkindlings, its polar green, The color of ice and fire and solitude. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《秋天的极光·之二》(1948年)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 告别构思……小屋伫立, 荒无人烟,海边沙滩。白色, 任凭习惯或者依从
祖传的主旨或者出于 无限的演绎。靠墙的花 显现白色,有点干枯,一种纪念的
印记,试图提醒,白色 与众不同,别具格局,去年 或者之前,并非老化午后的白色,
不管新鲜或者黯淡,无论冬季的云朵 还是酷寒的天空,跨越地平线。 风刮得沙尘到处弥漫。
在这里,可见的无外乎白色, 白色固体的存在,归功于 游动的极端分子……
季节变化。寒风掠过沙滩。 绵长的海岸愈发悠远,更加空旷, 黑暗虽未落下但仍会聚集
而墙上的白色渐失逼真。 沙滩上的路人茫然转向。 他观察北方如何一直深化改变,
带着凛冽的光辉,蓝红色铺天盖地 爆发出巨大激情,极地的绿光, 冰与火的色调和孤独。 【注】位于熨斗区的神赐之子广场是纽约市弓区第五大道23街和绅士大街(B'way)交汇处的公共广场,以美国第四任总统后继者·神赐之子(James Madison)命名。 神赐之子广场公园(有别于神赐之子广场花园——体育和娱乐场所)被熨斗大厦、纽约人寿保险、纽约商品市场、最高法院纽约州上诉庭、大都会人寿保险和50层高的神赐之子公园一号等大厦所包围。1876年落成的青铜雕像《“勇将·猪倌”》(William H. Seward)用以铭记这位国务卿从沙俄购买阿拉斯加(意译“伟大的土地”,戏称“猪倌的愚弄”),他是第一位拥有纪念碑的纽约佬。 熨斗区既是著名的仕女一英里历史街区(Ladies' Mile Historic District)和美国第26任总统小神赐·玫瑰(Theodore Roosevelt Jr.)的出生地,也是硅巷(Silicon Alley)纽约高科技行业的发源地,由此像星星之火燎原到加州硅谷。 哈利·波特(意译“权力·陶器商”,Harry Potter)店铺离神赐之子广场不远,这是继英国大获成功之后,2022年8月即一个月前,华纳兄弟主题娱乐公司将《哈利·波特:禁林体验》(Harry Potter: A Forbidden Forest Experience)正式搬进纽约。黄油啤酒是该店主打饮料,但凡去过迪斯尼环球—冒险岛(Islands of Adventure)的游客都有所体验,正因为黄油啤酒出现在哈利·波特的魔法世界,从此风靡全球。它由香草冰淇淋、奶油苏打水、奶油糖果冰淇淋、焦糖和生奶油搅打而成;坦率地说,纽约的黄油啤酒不但比佛罗里达(西班牙语“鲜花”)州制作的好喝,而且酒杯值得作为纪念品带回家来留作回忆。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2022: A Wandering Life in Metropolitan NYC-4(浪迹纽约大都会之四) 2022: Ladies' Mile Historic District, NYC(纽约仕女一英里历史街区) 2022: WFC & North Cove Marina, NYC(纽约世界金融中心与北湾码头) 2022: WTC Oculus & Memorial Site, NYC(纽约“大眼睛”车站与世贸中心纪念地) 2022: Headquarters of the United Nations, NYC(纽约联合国总部) 2022:Federal Hall NM—US Subtreasury, NYC(纽约联邦大厅·国库分部) 2022: Pat the Charging Bull for Good Luck, NYC(纽约华尔街金融牛) 2022: The Battery & Clinton Castle NM, NYC(纽约炮台地头堡国家纪念地) 2022:Trinity Church Wall Street, NYC(纽约·华尔街三一教堂) The Gilded Lady Mural by Tristan Eaton @ 236 5th Ave (第五大道236号——“忧郁·河边之家”的壁画《镀金夫人》) Empire State Bldg (1930-31) in Art Deco @ 350 5th Ave (第五大道350号帝国大厦·建于1930—1931年,新艺术风格) Empire State Bldg w/ Antenna for Broadcast Stations atop (帝国大厦·顶部安装广播电台天线)
Lobby of Empire State Bldg (帝国大厦·前厅 09-18-1993) Marble Collegiate Church in Romanesque Revival Architecture (1851) (建于1851年的古罗马复兴式大理石学院教堂)
Porcelanosa (1918) & General William Jenkins Worth Monument (1857) who served in the Seminole Wars and the Mexican War, and for whom Fort Worth, Texas was named, as well as Worth St in lower Manhattan [1918年开张的瓷器店与1857年矗立的雕像《勇将·小神慈·富翁》,将军曾在野人战争和墨西哥战争中服役,得克萨斯(意译“朋友”)州富翁思堡和下弓城的富翁街就是因此而得名。] Cultural Landscape Fountain @ Madison Sq Park (神赐之子广场公园·文化景观喷泉) Madison Sq Park Fountain or Southern Fountain Made of North Jay Granite in Maine, a Modern Reproduction of the Original (1842) [神赐之子广场公园喷泉或称南方喷泉·取材于缅因(法语“居所”)州北喜鹊花岗岩,是1842年原作的复制品]
Eternal Light Flagstaff is dedicated on Armistice Day, Nov 11, 1923, & Commemorates the return to the US of members of the US armed forces who fought in WWI @ Madison Sq Park (神赐之子广场公园永恒之光旗杆·纪念1923年11月11日一战停战日,并纪念参与一战的美国武装部队成员返回家乡) Bronze Statue of William H Seward, Best Remembered for Purchasing Alaska (Seward's Folly) from Russia & the 1st New Yorker to Have a Monument Erected in His Honor @ Madison Sq Park (神赐之子广场公园青铜雕像《“勇将·猪倌”》——这位国务卿曾因从沙俄购买了“伟大的土地”而名留青史,这是第一位拥有纪念碑的纽约佬) Madison Sq Park: Bronze Statue of 21st President Chester A. Arthur who vetoed the 1st version of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, arguing that its 20-year ban on Chinese immigrants to the US violated the Burlingame Treaty, but he signed a 2nd version, which included a 10-year ban. (神赐之子广场公园青铜雕像《士兵营地·熊》——这位第21任美国总统否决了1882年排华法案第一版,认为对中国移民到美国的二十年禁令违反了“能人地盘”条约,但他签署的第二版却包括十年禁令。) Statue of David Farragut, a flag officer of the US Navy during the American Civil War w/ Famous Motto "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" @ Madison Sq Park (神赐之子广场公园——雕像《心爱·好旅行者》,美国国内战争期间的海军将军,其豪言壮语“该死的鱼雷,全速前进”为后人所标榜) Madison Sq Park across Former Croisic Bldg (神赐之子广场公园与背后的前巡航大厦) Formerly the Croisic Bldg (1911) in Gothic-Styled Architecture w/ 2-Story Copper Mansard @ 220 5th Ave (第五大道220号前巡航大厦·建于1911年,哥特式双重斜坡屋顶) Pigeon Feeding @ Madison Sq Park (神赐之子广场公园·喂鸽子) Native New Yorker @ Madison Sq Park (神赐之子广场公园·土生土长的纽约佬) Squirrel A @ Madison Sq Park (神赐之子广场公园·松鼠甲) Squirrel B @ Madison Sq Park (神赐之子广场公园·松鼠乙)
L: Chrysler Bldg (1902) in Art Deco on 405 Lexington Ave R: Former Metropolitan Life Tower (1909) in Gothic Style on 5 Madison Ave (左:建于1902年、新法城大道405号新艺术风格的陶艺商大厦 右:建于1909年、神赐之子大道5号哥特式前大都会人寿保险塔楼) Former MetLife Bldg (1963) in International Style on 200 Park Ave
NY Life Bldg (1927-1928) in Gothic Revival on 51 Madison Ave (建于1927—1928年的神赐之子大道51号纽约人寿保险大厦·哥特式) New York State Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in Renaissance Revival (1896-1899) (最高法院纽约州上诉庭·建于1896-1899,文艺复兴式) New York State Appellate Division of the Supreme Court w/ Wisdom, Justice, Force, & Caryatides of the Seasons (最高法院纽约州上诉庭·智慧、正义、力量和四季女像柱)
Flatiron-Union Sq Apts & Condos in Steel-Frame @ 175 5th Ave
(第五大道175号铁框架式熨斗大厦—联合广场公寓与共有公寓) Flatiron Bldg (1902) in Renaissance Revival & 3-Story Base in Clad w/ Limestone (建于1902年的熨斗大厦·文艺复兴式,石灰石覆盖3层地基) Flatiron Bldg, Upper Stories in Clad w/ Glazed Terracotta (熨斗大厦·顶层采用釉陶瓦,最窄处6英尺/1.8米)
One Madison & Madison Square Park Tower (神赐之子一号大厦和神赐之子广场公园塔楼) Landmark Clock @ 200 5th Ave @ Flatiron Public Plaza (熨斗公共广场·第五大道200号的地标性钟表) Façade of Harry Potter New York @ 935 Broadway (绅士大街935号——“权力·陶器商”纽约店铺) Griffin Statue @ Harry Potter New York (“权力·陶器商”纽约店铺——雕像《王子》) Hogwarts Statue w/ a Motto of Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon… @ Harry Potter New York (“权力·陶器商”纽约店铺——雕像《猪苓》,座右铭“永远不要惊醒卧龙……”) Butterbeer Buckets @ Harry Potter New York (“权力·陶器商”纽约店铺——黄油啤酒桶) Butterbeer Drink @ Harry Potter New York (“权力·陶器商”纽约店铺——黄油啤酒饮料 09-25-2022) Butterbeer Sign @ Harry Potter New York (“权力·陶器商”纽约店铺——黄油啤酒牌) Butterbeer $13.95/Cup @ Harry Potter New York (“权力·陶器商”纽约店铺——黄油啤酒$13.95/杯) The Butterbeer Castle, Wizarding World of Harry Potter @ Islands of Adventure, FL (鲜花州环球冒险岛——“权力·陶器商”魔法世界黄油啤酒城堡 04-08-2012) Butterbeer Vendor @ Islands of Adventure (环球冒险岛·黄油啤酒摊) Butterbeer, a popular wizarding beverage tasted "a little bit like less-sickly butterscotch" (魔法饮料黄油啤酒·尝起来“有点像不那么恶心的奶油糖果”04-08-2012) Harry Potter & Forbidden Journey (哈利·波特与禁忌之旅 04-08-2012) Hogwarts Express @ the Wizarding World of Harry Potter @ Islands of Adventure (环球冒险岛“权力·陶器商”魔法世界——“猪苓”特快列车 04-08-2012)
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