2023-11-04 National Bison Day 【July Mountain (1955)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) We live in a constellation Of patches and of pitches, Not in a single world, In things said well in music, On the piano and in speech,
As in the page of poetry- Thinkers without final thoughts In an always incipient cosmos. The way, when we climb a mountain, Vermont throws itself together. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《七月高山》(1955)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 我们生活的星座 斑驳发黑, 并非单一的世界, 尽可用音乐表现事物, 无论钢琴弹奏还是朗诵吟咏,
正如诗篇抒发的那样—— 思想者无法定论 始终处于萌芽状态的宇宙。 当我们攀登峻岭,带动 青山一路行走。 【注】1993年6月满载262名主要为福建非法移民的“金色冒险”号(Golden Venture)货轮从中国福州出发,经泰国曼谷、肯尼亚蒙巴萨、南非好望角等地在纽约笑水之地(Rockaway)人为搁浅,华人黑社会福青帮由此进入公众视线。据报道,此前之后登陆的成功者大多先从曼哈顿(意译“弓”城)飞地——小福州埠立身,继而再转战皇后区的法拉盛“冲水”和布鲁克林“美溪”区的中国城,对于没有身份的偷渡客同胞来说,离开的是幸运,留下的是青春。 小福州埠坐落在弓桥与美溪大桥之间东百老汇区段,其热闹程度跟邻近以广东裔主导的纽约下城唐人街相比毫无逊色,可圈可点的花园川菜酒家正好位处小福州埠腹地,今天茶余饭后,让耳闻目睹的场景走进我的生活。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2023: Civic Center, the Heart of NYC(纽约城的心脏·市政中心) 2023: Immersive Hall des Lumières, NYC(纽约城灯光厅·沉浸式艺术馆) 2023: Manhattan-Brooklyn Bridges, NYC(纽约城·曼哈顿与布鲁克林大桥) 2014: Tulum Mayan Ruins, Mexico(墨西哥黎明城玛雅遗址) E Broadway Westward to the Manhattan Bridge (东百老汇向西至弓桥 11-04-2023) 15th Grader (Junior) @ Little Fuzhou Neighborhood within Manhattan's Enclave on E Broadway (东百老汇弓城飞地的小福州街区·大三生 11-04-2023) 15th Grader (Junior) @ E Broadway Eastward to the Manhattan Bridge (东百老汇东向弓桥·大三生 11-04-2023) Lower East Side War Memorial in Memory of Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice in Defense of Their Country (下东区战争纪念碑·纪念为保卫国家做出最高牺牲的人们) Fukien American Association & Sung Tak Buddhist Association (美国福建同乡会与圣德佛教协会 11-04-2023) Chatham Square Branch of the New York Public Library (纽约公共图书馆战士广场分馆) Statue of Lin Zexu @ Kimlau Square (金劳广场·林则徐雕像) Kimlau Memorial Arch to honor those of Chinese ancestry who fought and died for the US (金劳纪念拱门·纪念为美国而战和牺牲的华人) Little Fuzhou within Chinatown @ Forsyth St (和平者街上的中国城小福州埠) One Manhattan Square (弓城广场一号大厦) Eldridge & Division St @ Forsyth St (圣王街、分街与和平者街交道口) Façade of Hwa Yuan Szechuan (花园川菜馆·正门) 15th Grader (Junior) @ Interior Dining Hall of Hwa Yuan Szechuan (花园川菜馆·里间餐厅 11-04-2023)
15th Grader (Junior) w/ Appetizers @ Hwa Yuan Szechuan (花园川菜馆·头台 11-04-2023) Crosslinks(相关博文): Junior(大学三年级'2023-24) USA·New York(美国·纽约州) USA(出游美国) |