【Aiden in English】
You can’t go to Beijing and NOT go to the Great Wall. It is a fact that many people come to Beijing every day. The Great Wall is one of the most famous spots in Beijing. The most popular sections are known as Badaling and Mutianyu, respectively. And the Great Wall of China is spinning 21,196 km/13,171 miles so that no one would walk the entire route up to date. Most tourists pile up in one place: Badaling Great Wall. With hundreds of thousands of tourists coming here, the area at the foot of the Great Wall became a shopping center. Stores of all kinds lined the streets, yelling so many advertisements that I thought I was walking through one of those operas my mom enjoyed. Instead of taking the cable car, which was a mistake, we started from the bottom. Now, here’s something I wanted to know. As I looked at the endless rules of the Great Wall, how did troops get from one place to another quickly? The Great Wall seems like a wave, rising and falling. At times, there would be a 60o slope and no stairs. Back then, there wasn’t even a handrail! One thing it did have, though, was a natural AC. On one side, the outward walkway the troops were defending had vents for pouring hot water. Simultaneously, it became a vent for air only during a hot midsummer. At the height of its construction, the Great Wall had natural breezes from the north. The wind was caught in the vents and channeled through the holes, providing a tremendous blast. Fresh air was needed because of the density of the tourists here. People tended to slow down, which built up many bottlenecks in different areas. The 60-degree slope and the hundreds of steps after were exactly where mass conjunction occurred. People pushed, shoved, yelled, and screamed. The only way to see anything a foot in front of you was to look at the ground. Unfortunately, tourists were shoulder to shoulder, and some people were coming back too. Soon, there was a slow trickle of a single file of people who inched out of the enormous mass. After trying to push ahead, I finally decided to leave it. I’ve seen the Great Wall of China and walked on it. Now, I have proof. As I went down, I saw that only that section was blocked. A few beacon towers away, the Great Wall was empty! Well, it didn’t look like I would get there anytime soon. Beijing has many places to visit. However, every tourist needs proof that they’ve been to the Great Wall, don’t they?! I now have evidence of scaling the Great Wall of China. 【红霞译】
眼见前行努力未果,我终于打起退堂鼓。不到长城非好汉,现在我完全可以自诩天下豪杰。归途上,我发觉堵就堵在自己撤退的地方,实际上后面几个烽火台人迹全无,但天晓得猴年马月才能爬到那里。 北京有很多值得参观的地方,然而人人都信奉不到长城非好汉,不对吗?!言必信行必果,我说到做到登上了万里长城。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: Reunion w/ Old Friends(老友重逢) 2013年蒙郡青少年野营日(2013 MontCo Youth Field Day)
Juyong Pass Great Wall (居庸关长城)
Mutianyu Great Wall (慕田峪长城 10-19-1985)
Badaling, Great Wall (八达岭长城)
Badaling, Great Wall (八达岭长城)
Badaling Great Wall (八达岭长城 02-12-2008)
Badaling Great Wall (八达岭长城 02-12-2008) Badaling Great Wall (八达岭长城 08-24-2015) Badaling Great Wall (八达岭长城 08-24-2015) Badaling Great Wall (八达岭长城 09-30-1999)
Hero Slope @ Badaling Great Wall (八达岭长城·好汉坡 09-30-1999)
Badaling Great Wall (八达岭长城 08-24-2015) Badaling Great Wall (八达岭长城 08-24-2015)
Yashan Mountains in Distance (远处为燕山山脉 08-24-2015) Crosslinks(相关博文): China(出游中国) 6th Grade(初中一年级) |